Indoor SCH & Chaze done wrong

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oh, your cab is takin off man. dont mind if I pull up a chair, eh?
yeah mate looking great my chair is here :)
Who wants to hotbox gilberts grow tent with me? Cmon, it already smells like pot.
Merry Xmas!
Or not, as the case may be.
No pressure.
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Conflicting signals from the girls.
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Starting to get yellow tips on new Chaze growth. Maybe indicative of N toxicity?
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Whereas the SCH has been eating herself for > a week. Seems early (started week 7) so maybe indicative of N deficiency? Or just child abuse.
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CG redux day 247, week 4 12/12:
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Girls are 14", 24", and 40". Frankly, I expected the Super Autos to give me more of a fight during stretch. At this point, I don't anticipate having any trouble keeping them under the light. BWTFDIK?
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looking awsome bro +rep
merryxmass mate
I found with the chaze that they adapt to surroundings and light conditions extremely well
same soil,same pot size,same feeding regime and the indoor plant is half the size(and finishing weeks later) than the outdoor plants.
looking good nonetheless,well done
Happy New Year!
Or not, as the case may be.
No pressure.

I know I'm happy. My 'Skins won (their) Super Bowl! HTTR!

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Some rare sunshine for the girls.
SCH day 72
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Getting some colas with brown emergent new growth. Doesn't act light heat or light damage. Maybe a root issue, maybe a fungal issue, maybe a nute issue, maybe nothing.
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Chaze day 67

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CG day 254/week 5
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