New Grower Second Grow: Amnesia Haze AF, Viparspectra600w LED, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsii Seedlings

Thank you for the tag brother, and congrats on a rocking start!
Subbed up for this one and will come by every now and then to check on it :smoking:

Best of luck and I can`t wait to see what you can do with it! :pass:

Just a though that I had: the draining holes on your pot are located where the pot touches the ground, and should be slightly blocked by simply standing on the ground. Would it help the drain to elevate the drain holes by, for example, elevate the pot from the draining tray with something like a non-slip pad?
Thank you for the tag brother, and congrats on a rocking start!
Subbed up for this one and will come by every now and then to check on it :smoking:

Best of luck and I can`t wait to see what you can do with it! :pass:

Just a though that I had: the draining holes on your pot are located where the pot touches the ground, and should be slightly blocked by simply standing on the ground. Would it help the drain to elevate the drain holes by, for example, elevate the pot from the draining tray with something like a non-slip pad?
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Hey brother, thanks for subn up, appreciate that! :D

Yeah, I was able to put some raised rectangular blocks underneath, so all should be good there. I appreciate you mentioning that man, I almost had forgotten and overlooked that. :d5::thumbsup:

Also when I was at lowes grabbing that pot I forgot to grab one of those square trays for underneath lol, so going to have to run back up there to grab one. :D
I appreciate you mentioning that man, I almost had forgotten and overlooked that. :d5::thumbsup:

Also when I was at lowes grabbing that pot I forgot to grab one of those square trays for underneath lol, so going to have to run back up there to grab one. :D

No problem at all buddy, it just caught my eye :d5:
Yeah man, those drain trais might not seem like much, but it`s a bitch to start out without it. It`s just too much mess :help:
Another pic with a bit moar growth :smoking::vibe::coffee:

Cheers guys and gals :D

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Aaaaand we`re off! Looking forward to see the growth man!
I got some new girls in water as well, so I`ll be growing along with you man :highfive:
On a sidenote, the lophophoras are gaining a little bit of headway - the small tuffs of hair are starting to develop more, the distinct buttons/sections developing more fully, very very small developments. Also it's put on a tiny bit of size. 3 going on 4 months old. :D

Day 4

Just fed RO water, didn't exactly measure, I like to think that I have a decent sense of feel when it comes to the stages of canna and watering. Same soil mix as the blue mystic so I'll probably go 2 weeks or a few days past that before I introduce 1/4 strength ff grow big, some ff bigbloom [supplemental] and probably start 1/2 strength calmag along too.

Lookin pretty :smoking::cooldance::drunks:

**I have LED, though I have a mobile fluoro light for visual inspection.
