New Grower Royal Queen Jack Herer Auto??

Nben definitely keep us posted on how the experiment turns out. I am very interested. I had started 5 of those seeds. Alass I killed three. I dony recall how they looked sorry. That seems like forever ago.
Thanks coolbreeze and Roark!

I was thinking the same thing about pollinating the mom but I was worried that I wouldn't have time to get the change over and then pollinate... If I got a bottom branch though it just might work since they seem to live much longer in DWC than in soil.

I may have to resort to this if one of the clones fails. It is only three days in now (It's tomorrow as I write this. Working nights kind of sucks).

On being afraid to mention my clones: Just seems like anyone who mentions cloning auto's is instantly crucified!!

I promise on Wednesday (my only day off at the moment) to read through the iphone pic thread to learn how to safely post pics and get some up :)
Lots Of people here reverse a branch on the mom and use that to pollinate another branch- without ever taking a cut. I would be worried with the cuts that you won't get sufficient root development to grow female flowers- th same as high ph or go soil leads to lots of males- the plant signals itself that the environment is too hostile to support female buds and seeds- so it makes little male flowers and pollen. Pretty cool how they work- anyway, run the cuts and see what happens- its a cool project. But also be aware you can "always" make seeds buy reversing a branch and never have to worry about cuttings. Cool project. I hope that this stuff really is like jh for you. Sounds like a cool plant.
Thanks Tobe for the info! Even more to look forward to!!

Coolbreeze I appreciate the input. On Bob's thread we had a lengthy discussion about CS and it's effects on partial area changing versus full plant reversal. I feel it's better to change the entire plant from what I read. Please see here if you are interested, however it is a rather long thread: . I do sincerely appreciate the input!!

For what it's worth the cuttings are doing well. No cutting looks totally fantastic from what I have experienced but what were shoots when I took the cuttings are now small leaves so they are indeed growing. Thankfully I have had experience with photo clones before so I feel confident in the process, albeit quite some time ago now!

Hermie's are something I fear... I hope this does not happen!!!!
I'am real happy about the af's seeds from rqs! Now i'am growing the royal haze I want to put a grow report from it, butt can't upload a report on this :shrug:
I'am real happy about the af's seeds from rqs! Now i'am growing the royal haze I want to put a grow report from it, butt can't upload a report on this :shrug:
Hi Nik - Sounds like you need some help :)

Are you saying you would like to start a grow journal for your royal haze grow? If so you can pop it in the new growers forum and people will be able to follow and help when needed.

To do this click this link that takes you to the new growers forums

Then you can hit the green button on the left that says "Post New Thread" - Call it "Niks Royal Haze Grow" or something like that

Then just tell us what kind of setup you are running, soil, coco hydor? Hps? Led? whatever you think is appropriate.
People love pictures so if you can take some snaps (ideally not from a smart phone - let us know if you need help here) that would get people folling.

Then you can just go back there and post more in your thread to update it.

Let me know if anything is unclear and I'll try to clarify!

All the best
Blue ^_^

Edit: I've Pm'd Nik so not to clog up this thread. Appologies to OP. I can get these deleted when Nik is sorted out :)
Blue all are welcome on my threads:hug:No need to delete post, this may help someone one day!
Cool - you've been doing some pretty complete research. I remain most interested in seeing what kind if success you have with getting a clone to grow fully developed female flowers. I'm no much of one for the CS treatment just because im not into feminized lines. I've only used it twice- both with photos- because I was selfing a mom for future seedstock- while mothballing a project... Basically to preserve the genetics in my library while letting go of a mother I wasn't using anymore...
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