Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Damn its cold and rainy today!!

Anyways i put 10 autos in paper towel today. Sweet Seeds Bloody Skunk, Cream Mandarin Xl, Dinafem Moby Dick XXL, AutoWhite Widow XXL, Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb. DP Gluberry OG, DP AWhite Widow, DP Brooklyn Sunrise, Portal Fairy Frost, Portal Nashira. Rock N' Roll!!

Photos are doing well....7 of 8 plants are responding well to 2ml Green PLanet Grow Fuel A+B and 2ML Pro Cal. The 8th(atomic) is on a light diet of 1.5ml Grow and 1.5ml procal. Planning to bump it up to 2.5ml next feed for the 7 eaters, and 2ml for the atomic. Also start adding a touch of B-52(1ml progressing to 2ml)

Back Row left to right: Widowbomb, DP Blueberry, Dinafem Blue Widow
Front row left to right: Fruity Chronic Juice, Green POison, Think Fast

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Left Cream Caramel, Right Bomb Atomic
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totally vig!
:D Its all the same bud!! Night, afternoon, day....isnt that the life of the time shifting alaskan? Dammit bud...calling for more snow on sunday...come on spring!!
sorry to hear of your forecast, here, day after day of unrelenting sun has the snow on the go, yea! My eyes are so wanting the tundra to clear and start absorbing instead of reflecting. even with sunglasses always on it beats you down. Upside beside snow melt, window plants really happy, and I can't even remember the last time I had fire up the gas generator to charge batts.
sorry to hear of your forecast, here, day after day of unrelenting sun has the snow on the go, yea! My eyes are so wanting the tundra to clear and start absorbing instead of reflecting. even with sunglasses always on it beats you down. Upside beside snow melt, window plants really happy, and I can't even remember the last time I had fire up the gas generator to charge batts.

Oh for sure man..blazing sun on snow is killer on the eyes. Great to hear, will check out your thread tonight.

So at 48 hours we have 10/10 autos split shells and all are planted in 7" instatransplant pots. Instead of cutting windows slowly with an Xacto knife i instead used the angle grinder with a cutoff disc...made super short work and i managed not to zip a finger off, so great all around!! So thats 18 single seeds from 18 different strains and 100% shells have cracked. Nice viability!!
ah yes built phase 2 of the growroom today...so i have squeezed in 14 seven inch pots in the stealth cab(4 full sun photos and 10 autos), and i have made a temp indoor garden for the 4 partial sun photo plants under two 4 foot T5's. I don't want/need those plants to get really big and so far i am astonished at the BB...every season she has been the runt of the litter(or at least in the bottom quarter of size) until she gets outside, but this season she is the biggest plant of the bunch!! However, I have already made my decision for her to live in the partial sun garden, and will stick with it!
Oh for sure man..blazing sun on snow is killer on the eyes. Great to hear, will check out your thread tonight.

So at 48 hours we have 10/10 autos split shells and all are planted in 7" instatransplant pots. Instead of cutting windows slowly with an Xacto knife i instead used the angle grinder with a cutoff disc...made super short work and i managed not to zip a finger off, so great all around!! So thats 18 single seeds from 18 different strains and 100% shells have cracked. Nice viability!!
no way to top that!, cheers!
no way to top that!, cheers!

Got that right bud!! Okay so we have births coming across the board!! Every single auto has broken the surface, last to bust is the cherry bomb, which was just breaking the soil 5 minutes ago...pics of the wee babies tomorrow. The think fast photo is growing like crazy, so i had to pull a plant from the LEd's and put it under the T5's so bloody skunk has been relocated....hoping after the reported snow on sunday, weather turns nice to stay(supposed to be a week of nice warm after the snow)...i want these girls under the rays of the sun now!!