Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Wow, u have some intresting strains there.
I did grow cream mandarin xl last summer. Taste is awesome n yield was nice, but last summer was too cold n wet in here for that dense buds.

I cant wait to see your results. Have a great summer!
Wow, u have some intresting strains there.
I did grow cream mandarin xl last summer. Taste is awesome n yield was nice, but last summer was too cold n wet in here for that dense buds.

I cant wait to see your results. Have a great summer!

Cant wait to see what sweet can do in my climate....that's the only order of seed I am waiting for...hope they show so I can give them a run!! Otherwise I will have to sub them with something else.

@farmergreen007 - I had you in my mind to tag, but slipped the list cause I got too high on autowhite widow...hahahahaha great you could make it buddo! Whatcha growing this season bud?
A couple of interesting stats from last season:
Average Auto weight was 5oz amongst the 5 autos I grew out (Auto ultimate X2, Brooklyn Sunrise, Daiquiri LIme, Colorado Cookies)
Low auto pull was 2oz Colorado cookies
High pull was 9oz Autoultimate full sun
Low Full Sun photo pull was 30oz Frisian Duck
High Full Sun Pull was 64oz Blueberry
Low Partial sun pull was 7oz Passion [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
High Partial Sun photo pull was 21oz Fruity Chronic Juice
Average full sun pull was 47oz
Average Partial Sun pull was 12oz

Lowest Spring Temp 3degrees celsius
Lowest Fall temp 1degrees Celsius
Highest recorded wind 80kph
First Plant Harvested : Sept 18th Frisian Dew
Last Plant Harvested Oct 20th Orange Hill Special
Best Photo Mold Resistance : Orange Hill Special
Best Auto Mold resistance : Brooklyn Sunrise
Best Crystal : Think Fast
Best Photo Stone: Fruity Chronic Juice
Best Photo High : Think Fast
Best Photo Smell : Durban Poison
Best Auto Stone: Colorado Cookies (Ultimate just slightly behind)
Best Auto High: Brooklyn Sunrise (my good friend says Daiquiri...lol)
Best Auto Smell : Brooklyn Sunrise (god this was tough between it and the Colorado Cookies)
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