Indoor Royal Bluematic in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

the single lowers fall off after a while anyways :thumbsup: if folks havnt ripped them off before that :eyebrows:
:cuss: to autos that dont auto.but other than thats she looks healthy enough :smokeit:
good luck

thanks ! i removed the single leaves because they were flat against the wet coco and i was worried about humidity issues... hehehehe also really wanted to take a picture before the dried up completely and i find the whole nutrient antagonism deal fascinating.
She is 60 days old now (counting from when the seed was placed in a moist paper towel). About 26 days ago she was changed into 12/12. Last week I put her back to 18/6 to see what would happen. She seems to be flowering still so maybe she was an auto after all? She is receving indirect sunlight from the window and i give additional light with a 10 watts phillip led.

She only gets MC v 1.0 at 250 ppms, any more and she starts burning.

I suppercroped the tallest stalk and it recovered within an hour.

Some pics from today:


She turned 84 days old today (counting from when the seed was placed in a moist paper towel).

It's been almost a month since i put her back in 18/6 but she keeps flowering, no reveging signs... so i guess she really was an auto, just a really slow one?? she only gets 3-4 hours of direct sunlight... rest is indirect light, so maybe light wasn't strong enough to reveg it? The girl in the tent under the autocob is about 1-2 week from harvest, so this Bluematic will get a few weeks of good light soon anyways. CLearly yield wont be great, but as long as quality is good, im happy.

She can now eat more, getting 380 ppms of MC 1.0 including Bud Explosion...

Here are a few pics

This Royal Bluematic (still not sure if it's authentic auto) had veged a little under a single Autocob before the "Auto AK" that was in the tent with her got too big and displaced her to the window where only indirect sunlight hits. But now she's back in the tent with a 20/4 schedule. (The others in the first pic are clones taken from the "Auto AK"). Been there for about 2 weeks. She quickly got fatter, and after a week she started showing Ca and Mg def, so started giving her calmag pro+ again plus MC 1.0. At 400 ppm she got burnt tips so i'm feeding her between 300-380 ppm ( 0.7-0.8 EC ) . Most trichomes are still clear but turning milky. There is a gnat infestation, hopefully nothing too bad but 'im working on eradicating it.

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This girl turned 128 days old today since i put on moist paper towels. Finally saw an amber trich, but just one in the whole plant!!! Fungus gnat problem has been erradicated. She's currently sitting at 24 inch from the light. tried feeiding over 0.7 ec but strated getting burnt tips.

Pics from yesterday


This girl will be harvested today! 142 days since the seed was put in moist paper towels; a bit over three months of flowering time which had to be induced by switching to 12/12. The final 45 days of the flowering phase were spent under a single 3500k Autocob 18/6, but most of her life was spent next to a window with 12/12 of indirect sunlight. She foxtalied toward the end.

Pics from this morning...

Some pics from the harvest done last saturday night... tried some suagary leaves yesterday... nice high, flavor of cookie/cake dough!
