Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Wind was rip roaring last night all f'ing night!! Even stronger than yesterday!! One broken secondary branch on Atomic and another one on the fruity chronic juice...both repaired i hope. They held up much better than the Aug 18th storm last season that literally split the frisian duck in two as well as a loss of a main branch and 5-6 secondary branches on the DP Blueberry.
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Its like 700 posts, it wasnt a small diary... and the girls, shit. 2-3-4 pounds? Its not plants, its trees. Cannabis-trees. And this is a bad summer? Yeah, looks like a very bad summer! Awesome growing man! :slap:
Its like 700 posts, it wasnt a small diary... and the girls, shit. 2-3-4 pounds? Its not plants, its trees. Cannabis-trees. And this is a bad summer? Yeah, looks like a very bad summer! Awesome growing man! :slap:
hahaha...i said i didn't like the summer...didn't say the plants weren't coping okay!! ;) :D
Yee haa!! A few more weeks to go!!!!


Yep, yep...not long to go on a couple now!! Still a ways to go on most..........

How is your Blue Widow doing, I have a Blue Widow doing amazing in a huge smart pot here at 42°N. Going to be a great early October.

Blue widow is doing very well...monster of a plant for location, and starting to put some flower on now. Nice smell incoming...got any pics of your by chance?