Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

always seems something to battle getting the grow going, persistence planting and optimistic push back, 912 getting the job done!

Though we have to conform to our own individual climate for success, its also important we push the limits of the plants to make them resilient to the climate they are going to be living full time in very soon. Exposure to high wind(yesterday and the day before) and cool temps like todays frigid winds are critical to get a big win come harvest. Its all about easing them into it with a smooth transition. Push them...just not too hard. :D So far, so good ;)
That bites about the cherry bomb!! Mine is still alive, but looks terrible, going to give the batch of hurting autos away to a bud...they are way smaller than they should be at 13 days old(2" across on the best plants).
I'm going to focus on the ones I have going, don't want to get carried away and start too many. There's a bill to legalize here, but growing will still be illegal even if it passes. Stupid! [emoji35]

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This is starting to feel like repeats!! Some good and some bad news!! Bad first this time! :D
My grow....oh NO!! A small disaster has struck!!!!! I noticed today that the brooklyn sunrise looked like the colour was off...a close inspection revealed many miniature ants gang raping her!! Killed as many as i could, and research revealed that they were sugar ants i think. A few hours later the plant was being raped again and they ate most of her....damn...one plant down...shit happens!! Hmm a bit nervous for the other 9 autos in the stealth cab...close inspection i saw zero ants and the seedlings look fine. Should i be worried @Waira ? I am tied up for the next 2 days and then the autos will be going outside during the day, and in the cab during the night. I read about using ground cinnamon top dressed...good idea for potential ant problem on mere 2-3 days old plants?

And now the good news....photos at day 45 are rocking the place!! Even with cool weather and high winds they are pumping!!
DP Think Fast

Dina Blue Widow

Bomb Seeds Atomic

Fruity Chronic Juice

Sweet Cream Caramel

DP Blueberry

Bomb WidowBomb

Sweet Seeds Green POison

Baby Autos...they are alive i swear!!
Sorry to hear about the gnats bro, comes with the territory I guess! Like you said, shit happens what can ya do. Over all, great grow going... enjoy it!

Though we have to conform to our own individual climate for success, its also important we push the limits of the plants to make them resilient to the climate they are going to be living full time in very soon. Exposure to high wind(yesterday and the day before) and cool temps like todays frigid winds are critical to get a big win come harvest. Its all about easing them into it with a smooth transition. Push them...just not too hard. :D So far, so good ;)

Yeah, totally agree on this. If they're going outside, best not to baby them too much when they're seedlings.
Nature makes her cull, the grower makes theirs. Just germ and plant more, so make up the numbers, haha.
This is starting to feel like repeats!! Some good and some bad news!! Bad first this time! :D
My grow....oh NO!! A small disaster has struck!!!!! I noticed today that the brooklyn sunrise looked like the colour was off...a close inspection revealed many miniature ants gang raping her!! Killed as many as i could, and research revealed that they were sugar ants i think. A few hours later the plant was being raped again and they ate most of her....damn...one plant down...shit happens!! Hmm a bit nervous for the other 9 autos in the stealth cab...close inspection i saw zero ants and the seedlings look fine. Should i be worried @Waira ? I am tied up for the next 2 days and then the autos will be going outside during the day, and in the cab during the night. I read about using ground cinnamon top dressed...good idea for potential ant problem on mere 2-3 days old plants?

And now the good news....photos at day 45 are rocking the place!! Even with cool weather and high winds they are pumping!!
DP Think Fast
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Dina Blue Widow
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Bomb Seeds Atomic
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Fruity Chronic Juice
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Sweet Cream Caramel
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DP Blueberry
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Bomb WidowBomb
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Sweet Seeds Green POison
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Baby Autos...they are alive i swear!!
View attachment 751731

All looking so good and healthy. Wonderful work.
Around here, people often use tobacco powder to stop bugs.
:shrug: i decided to will those damn ants away and its working!! Not a problem with ants other than the single pot problem, in fact not a single ant spotted at all...second round of auto seeds are looking perfect for age Giving the 10 first batch autos away in a few days.

Okay weather has been shit...rainy, cool, rainy over the last week....last nice day was the sunny day i got some pics...photos have been outside all day and are growing just fine despite dark skies. Thinking about getting them in the ground very soon. I have turned around 60% of the full sun garden adding in 2 wheelbarrows of horse manure per plant and a cup of lime per plant. Top dressed also with 4-5 shovels full of horse manure. Autos get 1.5 shovels full of well rotted horse manure and a sprinkle of lime(1/4cup) per plant mixed well in the surrounding soil. Also top dressed with a shovel full of well rotted horse manure.

Still recovering from the last dirt dig, before i can get the rest done, injured spine slows down progress!