New Grower Second Grow: Amnesia Haze AF, Viparspectra600w LED, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsii Seedlings

Coming up to 2 weeks here in a day or so. Watered the pot fully today til slight runoff - same mix of 1tsp 1-0-0 calmag and 4tblsp ff bigbloom. Probably by next watering or so I'll switch over to adding 1/4 strength ff growbig then go from there n see what happens. :smoking:

Nice clean setup Mr. P. But then again i wouldn't expect anything less.
How is the heat in your room?

Thanks man :]

The heat during the days usually stays within 75-78F, rH is around 40-50%. The pic above shows less temp and rH because I'd opened it and was messing around. The basement temperature is around 66-68F, so definitely don't have to worry about heat issues.

Cheers brother :d5::cheers::bighug:
Thanks man :]

The heat during the days usually stays within 75-78F, rH is around 40-50%. The pic above shows less temp and rH because I'd opened it and was messing around. The basement temperature is around 66-68F, so definitely don't have to worry about heat issues.

Cheers brother :d5::cheers::bighug:
looks great. :drool::pass: