Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

One thing I can say is that the plants I put in 5 gallon bags are much smaller in size than the ones I put in 10 gallon bags.

Not a surprise...at least not for strain that have the capability to use the extra root base

And a mini update from before yet another hammer down rain storm...i went out after the storm and shook out excess water from the bud.

Think Fast

Bomb Atomic is getting really nice!!

DP Glueberry is going to be a solid bud at 28" tall...every secondary branch is filling in extremely well except for two smaller branches are a bit sparse

And Portal Nashira is coming along very well...not too much longer on this honey! 27" main stalk...ran out of cal mag and she is showing it with some magnesium deficiency.

And cherry bomb is doing just amazing. 31"tall and 28" wide

she will have a 17" main cola

every side branch will be a 12" or better cola.

And the biggest cola this season will be the Dinafem AWW...almost formed her main cola is almost 24" long!! Pics of the rest of the autos after a few days.
Epsom salts, and crushed egg shells buddy.
There ain't no cal mag around here.

I don't think you got much to worry about tho man. (smiley face, chuckel)

EDIT; nearly peeing myself to see your WW bud pic. That 17" incher was pretty impressive.
It is fun to watch masters at work.
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rain for 2 days now, with high winds today...calling for another 2...nasty temps too at 14C high today....come on summer!! :D Crossing fingers the silica makes them bulletproof...so far its definitely proving its worth and effectiveness!! Not a spec of mold at all.

A few thing from today as i was shaking excess water out of auto buds. Holy does the Glueberry smell awesome all of the sudden!! Kind of a menthol minty with a hint of fruit...very, very interesting and appealing. Excellent crystal caking the bud all around.

Damn is the DP AWW filling in nice and crystal is really fantastic.

Sweet Bloody Skunk....umm all of the sudden her fans are losing their colour, but i am almost certain its not a fertilizer problem...could she be on her way to finished already? If so ouch...hurting yield from her, she really struggled to pack flower on with consistant dark skies. Will get the scope out tomorrow, and stop silica ferts.

Cream Mandarin Xl is filling out great and smells exceptional...really excited for this one!!

AWW XXL - a fruity scent is starting, and nice crystal as well. Excited!

Thanks for popping by guys!! Will hit your comments tomorrow when my internet data resets.
Here we go with a full blown full sun garden update!! First the photos...3 of 4 doing excellent with the think fast still struggling a bit.
Day 98 Sweet Green Poison

Fruity Chronic Juice (top of the post is 4'6")

Atomic Barrage!

And the think fast
And the autos....all doing well!!
First a couple of overview pics...first showing Cream Mandarin Xl, then Sweet Bloody Skunk, Then Cherry Bomb and Finally Nashira

And the 2 AWW, Dinafem XXL in foreground and DP in the background
Okay individual auto pics. All at day 56

Dinafem aww XXL

Wicked 24" main cola


Cherry Bomb

Sweet Bloody Skunk

Not much bud but awesome colour!!

Cream Mandarin XL

Nice crystal and smell awesome

Moby Dick XXL


Finally DP Glueberry...filling in like crazy!!
