The sandalwood attaches its roots to the acacias' root systems for a mineral source.

Oh Bugger arty..I missed the bit where it Attatched to the root..I Thought I just had to provide a high nitro soil....:slaps:.....


Evening definitely got the proportions right...something in me head is saying elephant foot plant because of the swollen bottom..

But it is not a sick yukka..I Inherited one of those as well...:coffee2:
Okay..I googled elephants foot and I Think I have it...


It is an elephants foot yukka...not very attractive is it...?...hmmm...I'll consider it...
Hey Mossy, it is a Pony Tail Palm, had one for years until it got to big. Pretty much indestructable
Sick Yucca plant maybe? Haven't seen a fat bottom like that before


.. or have i!? ^_^

OK first things first, I am an ass man through and through, Jlo does not have the best, but that pic is :drool:!!

Now onto other mundane matters.

And grow your own Security fence...:grin:..believe will walk through a bougainvillea hedge once it is Lethal.

You bet Mossy, I have three huge ones that I have been training for about 10 years. Nothing but birds can deal with it.
The key to them is neglect, they do not like pampering and will not do well if you overwater or overfeed, but they can handle the monsoon season fine.
I am brutal with mine to keep them managable, but at 12 feet tall the fk'ers never fail to get me back when I am pruning.
Damn thorns hurt like hell!

Low PH = Human Hibernation = diabetes type they will Probably eventually call it.

Like diabetes type 2..but with total carb intolerance as well...more akin to metabolic syndrome x than type 2 diabetes.

Raise the PH..raise Spring light heat and eat a light meat.. young spring greens diet..create an Artificial SPRING..and you Reverse the Hibernation mode.

"astros Wink wink.."
Must be why I had to get back to the coast.
Wife thought I was nuts when I was as my sickest as it was pretty much "I am not dying here, I am going to the water whether anyone comes or not!"
2 decades landlocked was doing me no favors.
Meanwhile back at the Ranch..:grin:..we had one of Those days...

We hired a man with a van go to the DIY shop with hubby to get the roofing and pellet fire.

Got this completely carboarded up fire on a it back home..unpacked it and there is a great big crack across the glass...:slaps:...hubby was suicidal.

The number of times we have Sworn Never to buy anything in Spain without opening all the packaging and checking...:no:..and we still get caught out.

Soooo..we ended up having to phone friends back and return it. Waste of time and money.

They ended up taking the glass out of another fire and giving him That..:no:....I've given him the rest of the day off..he doesn't Do stress now.

You bet Mossy, I have three huge ones that I have been training for about 10 years. Nothing but birds can deal with it.

I'll be hedging it around the fenced might take a few years..but there is no just puts an extra layer of protection well as being absolutely Stunning when it flowers.

The key to them is neglect, they do not like pampering and will not do well if you overwater or overfeed, but they can handle the monsoon season fine.

Excellent to Know.
I Tend to Pamper things I Want to grow and they don't all appreciate it.
I had to find that out about Lavender too..treat them like crap..and they Love you..:coffee2:

I am brutal with mine to keep them managable, but at 12 feet tall the fk'ers never fail to get me back when I am pruning.

I got a New Tool from the auctions a few weeks back..hedge start to tackle the canes/ I will be clipping back hard and hedging too.

I'll run a thread of Jasmine through I get adorable smell too....can't get enough Linalool...:grin:

Damn thorns hurt like hell!

Everything here is thorny..I've been chopping the orange wood to dry for smoking and I'm full of puncture marks.
I'll run a thread of Jasmine through I get adorable smell too....can't get enough Linalool...:grin:

Great minds dear,
I have two Jasmine intertwined with the Bouganvillia's and a Wisteria for higher up as I love the hanging blooms.

Everything here is thorny..I've been chopping the orange wood to dry for smoking and I'm full of puncture marks.

Citrus will get you bad too, but I swear the bougan's take pleasure in it!