New Grower Round two. Zkittlez autos

more stability with plants I'm finding.
Any difference in the terps? Oh and I forgot to answer your earlier question. They are about 25 to 30 days from wrapping up. At least zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] will go for quite a bit longer but that had a longer veg time and I'm almost 100% sure it's a different pheno. The smells and everything are way different. Growth similar, albeit is a monster compared to [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], but that one is definitely different
Just a sneak peak of my update later. So frosty.
Any difference in the terps? Oh and I forgot to answer your earlier question. They are about 25 to 30 days from wrapping up. At least zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] will go for quite a bit longer but that had a longer veg time and I'm almost 100% sure it's a different pheno. The smells and everything are way different. Growth similar, albeit is a monster compared to [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG], but that one is definitely different
They say yes but I haven’t grown 2 of the same without it yet. I would need to grow 1 with and 1 without to really tell I think.
Daily update..

Day 46 Zkittlez

Temps: 75F lights off, 79F lights on
RH: 52%
Water: 3,000 ml RO water Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
Nutes: 1.5 g/gal Bud Explosion 0-19-39
4 ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0
Light distance: 18 in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the big girl was super thirsty today, [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], she is just big that's all I can attribute to her drinking twice as much as the other two. Also on that note, she is getting too far for her arms to support the load and I'm worried some of my massive side branching that is easily twice as big as the others is going to snap soon. A few of them are LEANING very precariously. Starting to look like whacky waving inflatable arm tube men :vibe:

I'm back up on the bud explosion to 1.5 grams a gallon, otherwise known as FULL STRENGTH:headbang:, girls are digging this stuff and so am I. Nice fat buds sites that are getting fatter by the day. I think zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is almost fully cloudy, but she is still packing on weight and I want these to go to a bit more Amber than I did last round. It was a very good smoke, but a little too uppy for me as I cut at first signs of amber trichs last round. I like a little stone with my smoke, and it helps with the back pain quite a bit more with the higher cbn contents that come from the thc breaking down into other goodies. That's the stuff that gives you a more couch lock. I didn't ever get couch lock, unless I'm smoking some insane 40% thc flower, but then who wouldn't at that level? I'm a bit of a heavyweight when it comes to my reefer, I have always needed more than my buddies to get similar effects. Or maybe I can just handle myself a bit better than most. Anywho I'm rambling and getting off topic.

These girls are smelling delicious and looking to be some solid producers just like last round. I want to go for a stronger body smoke, I know it's limited by genetics but I can influence that by allowing them to go for a few days, or a week, longer than last round. Smoke was on point so I don't want to deviate too much, but I'm down to try some experiments with these girls this round on different harvest times, who knows maybe this is just more of a day time smoke :shrug: check the pics and let me know what you think. That profile pic gives a good view of how those colas are starting to fatten up nicely. Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Group shot

Fek man.
If my knees didnt hurt cause im old and fat id be bowing down yo!
It's ok they feel the love :d5: I'm really liking my intense training. Decent amount of work but dam it fills a tent! I don't know if I could ever go to growing a plant all natural after doing this haha I've got the meter squared they quote and last round I was actually able to hit the breeders quotes on weight per plant. I have to attribute it to the training, well worth it!
Well its working whatevs youre doing yo, the plants seem to be diggin it and they definitely pass the eye test!
I'm really hesitant to defol after last time they started eating themselves so fast in the cleanse at the end. I think I'll just continue to leaf tuck like I've been doing. Idk I almost go straight Edward scissorhands every day I go in there, but I'm trying to practice this thing called patience. It's a work in progress but hey I haven't gone crazy yet. Only leaves I have taken off are a handful of yellow lower ones, maybe 10 from all three plants total for the whole grow.