Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

@912GreenSkell You are kickin arce man.
That Dina Mobydick is ridiculous.....you could....
Already thinking about next year...Dina Critical 2.0...

Thanks bud!! Actually the ridiculous plant of the group is the AWW XXL, with the two sweet plants being very close in size. All 3 of those tower over the Moby Dick XXL. Cherry bomb is really quite impressive as well. I figured she was going to be fairly small, but she is far from it!!

Oh yeah...i would also be a bit nervous of the Moby...heard a bit about mold susceptibility on the strain..hope not!
I've only grown the auto Green Poison. I certainly like the looks of your photo period! I've got some photo period seeds, I'll have to do some in auto pots sometime soon.

Update!! First of alll...its FINALLY sunny!! Woohoo!!
First up is an overview of the autos at day 49....first the string of 4...closest Sweet Cream Mandarin, 2nd Sweet Bloody Skunk, 3rd Cherry Bomb and finally Nahsira
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Next the 2 Awhite widows..closest dinafem AWWXXL(39") then DPs AWW(30")
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And finally the Dinafem Moby Dick XXL and the DP Glueberry OG
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And 3 crystal highlights so far...DP AWW is packing it on!
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Next up cream mandarin XL...picking up for sure!!
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Dinafems Moby Dick XXL really putting on smell and crystal!!
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Okay and the photo strains. First up is our hurting lady at day 91 DP's think fast....Watered with 1tsp per gallon of borox for the boron deficiency on think fast. Also foliar fed with a bit less than 1/2tsp per gallon. Hope that fixes her right up!! Now she has diminished size...dagnabbit!! Oh well shit happens!! And if it never does, you aren't toking enough!! :D
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Okay and the other 3 that are doing awesome...first up is the Sweet Seeds Green Poison
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Next Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice
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And wowsers...Bomb Seeds Atomic...did some more training
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Hope everyone is doing well!!
I've only grown the auto Green Poison. I certainly like the looks of your photo period! I've got some photo period seeds, I'll have to do some in auto pots sometime soon.

Theres lots of guys that love the green poison...heard many good things about the medical qualities of the smoke as well.

Alrighty!! A bit overdue on this update...here are the partial sun garden plants.

First up the 3 photos all on day 94...cream caramel is doing amazing....rocking out nice and wide

Put a chair in for scale

Bombs WidowBomb is also doing great...not as big as the caramel, but i dont have the space to train her as much either

Damn dinafems Blue Widow sure has gotten to be a fair size!! Highest limb tips are level with the 4 foot fence now. Now must train to keep stealth intact.

And the auto batch...pretty much a mess of who is who now in the pics :D

So i took some individual pics! Hmmm...not sure how old there are now...somewhere around day 62 (crazy how all of them were held back so much in flower advancement!!) 3 of 4 are on the level at 28" main stalks and brooklyn sunrise is at 29".

DP AWW CBD - seems to be filling in the best in the limited light


String bean cherry bomb...never really developed much side branching

Cindy Jack...bugs really like her though, as well as cherry bomb

Hell of a crystal count though!!

And finally the brooklyn sunrise...though the first to flower she is struggling putting any bud on in the limited light

Excellent crystal though!

I must be doing something wrong with my DP autos because they look nothing like yours. I have a main stem and then the two leaves going up the main stem 3 or 4 times. Nothing bushy like what you have. Good job 912!
stick up a thread or give us a quick run down of your set up some one might have some tips for you help you out mate :pass:
I believe I put my DP daiquiri limes and auto ultimates outside around June 1 and had grown them inside under lights for 2 weeks before that. The auto ultimates have started to flower. The biggest ones Auto Ultimates are 1 meter tall but just a straight main branch and several little pairs of leaves going up to the top of that branch. Can I ask if you are doing LST to make yours so bushy?
I believe I put my DP daiquiri limes and auto ultimates outside around June 1 and had grown them inside under lights for 2 weeks before that. The auto ultimates have started to flower. The biggest ones Auto Ultimates are 1 meter tall but just a straight main branch and several little pairs of leaves going up to the top of that branch. Can I ask if you are doing LST to make yours so bushy?

Yep...training outlined in the maximizing autos guide