New Grower Second Grow: Amnesia Haze AF, Viparspectra600w LED, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsii Seedlings

Hey hey guys n gals

10 going on 11 days old. 78F/48% RH.

Started giving 4tblspn per gal of FF BigBloom and 1 tsp per gal of 1-0-0 CalMag, and all before this was just RO water. Finally got the tent moved downstairs and all set up, sooo pumped about that, also got the whole carbon filter setup put in finally, procrastinated soo bad with putting it up lol, but it's up now and all in all I'm happy :smoking::vibe:

She looks happy overall, nothing out of the ordinary. Trying to not intervene too much and keep it as simple as possible. Probably around 2.5 weeks I'll introduce 1/4 strength FF GrowBig and up it gradually as long as things permit. I just wanted to get things going with the BigBloom [to give her a little' somethin] and ease into giving GrowBig coming up here, because the FF OF is pretty loaded as is. [though going to stay steady on the CalMag since my main issue last time was calcium def].



Looking good! Keep it up!
Are you going for LST or SCROG or just let the plant grow naturally?

Hey thank you!

I'm sorry I forgot to mention - I'm going to do LST again as I did with the Blue Mystic. This time I'm going to start tying down a tad bit earlier versus last time.

Cheers brother :d5::pass::cheers:
No I don't, but thanks for bringing that up haha, didn't even think of that.. :d5:

I'll take a look around I'm sure I have something laying around I can use. Thanks again
I use some of the rigid foam insulation foam the hardware store. Its easy to cut to size, durable , easy to ckean. I put it inside the tent on the floor.