How about an any strain no holds barred Battle Royal? I would get In on that.
Subbed up! Good luck and good vibes man! I'll be creepin in the back row lol!
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@912GreenSkell man what a line up
I will be doing quite a few outdoor auto's this year
DinaFem White Cheese
Sweet Seeds Green Poison
Sweet Seeds Black Jack
Zenseeds Amnesia Automatic
Mephisto Skywalker
Mephisto Heisenberg Special
Mephisto Orange Crack
Zambeza NYC Diesel
and my own cbd haze x DP Think Different cross for a possible nice male
Some will be grown in pots other in mother earth
Cheers ... 2017 will be great ... i can feel it![]()
XCELLENT man!! (not very often I yell!!)
Will you be joining the outdoor contest? Please do!! Voting criteria will not be about biggest plant(no overview pics for voting). Voting will be based on a single bud/cola pic and also based on a dry bud pic(2 pics per entry) instead of overview pics. The contest will have an auto and a photoperiod category and entrants will be allowed one entry per category.
Great strain line up man!! Good luck!
Hot damn, 4 pages when I started reading and now 5. Looks like you got enough company here, I'll now out....naaaaaah!
I'm excited to see this from the get go. Good luck buddy!
A battle against Witchy...I don't know who's crazier. That's gonna be a battle for the books.
I've been muddling over the idea of an outdoor grow this season, now that its legal. I just may, be buggin the crap out of ya, in a month or so.
Here's to some luscious trunks in 2017!![]()