Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Yes I read your "maxing autos" thread.
I really liked the transplant pots, a great idea, but confess I didn't bother to try it.
It was also interesting to see how much better your season 2 was compared to the first, I won't be surprised at all if you top last years grow, size and weight wise.
Me, I'm not even sure if I'm stunted or not, the weather was so bad to start, I'll know in the next week/10 days.
You may have guessed I'm also at 45 N, a bit east of you though.
I'll be watching.

PS what happened to the outdoor grow battle thread?
Figure 4 bush chords....nice haul for sure...if only insurance in our area didnt drive wayyyyy up with a woodstove....lol. Its all good though, my brother in law is taking it for his stove. Great to be able to help a brother out.

On with the grow!! Damn the photos in the partial sun garden are doing well. All at day 74 ...got a nice shot of rain today after the pics.
Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel - wow this plant is looking A-1, some slight feasting going on with her from leafhoppers...outgrowing damage no problem.
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Bomb Seeds Widow Bomb....again looking awesome...horseshit for the win!
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And the Blue widow from dinafem is settling in great. Kind of surprised the slugs arent getting her with this wet season.
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And the four sour soil autos...meh....so happy i started a new batch...these are on day 40! and finally into preflower. Still should be decent plants now with the increased light and the delay in flower.

Front Left Cherry Bomb, Front Right DP White Widow CBD, Back Row Left DP Cindy Jack(least advanced in flower) , Back Row Right DP Brooklyn Sunrise(most advanced in flower)
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You can see how manures(not guanos, lol) meter out nitro in a way that doesn't stress. I see the same with humanure compost, no more stressing plants with guano for me.
Yes I read your "maxing autos" thread.
I really liked the transplant pots, a great idea, but confess I didn't bother to try it.
It was also interesting to see how much better your season 2 was compared to the first, I won't be surprised at all if you top last years grow, size and weight wise.
Me, I'm not even sure if I'm stunted or not, the weather was so bad to start, I'll know in the next week/10 days.
You may have guessed I'm also at 45 N, a bit east of you though.
I'll be watching.

PS what happened to the outdoor grow battle thread?

If you are oldschool transplanter and know the timing, then you can get away with standard transplants for sure. For the clumsy handed or ill timed, insta pots are an excellent solution...just remember that the less amount of root restriction equates to bigger plants!! Hit timing proper and autos can be transplanted just fine.
I would love to see this seasons plants out do last seasons, but i will be happy however they do...its a gamble with the climate as you know.

You can see how manures(not guanos, lol) meter out nitro in a way that doesn't stress. I see the same with humanure compost, no more stressing plants with guano for me.

Horseshit and lime has treated the plants very well for many years...amazing you can throw 2 wheelbarrows per plant and they eat it up like crazy with never an ill effect after they settle in. It lacks a bit in raw phosphorus for maximum productivity for full flower, and is a bit excessive in nitrogen in the long term, which is why i use it to fuel veg growth and part of flower...with any luck the horse manure runs out during the first 2-3 weeks of flower...varies plant to plant, season to season.
I mulch/top dress with humanure compost. It's amazing how quickly the soil organisms eat it up, converting it to plant nutes. A little after preflower begins I'll be feeding a little EB Stone Organics Ultra Bloom(0-10-10). The last 2 seasons I've used high P and high N bat guano, but seems even small amounts show up as over fert. After preflower begins I back off on the compost and mulch with a less nitrogenous courser material. So far best start yet for the greenhouse. I expect to have larger plants and higher yield with less fert. We'll see how this theory pans out
I mulch/top dress with humanure compost. It's amazing how quickly the soil organisms eat it up, converting it to plant nutes. A little after preflower begins I'll be feeding a little EB Stone Organics Ultra Bloom(0-10-10). The last 2 seasons I've used high P and high N bat guano, but seems even small amounts show up as over fert. After preflower begins I back off on the compost and mulch with a less nitrogenous courser material. So far best start yet for the greenhouse. I expect to have larger plants and higher yield with less fert. We'll see how this theory pans out

Best start so far? EXCELLENT man!! Hope you get more than enough for you guys to toke for the whole season.
Best start so far? EXCELLENT man!! Hope you get more than enough for you guys to toke for the whole season.
the combination of earlier start, instatransplants, learning more about me soil, not over ferting, and really paying attention to temp and vent in the greenhouse, all good, and not messing around with less than top strains, looking forward to having enough, but as we know shit can happen, saw your weather outlook!
Looking good friend I always like how you train you're plants I train alot of my indoor plants ,but I am not able to train my outdoor ones due to limited space and the one time I did it grew into dads section and he was more then heated I do though if they max out the 13ft roof super crop down to keep em low .