Old Reviews Sea Grow (4-26-26) by Grow More -- All in One Solution for Autos.

Could you use water soluble such as sea grow for hydroponics?
I wasn't expecting to see all this ingredients in the sea grow formula, only missing humic acids and microrrizas. It look's like a great deal!! thanks for the tip. I'll definetly look for it at my local shop.
its good stuff Hugo i don't see me changing to anything else i love this stuff and more importantly the plants love it :D

just noticed your location Hugo here's the www.growmore.com link to the company's site they say they have world wide distribution so you may be able to find it
pher i have a box of grow more blood meal and their bone meal but looks good for veg just don't put it in your seedling mix put it in the pot you will be tiering/transplanting into just curious why not get the seagrow all purpose 16-16-16

hey Sniper. i have the all purpose 16-16-16, the bloom 4-26-26 and their seaweed extract. i was looking up some of their other products (didnt know there were so many!) and came across that vegetarian blend. it says that you can water it in too so i thought it might be good because of the "extras" it has in it that the all purpose doesnt. i.e. the humic acids, the mycorrizae, calcium, magnesium, sugars, carbs, aminos, and the silica. Plus the n-p-k and micros. lots of good stuff. i would still use the 16-16-16, but use this as a supplemental tea. what do you think?

I wasn't expecting to see all this ingredients in the sea grow formula, only missing humic acids and microrrizas. It look's like a great deal!! thanks for the tip. I'll definetly look for it at my local shop.

@Hugo- check out the link i posted above. this stuff is made by the same company and has 7 stains of beneficial microbes, 8 species of endo- ecto- mycorizae and humic acid! could use it as a tea or mix it in with your soil? it does have some slow release qualities to it though :peace:
i see pher :D they do have alot of products

i keep it super simple with just the 16-16-16 and the 4-26-26 and have had great results now thinking of adding the Hawaiian bud still undecided but i don't see why it would hurt might even help keep them green near the end

and the seagrow is made from bone and blood meal also not just seaweed extract :thumbs:
Their C:N ratio in the Vegetarian also seems legit for a tea, for the soil break I'd go a bit higher, perhaps 20:1 would increase it's acting time.
just ordered Hawaiian bud and avalanche too (Drunk online purchase):o but I'm sure i won't regret it.... my babies love the sea grow.