5lbs will last a while for a personal grower.
Another easy line of nutes is Dyna-Gro - should be available in Canada. Don't need to get a big bottle as the smaller bottles will probably last a whole year. Better to go with both the Grow & Bloom but if you just want to use one - the Foliage is pretty damn good. All their nutes (grow, bloom, foliage at least) contain some cal/mag already (along with all other minor/micro nutes) but some strains do need a bit more supplementation.
Another good line that's easy, is the General Hydroponics Floranova series, again two bottles (Grow, Bloom) but also contains all the minor/micro. I know it's from GH but works fine for soil/soilless mediums too. GH also makes Maxibloom which is pretty much the Lucas Formula.
Flairform also supposedly has a decent one-part nute too, called GreenDream-1 - again one bottle for Grow, another for Bloom. I haven't tried this yet but I have heard it gives good results.
Those are about the easiest.
Things to keep in mind when shopping for nutes - look for products that don't contain urea and are also water-soluble.