Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Scotch eggs! Love those, I've done them with quail eggs too, they're seriously good. I've never heard of Cambridge sausage, but in Tenerife they had a wonderful morcilla with nuts and dried fruit in it. No rice like the traditional Spanish morcilla, just a local variation. Mmm mmm mmm! Of bought ones I can get, the Morrisons pork and honey chipolatas are hard to beat. Thanks for sharing your flavours!The ones I make the most are just a classic British banger, mace, ginger, nutmeg, white/black pepper, lots of salt, and a good amount of rusk, (homemade of course) really nice sausage for breakfast, or making Scotch eggs ect. I woud usually put this in hog casing
A fancy sausage, pork and apple, using dried apple, and cider, rosemary and sage, and a hog casing
Or my favourite, Cambridge sausage. I has scalded rice in it, same spices as the classic british banger, but with added cayenne pepper and all spice. I use sheeps casing for this. It's a little harder to work, but gives a lovely thin, soft sausage
sorry @912GreenSkell I can take this to my thread if you want
When we next keep chickens, we're definitely having bantams. I love pekins, I've had two black (female) ones. The first one was so friendly she'd ride round the garden perched on my wrist. The second one was an excellent layer! I miss them. Shame about the garden hairy, maybe one day eh?I used to keep silkies, pekins and rosecombs ,,I ain't got a garden now ,,![]()