Dragon Meds Season 3: Uk's Portal takes on Spain(mephisto and sweet)

The ones I make the most are just a classic British banger, mace, ginger, nutmeg, white/black pepper, lots of salt, and a good amount of rusk, (homemade of course) really nice sausage for breakfast, or making Scotch eggs ect. I woud usually put this in hog casing :vibe:
A fancy sausage, pork and apple, using dried apple, and cider, rosemary and sage, and a hog casing:chef:
Or my favourite, Cambridge sausage. I has scalded rice in it, same spices as the classic british banger, but with added cayenne pepper and all spice. I use sheeps casing for this. It's a little harder to work, but gives a lovely thin, soft sausage :glutton:
sorry @912GreenSkell I can take this to my thread if you want
Scotch eggs! Love those, I've done them with quail eggs too, they're seriously good. I've never heard of Cambridge sausage, but in Tenerife they had a wonderful morcilla with nuts and dried fruit in it. No rice like the traditional Spanish morcilla, just a local variation. Mmm mmm mmm! Of bought ones I can get, the Morrisons pork and honey chipolatas are hard to beat. Thanks for sharing your flavours!

I used to keep silkies, pekins and rosecombs ,,I ain't got a garden now ,, :(
When we next keep chickens, we're definitely having bantams. I love pekins, I've had two black (female) ones. The first one was so friendly she'd ride round the garden perched on my wrist. The second one was an excellent layer! I miss them. Shame about the garden hairy, maybe one day eh? :bighug:If you have any pics I'd love to see them.
Scotch eggs! Love those, I've done them with quail eggs too, they're seriously good. I've never heard of Cambridge sausage, but in Tenerife they had a wonderful morcilla with nuts and dried fruit in it. No rice like the traditional Spanish morcilla, just a local variation. Mmm mmm mmm! Of bought ones I can get, the Morrisons pork and honey chipolatas are hard to beat. Thanks for sharing your flavours!

When we next keep chickens, we're definitely having bantams. I love pekins, I've had two black (female) ones. The first one was so friendly she'd ride round the garden perched on my wrist. The second one was an excellent layer! I miss them. Shame about the garden hairy, maybe one day eh? :bighug:If you have any pics I'd love to see them.
banties are the kind chickens, had a bunch in Montana before we moved North. They pretty much take care of themselves during the growing season. Have to keep em outta the lettuce though:dizzy::rofl:
banties are the kind chickens, had a bunch in Montana before we moved North. They pretty much take care of themselves during the growing season. Have to keep em outta the lettuce though:dizzy::rofl:
Which reminds me - the one occasion we tried growing weed outside, the plants were fertilised with chicken manure as the birds got to free range round them. We don't *think* the chickens were stoned but they were the best damn eggs we ever had! :crying:
I drill holes in the bottom, instead of cutting it right off, to ensure that the dirt doesnt shift, when I put it in its final resting place.
I like this method looks.like a winner @Ryker

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Thought i might tag in a few and see whats up!! How is everyone doing? Got some plants growing? Swing by with a couple of pics and lets see 'em!!
@Maria Sanchez , @islandgrower , @Unique (haha yeah you will laugh at my mini indoor plants :D ), @Waira , @tripaholic88 , @Rebel , @trailanimal hmmm will tag some more where i think of them!!
Open jar ?

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Yup! After the initial dry I put the in jars about half full and lay them on their side for a day or two before sealing them off for the final cure. I like my humidity lower than most. Upper 50s lower 60s... When it's a bit drier the taste is better. You get the full flavor of the terp profile and still have that slow burning bud. :d5:
Yup! After the initial dry I put the in jars about half full and lay them on their side for a day or two before sealing them off for the final cure. I like my humidity lower than most. Upper 50s lower 60s... When it's a bit drier the taste is better. You get the full flavor of the terp profile and still have that slow burning bud. :d5:
sounds like a plan il give that a try myself im a fan of dryer bud too not too big a fan of the 62% packs but maybe it just im used to smoking dryer stuff
sounds like a plan il give that a try myself im a fan of dryer bud too not too big a fan of the 62% packs but maybe it just im used to smoking dryer stuff

Me too! I just don't like that freshly cut bud taste... I like my terps! I just find in the upper 50s it burns good and tastes great. Love to know how it goes for ya!
I have not seen any male flowers or preflowers, but had one plant give one seed, and another give two. Hubby says life will find a way. Certainly the one is viable, because it's growing in my mid tent. The other two are Jack47 from Sweet.
@912GreenSkell @sanguine do you grow them out? I find it fascinating!

I personally dont grow them out, but i also do find it quite fascinating!! If i wasnt restricted by number i would try some for sure.

We have a full cream milky coffee for breakfast every day. Yep, no water allowed! Ours is Jersey milk. We have to get it delivered (no room for a cow in the suburbs).

Good for you!! Not many folks out there are able to drink raw milk anymore.

Oh guys! *happy sigh* Do I fit in well here or what? I've made butter, yogurt, soft cheese, sausages, kept my own chickens... So Skell I hope you don't mind but I'm just going to pinch a bit of your thread. @Ribbzzy what's your best sausage flavour? @hairyman which breeds? I love the Sussexes, if I had room I'd try and get the Speckled Sussex back up to decent laying numbers again. And I've hatched eggs from the supermarket.

We raise almost all of our own meat!! No problem at all on the derail! This is the type of derailing i absolutely welcome!!

Looking great rebel!! Thanks for posting!!