Update on wild lettuce.

Tested the higher dose, and is sedating and helps with sleep well did in my case anyway.

Dose needed was high though nearly about 1g, but i think this is due to me overheating the extract, as is flash boiled it a few times to speed it up and i may have evaptorated some of the lactucarium, i have read reports in the past of lot stronger effects being had at a fraction of that dose, could have also been my method of comsumption the resin needs to be heated indirectly, the best method being a opium pipe, but as i dont have one is easy to burn it, tried a very small amount sublingual and this seemed to have the biggest effect, taste was not bad either like aniseed sweets, next time will definatly be testing this method more.

Am making up some more extract now, this time using a water only method and have been evaporating the water off at a low temp for the past 2 days. Have got enough canna to last me a little while now, but will test the new batch next time i run out and am struggling to sleep again.

Also some more info on wild lettuce and extractions https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=102745

:karma Cloud: to everyone and have a great day, live it like its your last.

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Back shortly..just dropping this in to get an Opinion on it....

[h=2]Product Description[/h][h=3]Product Description[/h]
Pea and bean booster by Mr. Fothergill's. Feeds all season long. Contains a culture of completely natural and harmless soil bacteria. With the help of these 'friendly' bacteria pea and bean plants are able to make or 'fix' all the nitrogen they need to be able to reach their full potential, producing large, healthy crops. The bacteria can only form 'nodules' on the roots of the peas and beans, so they cannot supply nitrogen to any other plants. So unlike traditional fertilisers they do not feed the weeds.
Sow and grow: Place the chosen pea or bean seeds into a clean container, for example a jam jar or plastic bag. Sprinkle or spray the seeds with just a few drops of water. Use rainwater or mineral water as it does not contain chlorine. The seeds should be damp without any excess water in the container. Open the 'Booster' sachet carefully and sprinkle powder on to the seeds. Use 1/4 of a sachet to treat one seed packet. Mix the powder into the seeds to ensure all the seeds are finely coaqted. Once opened, store in a dry, airtight box and use to treat up to 4 packets of any Mr Fothergill's peas and beans. Product accepted for use in Organic Farming.
Hints and tips: Do not store in direct sunlight. Best kept below 25 degree (77 degree F)C. Wash hands after use.
Pest and Disease Advice: Contains Rhizobium bacteria, specifically suited to all varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris, Phaseolus coccineus, Pisum sativum and Vicia faba; climbing beans, dwarf beans, runner beans, peas, snap peas, mangetout and broad beans.Care and Cultivation: As soon as the seed germinates, the 'friendly' bacteria begin to work. Within about 2 weeks, the seedlings will develop little nitrogen factories inside their roots and these will continue to grow and supply nitrogen throughout the season, especially important when the plant fills the pods with nitrogen-rich beans, ready for harvest.
Root Nodules (Legume–Rhizobium Symbiosis)

The first known species of rhizobia, Rhizobium leguminosarum, was identified in 1889, and all further species were initially placed in the Rhizobium genus. However, more advanced methods of analysis have revised thisclassification, and now there are many in other genera. Most research has been done on crop and forage legumes such as clover, alfalfa, beans, and soy; recently, more work is occurring on North American legumes.
The word rhizobia comes from the Ancient Greek ῥίζα, rhíza, meaning "root" and βίος, bios, meaning "life". The word rhizobium is still sometimes used as the singular form of rhizobia. copied & pasted from - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhizobia

Legumes and their Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria

Many legumes have root nodules that provide a home for symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria called rhizobia. This relationship is particularly common in nitrogen-limited conditions. The Rhizobia convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into ammonia, which is then used in the formation of amino acids and nucleotides .

Root Nodules

Root nodules are formed when nitrogen fixing bacteria called rhizobia enter the cells of a host plant.
Rhizobia normally live in the soil and can exist without a host plant. However, when legume plants encounter low nitrogen conditions and want to form a symbiotic relationship with rhizobia they release flavinoids into the soil. Rhizobia respond by releasing nodulation factor (sometimes just called nod factor), which stimulates nodule formation in plant roots. Exposure to nod factor triggers the formation of deformed root hairs, which permit rhizobia to enter the plant. Rhizobia then form an infection thread, which is an intercellular tube that penetrates the cells of the host plant, and the bacteria then enter the host plants cells through the deformed root hair. Rhizobia can also enter the root by inserting themselves between cracks between root cells; this method of infection is called crack entry. Bacteria enter the root cells from the intercellular spaces, also using an infection thread to penetrate cell walls. Infection triggers rapid cell division in the root cells, forming a nodule of tissue.

The relationship between a host legume and the rhizobia is symbiotic, providing benefits to both participants. Once the rhizobia have established themselves in the root nodule, the plant provides carbohydrates in the form of malate and succinate, and the rhizobia provide ammonia for the formation of amino acids. Many legumes are popular agricultural crops specifically because they require very little fertilizer: their rhiziobia fix nitrogen for them. Used properly some legumes can even serve as fertilizer for later crops, binding nitrogen in the plant remains in the soil .

Soy Beans
Soy beans are a type of legume crop that rely on rhizobia

Source: Boundless. “The Legume-Root Nodule Symbiosis.” Boundless Microbiology. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 05 Feb. 2015 from https://www.boundless.com/microbiol...96/the-legume-root-nodule-symbiosis-993-7114/ copied & pasted from - https://www.boundless.com/microbiol...96/the-legume-root-nodule-symbiosis-993-7114/

Root nodule symbiosis enables nitrogen‐fixing bacteria to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is directly available for plant growth.

Biological nitrogen fixation provides a built‐in supply of nitrogen fertiliser for many legume crops such as peas, beans and clover.

Legumes (Fabales) interact with single‐celled Gram‐negative bacteria, collectively termed rhizobia, whereas members of three other Rosid orders (Fagales, Cucurbitales and Rosales) interact with Gram‐positive filamentous actinobacteria of the genus Frankia.

In legumes, infection proceeds through intercellular and trans‐cellular channels termed infection threads. At the same time, cells in the root cortex are induced to divide and generate the tissues of the nodule.

Nitrogen fixation normally takes place within specialised bacteroid cells enclosed within organelle‐like cytoplasmic compartments termed symbiosomes.

The anatomy and physiology of root nodules both reflect a high degree of structural and metabolic integration between plant and microbial symbionts.

Key Concepts:

  • Legumes (family Fabales) develop root nodules that harbour Rhizobium bacteria (rhizobia).
  • Endosymbiotic bacteria (bacteroids) convert nitrogen to ammonia (biological nitrogen fixation).
  • Legume crops restore fertility to agricultural soils by capturing nitrogen from the atmosphere.
  • The legume–Rhizobium symbiosis provides one‐fifth of all nitrogen inputs into global agriculture.
  • Symbiosis is based on metabolic exchange for mutual benefit: exchanges of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are tightly regulated.
  • Legumes only form a nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis with single‐celled bacteria collectively termedRhizobium. However, other (related) groups of flowering plants form a root nodule symbiosis with filamentous actinobacteria of the genus Frankia.
  • Some of the invasion processes adopted by Rhizobium and Frankia are shared with a mineral‐scavenging symbiosis involving arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that originated over 400 Ma.
  • Colonisation of host cells by Rhizobium usually involves specialised invasion structures termed ‘infection threads’ and specialised organelle‐like compartments termed ‘symbiosomes’.
  • During evolution, there has been horizontal transfer of the genes that specify the capability for nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation between diverse groups of soil bacteria.
Keywords: nitrogen fixation; symbiosis; agriculture; plant–microbe interactions; legume evolution

Copied & pasted from - http://www.els.net/WileyCDA/ElsArticle/refId-a0003720.html

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Thanks for the rep mossy :)

Thats' a nice selection of seeds you got there Elvis :)

I have never grown collard greens but have grown many different Brassicas. In the Uk it is best to keep them covered with netting to keep off the "Cabbage White butterflies", do you have them in the states?

Another pest is the "cabbage root fly" and discs of horticultural fabric around the stem helps keep these at bay.

I haven't tried water melons , haven't got the space or the temps to grow them, having said that last year might have been ok but you never know , year to year what the summer is going to be like.

I do like the look of the moon and stars water melon :)

I wish you a good growing season and look forwards to some nice pictures later on in the year.
:kusht::kusht::kusht: You never let me down Buds...:hug:....Thank You.

This thread is going to be an Alternate Health Encyclopedia by the time we finish.

Cheers..Many Hands make light work of the homework...:tiphat:

Meanwhile..back at the Ranch... :grin:..work has ground to a halt.

Nothing really can be done in the high winds..not worth battling.

The wind is supposed to drop by Saturday..if it does we should get the tunnel cover back on.

The plants that were in the tunnel are now in the house..so..everything is at a standstill.

We have our friend with the van arranged to go to the DIY shop to get the sheeting for the roof of the pergola..and if hubby gets his head 'round it.a pellet fire for heat down there.

Then we can start Thinking about stopping down there more regularly. :dance2:...the only worry we have with the pellet fire is If we can get it fitted with the building being a pre-fab..no brick walls.

There were 2 options on the pellet fire that we could afford..but since both were expensive hubby has been dragging his feet.
Now the fires have started to sell out and one of the options has gone..so here's hoping he makes his mind up....:goodluck:..or we will be waiting until next year.

Our 'lectrician friend was down today to rewire and remove an old switch that was broken and live.
I couldn't get on with any other work....:grin:

so I got an Important bit done....


Sigh......:Ohmmm.......:..it Looks more like a Canna Social Club by the day huh....?

Thanks for the rep mossy :)

Thats' a nice selection of seeds you got there Elvis :)

I have never grown collard greens but have grown many different Brassicas. In the Uk it is best to keep them covered with netting to keep off the "Cabbage White butterflies", do you have them in the states?

Another pest is the "cabbage root fly" and discs of horticultural fabric around the stem helps keep these at bay.

I haven't tried water melons , haven't got the space or the temps to grow them, having said that last year might have been ok but you never know , year to year what the summer is going to be like.

I do like the look of the moon and stars water melon :)

I wish you a good growing season and look forwards to some nice pictures later on in the year.

O yes Arty i love cabbage but it stinks when ya cook it but taste amazing !! I cook with with a ham hok! alot of salt butter..

the collards are amazing to! after harvest check the stems for worms then put all of them in the washing machine of course with no soap. this will get all the sand out and off of em and cook just like cabbage..
we call them greens here.. also use a vinegar/banana peppers and poor that on them!! I have a jar of banana peppers that have been in vinegar for a very long time! love it on some greens !!
"munch"o yes we have all those pest them some.. we have moles forget the bugs !! countless of things that will eat those deer rabbits. my Region is very much like Costa Rica kinda..

If you grow baby canna here in the ground moles will pull the shoots under the soil and eat them.. little eyeless bastards!
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Good Morning Everyone,

Winds are the pits. Hard to do anything. Hard to fish, hard to grow stuff. Hope you are getting on well.

Still missin' Root. Should be 11 more days till she gets back.

Our Dog/Puppy misses her immensly. At least I have the ability to understand.

We should be getting a bit of weather this weekend, finally.

Let's burn one.
For eek
