New Grower Royal Queen Jack Herer Auto??

Thanks all! I need to try a pic without the damn LED lighting, makes the thing look like it's from Mars... It's 8 weeks in now and looks way better in person:thumbs:
Here's a pic of my sad little clonelings.

As I said they have begun to root so hopefully the top growth will perk up.

It should be noted that these were the very bottom branches and were already on the spindly side.

We shall see what becomes of them!

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Just looked at the pic again. From the photo it looks as if the one on the left is in flower. I can assure the reader that it is not...
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Re-looked at that left clone in person today when I was doing plant maintenance. Egg on my face! It is indeed flowering already :face: I'm going to let it grow on but don't have much hope for it...
Just added equal parts grow, bloom, and micro at 1/4 strength to the clones.
Decided to pull the flowering clone. It was already failing the scope of this experiment. The non-flowering clone's roots are exploding with growth. This one should be interesting to watch. Humidity dome has been removed. No new growth on the top yet.
Well, this experiment has come to an end. The other clone began flowering today. It surprises me that the mother plant is still taking her sweet time to start flowering but the clones start immediately. I am wondering if this is some sort of stress response to the actual cloning... My next attempt at female seeds will be to start two seeds at one time in the aerogarden and transplant one to the dwc bucket and the other into soil in my cab. The cab will be the plant to change with silver. The clones would have been so much easier however:cuss:
Thought I would post an update pic of my plant. The LED is annoying but it is in such a small space it isn't really practical at the moment to remove the light and put the florescent fixture in... Anyways it is FINALLY starting to flower, about 2 weeks in now. Sometime after this Wednesday I plan on pollinating the lower branches with some Lowlife AK47 X Hindu Kush pollen, whenever they put on some weight. Should be an interesting cross. I decided on the name Jafahr for the cross as in:
Jack Herer
Forty Seven
Hindu Kush

Anyway, here is the best I could get of the Jack Herer for now:
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And one of the tiny main cola:

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Please bear in mind this is only 2 weeks into flowering, with this Wednesday October 9th being the start of the third week. This plant really likes to take it's time. Total grow time will be 11 weeks so far tomorrow... Hoping it will be worth the wait.

I also am experimenting with a new additive I found (well, new to me), Top Max from Bio Bizz. The water change tomorrow will complete the first week with it, as always I am of course making the nute solution with General Hydroponics 3 part series, 1/3 strength mixed for flowering phase.

Still bums me out that my clones failed but I am excited about getting seeds of an entirely different strain!! Hope you all like the pics :)