Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Still praying here...

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Hahaha at this rate you might pass me if yours FINALLY takes off....so how does this work? Did i lose the growoff, when i cull my cherry and restart? Damn....this is the quickest battle in the history of mankind!! :D
Okay so the good news first....original 8 photos are growing like crazy...so much in fact that they are overgrowing the stealth cab autos, mainly the think fast. I responded by putting her outside today and training tips horizontally. Tomorrow i am putting out the rest of the photos...life outside from now on...weather looks decent!!
And the medium bad news. The Blueberry under the T5 is growing so quick , she put on over 2" of growth and hit the lights burning a tip...haha whatever, she will be fine, moving outside in the morning.
And the bad news....all 10 auto seedlings...my friend bought the medium this round, i gave him a list, but there was a stitch, the hydro store was out of pro-mix and the hydro store guys suggested another medium called hmmmm Nutri-something and it is supposed to be very similar to pro-mix. I fear the PH is all buggered up as most of my seedling are super tiny at 8 days old and super light green, two are curling down cotyledons and now first set of leaves. Unfortunately i don't have a damn accurate 8 or other quality PH meter....really need to get one i guess. Going to the hydro store to get a bag of promix(in case of a restart....only losing 2 weeks if i hit em asap) and perhaps a good digital PH meter if they have one. @Waira does this sound like typical PH problem on youngsters? Seriously....i just checked my earlier grow from this season and the plants(all of them) are almost double the size at day 9.
dang!. only 2 weeks, you are stoic grobro
speaking of outdoor, that blue dream in the window grow i used as my time to transplant intsta tester was looking unhappy in the solo, so I transed her to the greenhouse house a couple a days ago, 18D from seed and not root bound and is liking her new home, even though it's still freezing at "night" the cabin is heatsinking the greenhouse nicely, going to up planting date on some of the the crop, 2 planting shifts, break up the work
Hahaha at this rate you might pass me if yours FINALLY takes off....so how does this work? Did i lose the growoff, when i cull my cherry and restart? Damn....this is the quickest battle in the history of mankind!! :D
Right? It's a haunted battle! ROFLMAO

I'd say pick one of the autos that make it and we battle at the POM?

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:biggrin: GS, Witchy,...:smokeout:

... I think that Blue Labs unit is more like the professional grade models, which are essentially smaller tipped pH meters, electrode type...That plastic sleeve is used to make the narrow hole first, then you slip the meter down in there,... the A8 of course works entirely differently, hence the less than stellar resolution of +/- 0.2 pH (not that it's been any sort of issue for me so far!), but the Blue Lab is 10x more accurate I believe..?...
Agreed GS, the stunting on them is likely bad enough to make them time-wasters,..:doh: I couldn't see, is it a peat based medium? .... GP tends to have squat, burly, open frame to her,... it's not the sheer mass of buds that tip the scales, it's her bud density and resin load! :hump:
:biggrin: GS, Witchy,...:smokeout:

... I think that Blue Labs unit is more like the professional grade models, which are essentially smaller tipped pH meters, electrode type...That plastic sleeve is used to make the narrow hole first, then you slip the meter down in there,... the A8 of course works entirely differently, hence the less than stellar resolution of +/- 0.2 pH (not that it's been any sort of issue for me so far!), but the Blue Lab is 10x more accurate I believe..?...
Agreed GS, the stunting on them is likely bad enough to make them time-wasters,..:doh: I couldn't see, is it a peat based medium? .... GP tends to have squat, burly, open frame to her,... it's not the sheer mass of buds that tip the scales, it's her bud density and resin load! :hump:

Yes the bluelabs is an electrode type...unfortunately my friend stopped by the store when he was in town and bought a bag of actual promix, so i will just restart with that and order a accurate 8 off ebay for future use. Will put trust in the promix. Yes the nutri-mix is peat based.

Actually so far the green poison is impressing me quite a bit...not the biggest plant of the lot(in the middle but toward the biggest), but she is very profuse and nice thick branches. Cant wait bud....i am certain i have some real winners in this batch destined for the full sun garden. Major Bud Density and Crystal Count will make me a very happy camper!!
Got promix...less than 20 hours in paper towel we have a DP Gluberry ready to plant with a 1/8" tail. By 24 hours we have all but 3 in the dirt. Still waiting on cherry bomb, DP white widow and DP brooklyn Sunrise. Hoping tonight all 10 autos are replanted.