Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

:pass: GS brudda mine! ..check out the pics from the Q&D Defc. Pic Depot here-->
-- this is B defc., rare as hell, but with you girls being outside, their size, the (lower amounts of) feeds, the cool temps,.. micronutes are touchy! This is what looks closest to me, and makes the most sense; these bleached out necrotic patchs are what hang me up, but it could be just from the Sun vs. indoors,...... maaaaabye Cu-? very few pics of that defc. like B,...

... in any case, you need a micronutrient supplement for this (like Earth Juice Microblast), or boric acid (isn't that in contacts cleaning solutions?) or borax soap, 1tsp/gal,... a foliar would be best- :greenthumb: And tops would be if you had some Optic Foliar Transport!
:pass: GS brudda mine! ..check out the pics from the Q&D Defc. Pic Depot here-->
-- this is B defc., rare as hell, but with you girls being outside, their size, the (lower amounts of) feeds, the cool temps,.. micronutes are touchy! This is what looks closest to me, and makes the most sense; these bleached out necrotic patchs are what hang me up, but it could be just from the Sun vs. indoors,...... maaaaabye Cu-? very few pics of that defc. like B,...

... in any case, you need a micronutrient supplement for this (like Earth Juice Microblast), or boric acid (isn't that in contacts cleaning solutions?) or borax soap, 1tsp/gal,... a foliar would be best- :greenthumb: And tops would be if you had some Optic Foliar Transport!

Thanks so much my friend...saving my ass again!! Alright so how does this Green Planet sound for a foliar spray

Ocean Magic is an extract from Atlantic Sea kelp harvested from the unpolluted waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Magic is cold processed to retain all of the vital minerals and nutrients. Ocean Magic contains a wealth of nutrients, amino acids, bio stimulants and enzymes. Ocean Magic can be used as a foliar spray, soil drench and is suitable for hydroponic systems.

• Suitable for organic gardening

1 Litre

Available in different sizes. Call store for more details.

**Ocean Magic is also used in seedlings and cuttings. Refer to the Eco-Root video and the Ultimate Feed Program for more details
I can also get nutes from House + Garden, Dutch Pro, Erupt Nutrients, Advanced nutrients, Canna Nutrients, Dutch Nutrient Formula, General Hydroponics, General Organics if you think those companies might have something superior to Green Planet one i listed.
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the challenge is to get a relatively concentrated source, well chelated in there,... I'd use some humic-fulvics along with whatever you use,.. What does the label say, any breakdown of what's specifically in there at the elemental level? kelp likely has B in it, but how much is what I can't find out,.... as for the other lines, I dunno, I don't have their line-up in my head for what's what,... what I like about the Microblast is it's nothing but micro's, most in sulfate form- :thumbsup:,... so, read up what you can on what you have, and try it,.. No doubt some of those lines have a specialty supp' for micro's,... kelp is likely the best, so go foliar and soil with it! Coat leaf bottoms well especially ( more stomata there than upper surface),... best done when lights-on and active, stomata open and transpiring away,...
:wiz: dood, your OD auto's,.. :bow: :spels: