Indoor Ryker604's Indoor Extravaganza feat. AutoPots, BioTabs, HID lights and 17 plants

Been there don’t envy ur trim,by the end of some of mine,the amount of good sugar trim that went in trash was unreal

You don’t mind me jumping aboard my friend
Looks like it goin be one hell of a ride

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, I'll be a nice host and answer all of my guests, but first of all: glad to have you here :bighug::vibe:.

BOOM !! :hothot: looking nice !! :pop: good luck sir !!

Thank you very much, hope you'll enjoy the journal as much as I enjoy yours :toke:.

:pass: where are the munchies?

Sorry dude, didn't know how many people would come, so I'm badly prepared. But we'll figure something out, nice to have you :smoking:.

great to see you get your hands dirty again.4 tents ? crikey that sounds like a fulltime job.
good luck pal:pass:

Archie my man, this grow and my REAL full time job don't leave much free time on my hands, believe you me :bow:. Not to mention that I took the plunge in cryptocurrencies 2 months ago, so I definitely got my hands full all the time :shrug:. But it seems that I like it that way these last couple of years :thumbsup:.

What the feck --->4 tents! what i like:headbang:
looks like you will be very busy soon, hope you've an extra eye on security this time:pass:
I'll watch with pleasure!

Don't mention security dude, that's one reason why I started the journal on day 45 of the grow :yoinks:. Can get reeeeeally paranoid at times, but what can you do :pass:.


Samo JakO neMA labavO ..

Pratim bRATE!!





Nema brate, pune ruke posla :bow:. Glad to have you here Cov.

nice one ryker looks like you have stepped up your game quite a bit you lucky b'#@$t!d cant wait to see how things have been going for you have you always germed in root riot cubes ?
:d5: :pop: :woohoo: :smokeit: :cool1:

Haha, thank you. Yeah, been germin' in riot cubes since I've started. The first time it was in jiffy cubes (which expand when moist) and I liked them better than these plugs. However, thinking about maybe ditching riot cubes, but we'll see, need some further research :2cents:.

nice looking set up my man!:d5: interested to see the biotabs in coco:pop:

You can check out my last grow, it's 95% the same setup, just 1 tent and a 1GPW yield in the end. Think you'll like it :smoking:.

I'm aboard. :pop: Boy are you gonna be busy later on, yipes. :cheers:

Tell me about it man. One of the CQ's in this grow will be very similar to yours and I've seen them around the web too, seems like it's genetic.

Been there don’t envy ur trim,by the end of some of mine,the amount of good sugar trim that went in trash was unreal

You don’t mind me jumping aboard my friend
Looks like it goin be one hell of a ride

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course not dude, glad to have you around, take a seat and feel free to comment, ask, give advice etc. :cheers:.

I have been waiting for this one Ryker! I really digg your setup and the amount of girls. Will be some good weeks fallow this grow. :headbang::headbang: :cheers::pop::pop: :smokeout:

Yo Rambo! :pighug: Thank you, I appreciate your input. Don't know if they will be monster girls like yours, but I'll try my best to get some high quality shit :bow:.

See, I know that I forgot someone :smoker1:. Thank you for joining Konop, hope you will like the grow :thumbsup:.
Mate ... thanks for the invite, wow you really pushing boat out 4 tents, a lot to tend to.

looking forward to this one. :hookah:

Yeah, takes 45 min just to check on the girls :smoking:. Glad to have you here :thumbsup:.


A quick and boring update :woohoo1::biggrin:. Mixed the substrate on day 5, which probably was a little bit early but the Eazy Plugs are somewhat smallish and the roots already started protruding, so...

Took the 15 L AutoPots and filled them up with 60% coco, 30% perlite and 10% worm castings. This mix was amended with 100g of GuanoKalong powder (1-10-1), ~60g of dolomite lime (last grow plants showed CalMg deficiencies, so trying to battle that) and the Biotabs line up (100g of Startex and Silicium Flash, 5g of Mycotrex and 2 and a half tabs per pot - stronger mix than recommended due to coco).
After thorough mixing soaked it all with 2g of Bactrex, 5 mL Orgatrex and 1g Greenhouse Feeding Enhancer (humic acids + seaweed) per litre of water.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that they were put in the tent under a 600W MH bulb.

Unfortunately, pics of this are bloody awful and you're gonna get just one :shrug:.

For a bonus, have a pic of a NQ that didn't start out quite right :haha::

That's it for now, next time some close ups of the seedlings, see ya then :greenthumb::jointman:.
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Damn !! :d5: :headbang:

You are stepping up !

Good luck m8 :bighug:

still room in the front ? :pop:


Thank you dude :d5:. Of course, grab a seat and enjoy the show :pass:.


Let's have a seedling introduction in this update :woohoo:. Some of them had some transplanting problems (which I panicked about a lil' bit :shrug:) but everything turned out OK. One Cosmic Queen turned out to be a runt and one Night Queen germinated funny but grew out of it. 2 out of 18 seeds didn't germinate but more precisely - one Buddha's Sister didn't pop at all and one Cream Mandarine broke it's neck trying to get out of the plug :doh:. However, I left the Mandarine in the plug, misted it regularly and IT LIVES :yay:. She's doing her thing now under the 9500K light.

First up it's the Mephisto tent. There are a lot of pics so I'll do 2 posts, seems more neat that way.


Double Grapes:

Cosmic Queens (runt among them :smoking:):

Group shot:

Next tent up in the post below :frog:.
The mixed tent - conditions:

Cream Mandarines:

Night Queens:

Cherry Bombs:

Buddha's Sister:

Group Shot:

Cream Mandarine survivor:

That's all for now folks :coco:.
DAY 13

Yo yo yo... another quick update. RH is a little bit low and the girls are still somewhat stressed but they're doing fine, just growing a little bit slower I would guess.

First up is the Meph tent - CQ's in the left column and right bottom corner, else is DG:

Next is the mixed tent - if you want to know which is which, ask :smoking::

As a bonus, have a pic of the CM survivor on day 11, I think she's really cute :pighug::

Wishing you a happy day AFN :bighug::vibes:.