New Grower Second Auto Grow - Crop King Seeds - Early Miss & White Widow


Jul 24, 2018
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Hi everyone, with how helpful reading through ton's of journal's on this site was I figured I should start one up myself even though I'm already weeks into this grow. After a somewhat disappointing first auto grow I fired the tent back up again right away and dropped some freebie seeds I received from Crop King Seeds.

Here are the 2 strains I'm running;

Early Miss - Day 41 - Sprouted 9/18/2018
White Widow - Day 26 - Sprouted 10/3/2018

Here are the details

3 x 3 tent
Pro-MIx HP
400W CF Grow - Cree CXB 3590 High Intensity Full Spectrum Cob Led Grow Lamp

Feeding routine was modeled after A-Train's schedule with the substitution of Green Planet over AN on a few items including the base nutes.

Here are some photos, I didn't take many in the beginning weeks however I will keep this journal updated with new pics moving forward.

Early Miss - Day 9


Early Miss - Day 33


Early Miss - Day 33
White Widow - Day 18


Early Miss - Day 36
White Widow - Day 21


Early Miss - Day 41 - Today


Early Miss - Day 41 - Today
White Widow - Day 26 - Today


White Widow - Day 26 - Today

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Today I spread our the Early Miss a bit with some ties. All I've done so far on her has been leaf tucking and defoliation. She's been really bushy and slow to flower. There are a couple pistols here and there however not what I would expect for day 41. At this stage the White Widow is showing more flowering than the Early Miss. She's also been quite short and stocky, measuring just over 12" as of now. I am wondering if I had too much light intensity stalling the stretch, or if she's just a late bloomer and there is more stretch to come. With the limited signs of flowering I'm hoping for the latter. I actually starter her on bloom nutes 2 feeds ago however think I might go back to veg nutes hoping she will grow still. Not sure if this is smart or not.

The white widow on the other hand has exploded the last 4 or 5 days. Around day 14 I tried pony tailing a couple times and have also leaf tucked with some minor defoliation. Like mentioned previously she is showing more advanced flowering than the much older EM. I'm thinking she's hit her stretch drive and hope to see some vertical growth soon. You can see she's quickly catching up in height to her sister.

All that said, these are much healthier than my first 2 auto's by far. My first 2 plants were severely undersized with low yields, so i'm nervous about the height of the EM so far. I see so many 2-1/2'+ plants on this site I can't help but be somewhat concerned.

Anyways those are some random thought's going on at the moment, please feel free to jump aboard and chime in with any comments. The more the merrier, cheers

PS: Just tagging a few people who have helped me along the way so far @Rev. Green Genes @Waira @912GreenSkell
They look pretty nice, I'm liking the LST. They are a little short but I don't think they are over the stretch. How far do you keep your lights and what temps ? Have you been using cal mag ?
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They look pretty nice all and all, a little short but I don't think they are over the stretch. How far do you keep your lights and what temps ? Have you been using cal mag ?

Thanks for your reply @MesaBoogie , that's what I'm thinking, they look healthy just stout. Well, the EM at least, I am thinking the WW might blow up soon. My lights are about 33" away at the moment. 18/6 light cycle. I have a PAR meter so was going off on a post A-Train made a while ago, however I am a bit more conservative than the numbers he gave. I am using approx 250 PPFD for seedlings, 350-450 PPFD right now going into flower. He was 400 in seedlings stage and 600-700 in stretch. I would push it to his numbers if they weren't so short.

Temps in the tent range from 74-82f. I introduced Calmag at the end of week 3
Hey, if height gets out of control consider supercrop redirection

Thanks @912GreenSkell for checking in. I hope to have that issue here, unfortunately I have the opposite...they are short.

I actually used your guide to assist in super cropping my other tent (long story, I have another tent with my first Photo grow going right now as well. Just finished week 4 of flower). They were stretching way too much after I flipped to 12/12 so I leveled pretty much all the main branches with super cropping. I let them veg way too long as at first I just had one tent and wanted to finish my first round of auto's before flipping the lights. They have bounced back well, here's a photo from earlier today.

That's a pretty nice group of ladies you got going on there !
Thanks @912GreenSkell for checking in. I hope to have that issue here, unfortunately I have the opposite...they are short.

I actually used your guide to assist in super cropping my other tent (long story, I have another tent with my first Photo grow going right now as well. Just finished week 4 of flower). They were stretching way too much after I flipped to 12/12 so I leveled pretty much all the main branches with super cropping. I let them veg way too long as at first I just had one tent and wanted to finish my first round of auto's before flipping the lights. They have bounced back well, here's a photo from earlier today.

View attachment 966723

Ahh sorry...sometimes i need to read a bit closer i guess!!

Wow those are looking great bud!! Nice even canopy!!
You know, you might just be a little overwhelmed. I could take a lady or 2 to help a guy out if ya like . You know, help clear a little space in that packed tent.
That's a pretty nice group of ladies you got going on there !

Thanks @MesaBoogie ! It's been a struggle but wow have a learned a ton so far. I was gifted a single plant from a friend of mine (Super Silver Haze CBD) and I had it outside, then inside. I cloned it just to play around and ended up with the mother and 4 clones flowering in that 5x5. I'm currently at war with some Thirps in that tent however that issue has greatly improved and looks to be greatly diminished.

Ahh sorry...sometimes i need to read a bit closer i guess!!

Wow those are looking great bud!! Nice even canopy!!

Thanks to your guide @912GreenSkell I was super nervous at first but once I had a few bent I didn't want to stop! Much easier than I thought it would be for sure