Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

the challenge is to get a relatively concentrated source, well chelated in there,... I'd use some humic-fulvics along with whatever you use,.. What does the label say, any breakdown of what's specifically in there at the elemental level? kelp likely has B in it, but how much is what I can't find out,.... as for the other lines, I dunno, I don't have their line-up in my head for what's what,... what I like about the Microblast is it's nothing but micro's, most in sulfate form- :thumbsup:,... so, read up what you can on what you have, and try it,.. No doubt some of those lines have a specialty supp' for micro's,... kelp is likely the best, so go foliar and soil with it! Coat leaf bottoms well especially ( more stomata there than upper surface),... best done when lights-on and active, stomata open and transpiring away,...
:wiz: dood, your OD auto's,.. :bow: :spels:

Just had a look on the Green Planet site, but they dont show a pic of the back label where all of the usefull info is..grrr...searching around. Of all the companies listed all i see that has potential is the Green Planet ocean grow....will have to get to the shop asap and get some. Unfortuntely lots of nute choices in this area are limited.
I have no idea where i would get boric acid or borax soap??
simply amazing colors:slap::slap:
....I think I saw a contact lens cleaner at the drug store, basically boric acid,... I see powders too, cheap-$5... borax,... google it mate, boric acid eye wash, and all kinds of stuff comes up,.. likely, some drug store will have some,... my book here says give 1tsp boric acid/gal, same for borax as a soil drench,.. I'd 1/2 that at least for foliar,...
....I think I saw a contact lens cleaner at the drug store, basically boric acid,... I see powders too, cheap-$5... borax,... google it mate, boric acid eye wash, and all kinds of stuff comes up,.. likely, some drug store will have some,... my book here says give 1tsp boric acid/gal, same for borax as a soil drench,.. I'd 1/2 that at least for foliar,...

Again thanks bud...i was telling my wife about the Boron def and borax works as a foliar and soil feed...i knew i recognized Borax, as soon as my wife said "oh i have 2 boxes of that in the cubbard!" :D :D Hahahaha i am such a stoner! :D
Getting out there tomorrow morning for a foliar feed...will go a little less than 1/2 tsp per gallon. Wish me luck! Will let you know what happens.

Ahh during research i found a possible culprit...apparently if you use too much LIme in your soil it can deplete boron...possibly the issue??....and the only thing i can come up with why this is the only plant with any nute problems at all, maybe i went a bit heavy on the lime :shrug:
:smoking: I'm very curious too GS, B defc. is so rare, and what few times (including you) I've felt comfortable even suggesting it, I didn't get feedback on results anyway,... yeah, I saw a couple info bits here and there about how Ca can interfere with B uptake,.. but as a general reference, so who can say how much Ca it takes for that to happen? A distinct possibility though! And the plants themselves can be bitchy,.. I had a Fairybreath last year that went Fe/Zn defc. for weeks, node after node, I barely got older leaves fixed, new stuff always came out symptomatic,... oddly, she grew well enough- :shrug:- but it wasn't until I used the Transport and MicroBlast together that I finally quelled it!
:smoking: I'm very curious too GS, B defc. is so rare, and what few times (including you) I've felt comfortable even suggesting it, I didn't get feedback on results anyway,... yeah, I saw a couple info bits here and there about how Ca can interfere with B uptake,.. but as a general reference, so who can say how much Ca it takes for that to happen? A distinct possibility though! And the plants themselves can be bitchy,.. I had a Fairybreath last year that went Fe/Zn defc. for weeks, node after node, I barely got older leaves fixed, new stuff always came out symptomatic,... oddly, she grew well enough- :shrug:- but it wasn't until I used the Transport and MicroBlast together that I finally quelled it!

Well you will certainly get some feedback from me about it!! Starting tomorrow...how often should i apply do you think...is it a good idea to stick with foliar only, or perhaps the first shot be both foliar(1/2tsp per gallon) and soil drench(1tsp per gallon), and see what that does?

Thanks again bud..i am not sure if i would have been able to put it together that it was a boron deficiency.
well, from what I read, B is very immobile, so soil and foliar would be wise,... once it's set in tissues, it's really set i guess! Initial uptake is the only way,... this will give you now and later B availability,.... it is a true micronute, so much isn't needed,... IF it is that! :eek1:... it fit best all things considered,.. is it progressing still?
well, from what I read, B is very immobile, so soil and foliar would be wise,... once it's set in tissues, it's really set i guess! Initial uptake is the only way,... this will give you now and later B availability,.... it is a true micronute, so much isn't needed,... IF it is that! :eek1:... it fit best all things considered,.. is it progressing still?

Yes seems to be progressing still but slowly..growth has slowed quite a bit versus the other 3 plants in the same location(inches grown instead of a foot in the last week)