posted this in the wrong place ha ha pasted and copied
DAY 16 oh she looks like a right bag of spanners but still growing she is now flat against the cane (and ive named her deadpool because she is one wrinkly mofo):smoking:
doesn't seem to be slowing down hydro is faster than I remembered :smoking:
little update cant believe I'm going to moan about it being to hot the temps are hitting 32c in the tent and the bucket hit 28c yesterday I have been adding frozen bottles but if the temps keep up its not looking good ive also fitted another piece of air ducting to reach the loft hatch I'm hoping that leaving that open (steady stream of fresh air) I can cool the tent better DEADPOOL day 20
shes still chugging along done a bucket change and upped the silica to help with the heat just off for a swim with the youngest hope you all have a chilled out sunday
Shes looking a bit rough mate,I dont want to be a bearer of bad news Wile but theres supposed to be a heatwave on the way in the next 2 weeks.
Im now wishing id got the small a/c unit instead of the Hans panel even if it does operate at a lot lower temps than my vipar 300.My temps are about 80f today,less if i leave the tent open a tad.
If its going to get hotter i might have to break out some ice bottles for a home made a/c.
Good luck with keeping those temps down mate.
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