Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

:woody: :spels: Oooh how I love sun glistening beauties! It kills me that I'm months away still- :rofl:... digging the purple highlights coming in on them my friend,... how cool are your nights right now? They all look damn good GS, especially considering the crap weather this season! All this, and no 18-24 hours of light, regular cool temps/big cycling of,... makes you wonder sometimes! :greenthumb::wiz:
... not surprised Nashira is first across the line... how's her aroma? Any mango in their? I think NW used Sugar Mango Ryder as a parent,... I grew one before, very frosty, nice fruity aroma, but not mango per se,.. he selected for it though I believe,... :biggrin:- yup, CM is notorious for super resinous dense bud! .... Cherry Bomb, any namesake aroma there? ... the BSk, I think the purple kush in there can do that at times,.. I grew Buddha's PK out, and she never made shit for bud,.. but I'm surprised with Sweets hybridizing, this is still showing? :shrug: outdoors doesn't seem to make the best bud with them,... no prob's ID's that's for sure! ... aWW is a champ :headbang:- that DP strain shows strongly all the time from what I've seen,....... Sour girls I think suffered the lack of light + bad weather, makes for less bud building,... veg'ing is one thing, but bloom...:deadhorse: resources just weren't there,...
Photo' girls are stellar! :d5: Without a doubt, your GP is a slightly different pheno', those leaves are way more skinny than what I've seen as the usual; I wonder if it'll show in the aroma too :eyebrows: .... Atomic looks great staked up like that, good call,.. I think the buds will overwhelm her stems otherwise,... TF is officially over it man, no bitching about her anymore- :rofl:
.... yeah, the B can be reduced to a round or two more until harvest,.. whatever the reason for her higher demand vs. the others-- lack of, poor uptake, whatever, keeping some to spare around would be wise,... Cl is an odd one, but true, it's a micronute! ... my old buddy Astro' used to include the occasional 1/4 tsp sea salt in his feed regime.... :thumbsup:
... Si is amazing huh! the toughness will also really show in the dried bud when you pull some apart,... there's no getting out of their "system" GS, it's incorporated into cell walls mainly, and there it stays,.. you can reduce or quit using it now, but the new bud forming may have some loss of mold resistance,.. since you're in actual native soil, there very likely some Si in there already, so reducing it to small doses toward the end, and quitting a week or two before harvest should be fine,...plenty residual in the soil! Any chance you found Actinovate or an equivalent? Not too late to foliar some of that on, a bio=weapon against the mold,... rain will wash some of it into bud insides too, I imagine,...

:woohoo1: :vibe: :woohoo1: phattening up very nicely my friend, great to hear you got presex on GP at last! I think the rest will follow soon :dancer:

The leaves on the Bloody Skunk went pale yellow 2-3 days ago,,, and by last night the are 80% purple!! What a transformation!! She will be getting the chop along with nashira next week. Still havent scoped her but sometimes you just know. Night havent been too bad at all...not much under 10C at all.
Nashira does have a nice fruity smell, but more berry like than mango i think. Will get a really good sniff next time i am down there.
Really quite impressed with mandarin...nice bud forming and great smell. Ive grown one indoor cherry bomb and she had more of a citrus smell and flavour, but i am proud to say that both of the outdoor cherry bombs (especially the full sun garden one) definitely do have a cherry like scent...excited!! Also crossing finger the delicious seeds fruity chronic juice has the cherry smell i had the first year i grew her out.
I have to do some research on actinovate...i am always leery putting anything on my bud.
Haha yeah i hope think fast is back in the race!! I actualy thought i saw some more twisted leave last night when i was briefly looking...keeping a close eye out.

Thanks for the comments bud.
Actinovate is a bacterial fungal killer mate, so no worries about that,... the plants, us, the fence post-- all covered in microbes as is! :rofl: .... Ahhh, super stoked to hear the aromatics are true to name with Cherry,... Only one I've ever had that was legit (to my nose at least) is Detroit Lean, and SaH cross from a while back,... I hope the aromatics stay put after dry/cure,.. I hear that Strawberry Cough/Fields is a real challenge to keep their strawberry-ish aromas, heat being a big time enemy,...
.... Dude, my TF is in blow-up mode, she's pulling ahead of the others currently! :headbang:
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Actinovate is a bacterial fungal killer mate, so no worries about that,... the plants, us, the fence post-- all covered in microbes as is! :rofl: .... Ahhh, super stoked to hear the aromatics are true to name with Cherry,... Only one I've ever had that was legit (to my nose at least) is Detroit Lead, and SaH cross from a while back,... I hope the aromatics stay put after dry/cure,.. I hear that Strawberry Cough/Fields is a real challenge to keep their strawberry-ish aromas, heat being a big time enemy,...
.... Dude, my TF is in blow-up mode, she's pulling ahead of the others currently! :headbang:

I admit i am still behind the times with all of the stuff you can get now!! I just had a peak...holy! $60 for 2oz? Damn and i though a ph meter at $120 was overpriced!!

I'd love to try strawberry cough...i love the idea of strawberry. Yeah only smelt cherry once in the fruity chronic, and damn it was amazing. Fingers crossed!! Really psyched that my big cherry bomb is cherry smelling. I cleared my mind, closed my eyes and took a big sniff yesterday and damn...definitely cherry smelling. :D Very excited!!

Detroit lead...hmmm not familiar with that strain!

Great to hear about your think fast kicking ass!!

Oh yeah...i did take in everything you said about the silica...i will just ease off it a bit for the rest of their time.
..oops, I mean Detroit Lean- :rofl: ... SaH was here before you, a private breeder who made some very good crosses,... I think Cherry Slyder was part of the parentage, and DL is a semi-auto? Stickman has the beans,...:eyebrows:
...Huh, that's crazy $$ for 2oz,... wonder if it's a Canada thing? ..googling it here shows about $20,...
... :smoking: have you painted the stem bases with the sulfur wash yet?
..oops, I mean Detroit Lean- :rofl: ... SaH was here before you, a private breeder who made some very good crosses,... I think Cherry Slyder was part of the parentage, and DL is a semi-auto? Stickman has the beans,...:eyebrows:
...Huh, that's crazy $$ for 2oz,... wonder if it's a Canada thing? ..googling it here shows about $20,...
... :smoking: have you painted the stem bases with the sulfur wash yet?

Oh right!! SaH i do recall looking at his stuff and considering getting some to try. I even started a "favorite strains" thread in his category, but nobody commented on it really, so i kept looking. Price was on ebay..$40+20 ship to can...have to look locally.
You have some amazing pictures 912. I did daiquiri lime and auto ultimates. The only ones worth my time are the ones in the 10 gallon pots. Those ones are about 1 meter tall with micro side leaves going up the main stem. They are showing signs of flowering though. I won't be using 5 gallon bags again on autos. They are half the size of the ones in the 10 gallon and that's not saying much. Your plants are so lush and thick. It's not the end of the world though. I'll still get something I am hoping. Dry as hell here though so watering is a problem for me. My water buckets are starting to run out of water. No rain at all this month.
You have some amazing pictures 912. I did daiquiri lime and auto ultimates. The only ones worth my time are the ones in the 10 gallon pots. Those ones are about 1 meter tall with micro side leaves going up the main stem. They are showing signs of flowering though. I won't be using 5 gallon bags again on autos. They are half the size of the ones in the 10 gallon and that's not saying much. Your plants are so lush and thick. It's not the end of the world though. I'll still get something I am hoping. Dry as hell here though so watering is a problem for me. My water buckets are starting to run out of water. No rain at all this month.

Hey bud...have a peak at trainanimals greenhouse grow...unbelievable how big his are getting consider his smaller pots.
And an overdue update...taken between rains in the partial sun garden. Photos at day 101, autos day 70.

First the photos Cream Caramel
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Widowbomb, trained her left arms through the fence.
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Dinafem Blue widow...getting big! 2 Main tips trained 5 feet tall.
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Tossed a tiger lily in the pic for good measure
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And onto the sour soil autos...some doing okay, some not okay in the limited light. Meh...all is good

First the batch of 4
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Cherry Bomb...doing okay...getting pounded by slugs this very wet season. I should have done something about that long ago. :D
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DP AWW CBD. Doing the best out of the lot of sour soil autos.
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Ouch...DP Brooklyn Sunrise didnt like the limited light and dark skies combo...and the mini slugs gave her a beatdown. Looks like alot of bud in the pics, but its not...very, very airy. So sad!
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Finally the cinderella jack from DP. Amazing crystal and awesome smell. Decent main cola. Looking forward to trying this one out. Largest plant of the batch. If the toke is as good as it looks this plant might hit the full sun garden next season.
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Scary weather, those big photos sure look dense, been checking the base of the plants for you know what? Damn slugs!, all I can say about that.
Sour Soil Crystal Closeups...ive decided this is the end..running water from here on out on these plants. No mold, but then again bud never formed enough to get dense.
Cherry Bomb
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Cindy Jack
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Brooklyn Sunrise
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This just solidifies my statement that if you grow an auto poorly in the beginning and give it far less than ideal conditions throughout most of its life, the end result will be lacking.
The silver lining though, or should I say, the crystal lining........no M