New Grower second auto grow mainline experiment

Yep some of girls look like yours and one way worse I believe it to be my lights aswell trying to fix it but some of my leaves are toast!!!

well i was talking to some fellows in the infirmary section and talk about making a stupid mistake. i use a potting mix, its actually pro mix organic moisture mix. not a seed starting mix like i stated earlier. long story short i thought i was growing with soil so was ranging my ph to 6.5 for a soil grow. i didnt realize that pro mix is a soiless mix and apparently is supposed to have a ph range of 5.8 - 6.2. so although my water runoff was reading at 6.2 to 6.3 there pretty sure the actual ph of my potting mix is higher then that and most likly causing nutrient lockout. so it just got flushed yet again,lol. with another 6 litres of water phd at 5.8 and then ran another 2 litres of new nute mix also phd at 5.8. so now all i can do is wait and see if things improve. i cat believe i made that mistake. i just always assumed when they talked about soiless mixes they were refering to hydro and pure coco,lol. never dawned on me. so now i have to be sure that i ph the water and feed for my cheese seedling at 5.8 as well. if that seedling doesnt survive then im just going to go buy some actual soil mix. and any grows from now own will be in actual soil. i like having a larger ph range to work with as a noob,lol. so it probably had nothing at all to do with my lights,lol. and now i b ought a larger tent for nothing ha ha, oh well guess i can grow larger plants at least, ha ha.
ill keep the updates rolling in for better or worse.
well i was talking to some fellows in the infirmary section and talk about making a stupid mistake. i use a potting mix, its actually pro mix organic moisture mix. not a seed starting mix like i stated earlier. long story short i thought i was growing with soil so was ranging my ph to 6.5 for a soil grow. i didnt realize that pro mix is a soiless mix and apparently is supposed to have a ph range of 5.8 - 6.2. so although my water runoff was reading at 6.2 to 6.3 there pretty sure the actual ph of my potting mix is higher then that and most likly causing nutrient lockout. so it just got flushed yet again,lol. with another 6 litres of water phd at 5.8 and then ran another 2 litres of new nute mix also phd at 5.8. so now all i can do is wait and see if things improve. i cat believe i made that mistake. i just always assumed when they talked about soiless mixes they were refering to hydro and pure coco,lol. never dawned on me. so now i have to be sure that i ph the water and feed for my cheese seedling at 5.8 as well. if that seedling doesnt survive then im just going to go buy some actual soil mix. and any grows from now own will be in actual soil. i like having a larger ph range to work with as a noob,lol. so it probably had nothing at all to do with my lights,lol. and now i b ought a larger tent for nothing ha ha, oh well guess i can grow larger plants at least, ha ha.
ill keep the updates rolling in for better or worse.

That sounds about right yeh. And remember, the actual value of your run-off at 6.3 would really be around 6.5. At least in soil it's like that, not sure about soilless.

Thats why i bought plagron soil with ferts for 6 weeks :coffee2:
All i have done is put them in the soil and drop them some water every now and then.
It's a little unpredictable in terms of nutrient balance etc, but that can be easily fixed with some soil amendments.

Good luck on the recovery man!
That sounds about right yeh. And remember, the actual value of your run-off at 6.3 would really be around 6.5. At least in soil it's like that, not sure about soilless.

Thats why i bought plagron soil with ferts for 6 weeks :coffee2:
All i have done is put them in the soil and drop them some water every now and then.
It's a little unpredictable in terms of nutrient balance etc, but that can be easily fixed with some soil amendments.

Good luck on the recovery man!

thanks, im hoping things will recover alright, time will tell. perhaps ill have to invest in a soil ph meter, if i can find a decont one. only ones ive really seen are like 10 bucks and i hear there not that geat so never bought one. but perhaps it wouldbe better then nothing,lol.
thanks, im hoping things will recover alright, time will tell. perhaps ill have to invest in a soil ph meter, if i can find a decont one. only ones ive really seen are like 10 bucks and i hear there not that geat so never bought one. but perhaps it wouldbe better then nothing,lol.

Haha i bought one of those at my local garden center for like 3 bucks... threw it in the trash after a few days :thumbsup:
Yeah lol apparently I was informed there garbage LOL. Looks like I'll have to get one that's a little bit higher quality
well hello again to all watching this thread or just popping in to check it out. i thought id wait a bit before doing another update until i had all my little issues resolved with my plant. good news! everything is back in sync now and the kush ryder is starting to show healthy new growth and spirited stance!. she sure got stunted and probably wont be yielding much. but its still chugging along. its a shame i made the goof up i did since its really going to effect my experiment with my mainlining. but oh well any bud is good bud, ha ha. i cant remember how old my akr is but im guessing its got a few weeks or so left before harvest. ill just chop it when its ready.
now as for my new girl that i planted, the canuk seeds auto cheese is looking great and healthy. it really grew a lot over the past couple days. ph is in perfect range and im giving very light nute waterings just to break it in. last watering was .5ml/l. next watrering in a couple days will also be at the .5ml/l and after that ill probably slowly start to incresase as to plants needs. and will adjust accordingley. its currently 13 days old. im not sure yet as to what im going to do for training, im debating if i should top it or just try letting it grow naturally with perhaps some light lst for canopy growth. since its only in a one gallon pot im not sure how tall it would get growing naturally, so ill just have to wait andf see.

im going to be putting together my slightly larger and taller grow tent soon and will transfer everything over into it. that should allow me roughly 2.5 or 3 feet of grow height for future grows, give or take. i have some dutch passion think different seeds on the way for my next grow. so stay tuned for that when the time comes. until i harvest the akr this will continue to be a dual grow thread. once harvested i think i might creat a new thread for the auto chese grow. so keep a lookout for it. but ill update on here the change and try to link to it later.

Any way heres a few pics of the akr currently as well as the auto cheese.

with DP td on the way keep the big tent reserved they known to get big.
good luck n keep er lit.
with DP td on the way keep the big tent reserved they known to get big.
good luck n keep er lit.

Yeah I've noticed they tend to get larger. I just got new tent put together yesterday. Just have to transfer light and ventilation system into it. My kush Ryder experiment plant will probably be ready to chop in 3 or 4 weeks. Then I'll wait out the completion of the auto cheese. After that then I'll single grow the td in a 3 gallon pot.