Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

And the final Conclusion of the autos...Dinafem AWW XXL...awesome i have to say!! Looking forward to growing one or even 2 next season!!



And the finale....as i guessed long ago DP AWW CBD was the highest yield of the limited light garden pulling 40 grams....was hoping for an ounce and a bit, and its exactly what i got!! All destined for tincture..kind of loose bud but that comes with the very limited light...she is a stinker!! I get a certain fuel type of smell in it...smoked its a very calming toke, solid for anti anxiety even uncured!

I noticed the AWW was very very sticky in resin, one of the few plants i was able to take to a complete finish, she coped very well against mold!!
Okay so the autos are fully finished now...here is my final thoughts from this season.

The following wont be run again outdoors due to proneness to molding in my conditions...Glueberry, Cherry bomb, Nashira and DP AWW. All 4 had to be chopped early and made for a brutal trim having to peel back every layer of every but to make sure no mold got through. A shame as all 4 are all awesome toke even chopped way early.

Partial Sun
DP AWW CBD surprised me quite a bit being mold resistant in the harsh conditions and pulling the best yield of the 4 partial sun autos. 40 G's in a location with 8 hours of sun is pretty decent in my eyes. As long as the DP AWW CBD performs well in tincture for my nerve pain and sleep i will have one growing in the full sun garden next season for sure. I bet it would do well there, especially if the season is nicer.
DP Cindy Jack also did very well in the limited light pulling a nice 30g's and the crystal count was off the charts. Only 2-3 mold specks throughout the plant, very good considering. Very potent for sure. Regrow in full sun next season.
DP Brooklyn Sunrise - Hmmm she did terrible in the location, but the fuel stinking toke is awesome, despite there being zero trimmable bud. I am regrowing again next season in the full sun garden....the toke is awesome again, and last year it was my favorite.

Full Sun
Cream Mandarin did really well....i was worried she was going to turn into a mold fest every day, but she never got it really bad. Smells resin and buzz are all awesome...regrow full sun.
Moby Dick XXL also did well...she had a rough start not liking th cold early temps and struggled, but in the end she turned out amazing...very strong hazy smoke. I like it....likely regrow.
Bloody Skunk.....i cant believe a 38" plant yielded 21 grams....ouch...hurting amount of flower, she just couldnt put any real flower in the harsh dark rainy skied weather. No outdoor regrow. Awesome purple colour, but i despise purple with potential mold conditions!! Just too hard to see the problems!!

And the champ of the season is by far AWW XXL by dinafem...stellar smoke, great looking buds, monster plant, minimal mold, and double the next best yield at 138 grams dry. This same plant on a nice year would have yielded HUGE!! Might have had the potential to outdo my Auto Ultimate from last season if the season was nice and sunny instead of 35 of the first 45 days raining.
What happened to the Brooklyn sunrise? Did it mold? I must of missed it? But zero trimmable bud ??
Though last year it did well with mold.
Thank's for the detailed report.

Peace GG

It never made any real bud....just a whole mess of fine sticks with calyx's.....only auto with zero mold, but also zero real flower as well!!

How long Dinafem WW XXL takes?

I took her to around 77 days...could have went close to another week if i was into pushing it, but didnt want to risk mold.
All I can say is look at the stalk on that plant. It looks more like a small tree.

AWW XXL is the Auto White Widow ? Nice haul from one plant and a bad season. How much water would a AWW need in flower per day?
All I can say is look at the stalk on that plant. It looks more like a small tree.

AWW XXL is the Auto White Widow ? Nice haul from one plant and a bad season. How much water would a AWW need in flower per day?

Hey thanks bud!
I was feeding the AWW XXL only 4 liters of feed every 3-4 days...nothing too heavy this season. On a nice hot year i would have pusher her harder for sure.

@Waira - hey bud...i gave another soil drench/foliar feed a few days ago, and since then the think fast is looking better. I now believe thats exactly what is happening...the continuous breakdown of the lime is sucking the boron out of the soil. Question....could this continue to negatively affect into next season?
Day 135....going okay here....it seems most are into preflower and i get to wipe a touch of sweat off my brow. Season ends on october 15th, if they arent preflowering by now i am in trouble, so its good that all of the plants are in early preflower at least. On a terrible october i can only let them go until the 1st which means early chops...hoping it doesn't come to that!!

Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel is huge for location, and filling in well, not much stink or crystal yet, but looking great. One of the largest frames i have grown in the location. Very difficult to get nice pics, especially with the black raspberries that are perfect colour camo. Chair on the right

Flowering well!! Another mid sept harvest.

Looking under the canopy reveals quite the branching system, fairly clean of under formed shoots.

This is definitely the largest frame i have grown in this specific hole, Bomb Seeds Widowbomb. Trained through the fence she is taking up lots of space. Easily 6 feet across

Front view through the fence...branches stacked like firewood!! ;) :D

Yeah its game on

And finally last not not least Dinafems Blue Widow...doing amazing in the cramped quarters...just getting bigger, and i just keep tying her down!! Almost impossible to get great pics of her with the background. 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Most branches 5.5 feet and the two main tips are 6 feet tall. Nice branching system.

Had a bugger of a time getting a good shot where i see more than one set of hairs...oh well.

While i was at the base of the Blue Widow i can across a predator!! I looked over and wham, inches away was this albino raptor

As i snapped the first pic it got curious with the sound of the camera, and came in for a closer look!

Feeling a bit jittery, i lost my steeled nerve and ran for it!! Fortunately i was able to get away. The locals tell me that they are indeed fierce predators, but fortunately only for insects like Japanese Beetles. Anyone else ever been treed by a chicken?? :D :D :D

Hahahaha have a great one everybody!!
re- fence training....i would totally dig a fenced in cube surrounding the main stalk around 3 feet wide X 30" tall.....would have some awesome control over branching direction....like a scrog but side control too. I like it...might be something to try out next year.
re- fence training....i would totally dig a fenced in cube surrounding the main stalk around 3 feet wide X 30" tall.....would have some awesome control over branching direction....like a scrog but side control too. I like it...might be something to try out next year.
Interesting idea. I like it!

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