Thanks for the rep mossy :)

Thank you for the excellent information arty..:tiphat:..a bit of plus rep for you going out of your way is the least I can do.

I'll have a good read.

One of my Must have trees is a Sandalwood.
I have been told they will be in stock early spring.
Googling the growing of needs a Host nitrogen bearing the soil near it for 2 Years before you plant the sandalwood...:jaw:..

well..I don't have time for that ATM..but I was Thinking if I filled a pot of peas up..and planted it in there until I can get a host tree..I might stand a chance with it.

That is why the Interest in the nitrogen bearing nodes.

Unfortunately with the pea Food..I ordered it..twice as much to post as it doesn't look like I have the option.

the collards are amazing to! after harvest check the stems for worms then put all of them in the washing machine of course with no soap. this will get all the sand out and off of em and cook just like cabbage..

Ha ha ha..the washing machine....:grin:..I never would have thought of that.
I'm sure I can here hubby muttering from here though if I have sand going into the washing machine filter...I'll have to stick to the old hand washing in me veggie sink when I get it set up.

we call them greens here.. also use a vinegar/banana peppers and poor that on them!! I have a jar of banana peppers that have been in vinegar for a very long time! love it on some greens !!

Yeah..arty is right..collards are a US thing. I always Imagined them as spring greens..or pak choi..I Think we are going to have to try some.

One of the crops in the fields that drives me nuts is the spring greens..they are so dark they are almost blue..and so healthy looking through the bad growing season..I want to eat them.
Canna leaves the same colour do too....:drool: ..I Know my tickle...:grin:

also use a vinegar/banana peppers and poor that on them!! I have a jar of banana peppers that have been in vinegar for a very long time! love it on some greens !!

All recipes and processing reports gladly received..although I Love chillies I have tended just to use them fresh or simply dried and if you have any Favourites..add them in here as we go.

Hubby doesn't know yet..but this is going to be year of the chilli..he is my guinea pig...:devil:
this is the stuff right here boss! its flavors salads and just damn its good!

Aw Eek...have a big Mossy Hug...:hug:..I didn't realise Root was away...not something I expect Either of you are Enjoying...Soul Mates.

Our Dog/Puppy misses her immensly. At least I have the ability to understand.

Yeah..that is what I always think with our dogs when we have to go back to the UK..if they could understand it would only be a few days they wouldn't mope as much.

Hubby gets really upset leaving the dogs..I keep having to remind him that the dogs will get over it a lot faster than a 96 year old mother if you don't go visit her....:coffee2:

I Think once his mother goes..he won't go back to the UK..the kids can always visit us here.

this is the stuff right here boss! its flavors salads and just damn its good!


I've got tobacco peppers to grow The Elvis..I might get a chance to make some and see for myself....:grin:

They are Surprisingly Hot huh..?..for the size of them...

I'm Hoping to use them for the chilli nerve pain cream..hoping they are Hot enough.

Cheers again arty...:tiphat:..I'll get a good read of that.

BTW..I went down to the garden centre again today..those aloe vera @ 3 euros a shot were too hard to resist.
So..I went back for anther 6..

so I have just bought the start of my "Grow your Own Aloe Vera farm business"..for hmmm...3-5 years time...I'll have two fully stocked 10 ft x 6 ft beds of it...:coffee2: ..for a 30 euros stake.

If I can keep it Alive..ha ha...:grin:..

Fingers crossed and sends up burnt offerings to the Great Ganja Goddess....:Hookah:
How to grow a sandalwood tree

The fragrant sandalwood is a root hemiparasitic tree, a plant that requires the presence of another to provide nitrogen to its roots.

Hemiparasitic -
A plant,suchasmistletoe,thatobtainssomenourishmentfromitshostbutalsophotosynthesizes.Alsocalledsemiparasite.


  • 1Grow sandalwood where you can provide the tree with 12 hours of sunlight, and temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius year-round. Sandalwood also does better in dry rather than humid weather.
  • 2Select a planting site with a blend of loam and sand that drains well. Dig a hole about a foot deep, and fill it with water. If the liquid disappears underground within 24 hours, the area offers adequate drainage.

  • 3Plant 6-month-old acacia trees in the same lot along the area that is to become rows of sandalwood trees. Space them 7 feet apart. The sandalwood attaches its roots to the acacias' root systems for a mineral source. Cultivate the acacia trees until they're 1 to 2 years old, keeping the surrounding area free of weeds, before sowing sandalwood seeds.
  • 4Sow two sandalwood seeds 1 foot away from every other acacia tree. Bury the seeds 3/4 inches deep. They will germinate in one to two months. Thin the saplings to one for every two acacias.
  • 5Irrigate the sandalwood seeds at planting, and continue to keep the soil moist to a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Established sandalwood trees require little water. In the wild, they receive 1 to 12 inches of rain a year, depending on where they're growing.
  • 6Raise the sandalwood trees in a weed-free environment their first two years to allow them to fully develop without having to compete for nutrients.

Is this the same info you found Mossy? I think you need to let the Acacia to establish a good root system so the sandlewood can attach to the acacia roots. I would imagine if you plant the sandlewood before the acacia root have established a good root system, you may end up losing both trees. There are also leguminous trees which may be useful.

Leguminous trees are named after the fruits they produce and are members of the legume, or Fabaceae, family. The Fabaceae family is the third largest flowering plant family, with more than 18,000 members. Legume trees produce pods that contain their seeds. These seed pods come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from giant 1.5 m (5 foot) long pods that grow in tropical forests to the common soybean, peanut and green bean.

Western redbud

The western redbud (Cercis occidentalis) produces multiple trunks. It grows in a dense, vase shape to 7.5 m (25 feet) with a similar spread. This deciduous tree produces showy pink and purple flowers in spring, followed by brown, bird-attracting legumes. Its pinnate, green foliage turns yellow in fall.


The mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) grows to 10.5 m (35 feet) tall with a 9 m (30 foot) spread. This deciduous tree has delicate, lacy foliage and a wide, spreading canopy. It blooms from spring through summer with showy, puffy, pink blooms followed by hard, dry seed pods. The mimosa has large, thick surface roots and is considered a weed by some.


The tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) grows up to 19.5 m (65 feet) tall with a 15 m (50 foot) spread. This tropical evergreen grows in an upright, rounded form and produces red to yellow flowers in spring, followed by hard, velvety, brown legumes that grow up to 15 cm (6 inches) long and are filled with an edible paste. Tamarinds only grow in frost-free regions.

Blue paloverde

The blue paloverde (Parkinsonia Florida) grows from 9 to 12 m (30 to 40 feet) tall and has smooth, blue-green bark. This thorned tree blooms with bright yellow flowers in spring and produces flat green legumes that turn yellow as they mature. Blue paloverde flowers attract bees.

Catclaw acacia

The catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii) grows to 6 m (20 feet) tall as a small tree or large shrub. This thorny tree has curved brown and grey spines along its branches and binately compound foliage. It blooms with clusters of yellow flowers in spring, followed by long, flat seed pods.

Velvet mesquite

Velvet mesquite trees (Prosopis velutina) produce long, green pods that turn brown as they age. This 9 m (30 foot) tall tree has straight, white-grey thorns and brown to grey bark. The velvet mesquite has extremely long taproots that reach as deep as 48 m (160 feet) under the earth.

Desert ironwood

The desert ironwood (Olneya tesota) grows to 10.5 m (35 feet) tall and produces brown, hairy legumes. It blooms with pea-shaped white to dark-purple blossoms and has fissured, grey bark and curved spines. The desert ironwood grows almost exclusively in the Sonoran Desert and is a protected species in Arizona. Unlike most trees, desert ironwood wood does not float.

Whitethorn acacia

The whitethorn acacia (Acacia constricta) also grows as a small tree or large shrub. It reaches heights of 3 m (10 feet) and has red, burgundy to grey bark. Older woody growth loses its spines, but new growth has straight, white thorns. It produces red-brown legumes and blooms with fuzzy yellow flowers in spring and midsummer.

Further reading is probably needed to make sure they are compatable with the sandlewood.

I laughed when I saw that Elvis washes his greens in a washing machine, necessity is the mother of invention and I just love the ingenuity of Growers/farms to get a job done, nice one Elvis.

Mmmm pickled chilles , I love them wish home made shish kebabs {kebobs} or falafels with a heap of shredded white cabbage, tomatoes and cucumber and served with a warn toasted pitta bread.

I haven't made my own pickled chillie, but it is on the list of things to do.

Quick edit lol - I really like Cavolo Nero super dark kale yum.

For some recipes go to "" link -

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Mmmm pickled chilles , I love them wish home made shish kebabs {kebobs} or falafels with a heap of shredded white cabbage, tomatoes and cucumber and served with a warn toasted pitta bread.

mmm pickled chilliies... go fantastic with a shawarma, I would have them daily in Abu Dhabi
Meanwhile back at the Ranch..:grin:..

The wind has dropped....."pher Wiggle"..but we didn't get the cover on the

It was bloody we gave it a miss.

We are due Sunny tomorrow..better to stretch the plastic...

If I can just stowaway on an East bound freighter, I can be there by March... lololol
Looking out our window this morning, it'll be early MAY before the ground is clear, and there's another 12-18 inches coming in the next 3 days...... I've resorted to using old grow soil for the walkway. The perlite seems to make the snow more..... organic..... lololol
Offerings to the Goddess! :Ohmmm.......:
We have a 4ft fencing post hammered in and bolted on each end of the frame.

Hubby is going to take them down with the grinder to remove the top hook profile..then we will smother them in tape..and pray we get the cover over them..:coffee2:

Each floor frame length has a pipe clip secured with a 12 inch tent peg spiked into the the frame should be going nowhere...fingers crossed..Mother Nature can be fearsome at times.

Does anyone know what this is off the top of their heads...?


I've seen it before but can't remember what it is...:slaps:..winter memory is that big fat bottom of the trunk that rings a bell...

I Inherited it with the ranch..and can't make my mind up whether to abandon it or does look pretty Sad...

While we were puttering about hubby managed to get the weather station wind meter going.
It wasn't the wind meter itself..but the brand new Duracell batteries not being strong enough to make the mother unit pick the signal up.

We changed them for a set of Panasonic and lo and behold..everything is there.
I don't know what it is with spain..but even the expensive batteries are crap...:grin:


Now I just have to figure our how to transfer the info to the laptop and track it....:coffee2:

The start of my grow your own aloe vera farm....


And grow your own Security fence...:grin:..believe will walk through a bougainvillea hedge once it is Lethal.

See the extra Fingers coming out of the soil..that is the aloe Pups..they say it is the easiest was to propagate as soon as it warms up..I'll be splitting them off and growing them on...


Roll on Spring..."pher Wiggle"
I've seen it before but can't remember what it is...:slaps:..winter memory is that big fat bottom of the trunk that rings a bell...
Sick Yucca plant maybe? Haven't seen a fat bottom like that before


.. or have i!? ^_^