New Grower Round two. Zkittlez autos

Daily update..

Day 45 Zkittlez

Temps: 72F lights off, 76F lights on
RH: 55%
Water: 3,000 ml RO water Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]
Nutes: 1 g/gal Bud Explosion 0-19-39
3 ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0
Light distance: 18 in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the girls got a good water yesterday, well [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] at least. I cut back the megacrop entirely, and kept the bud explosion at about 2/3 strength, down from full strength. I added in cal-mag at half strength to try and help with the mag issues. It's only been a day as that was all done last night right before lights on.

I am going to need to start supporting the branching on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] or I think it's liable to have snapping branches as they are leaning hardcore right now as the flowers start to fill in. Any suggestions or idears on how to properly support branching would be greatly appreciated, but I'll definitely be looking into some other grows to see how others have done it. The girls are starting to stink really really bad. Like Everytime I open the tent I'm blasted with a nice smell of dank gas. These girls have a super strong aroma and as these fatten up its getting delicious to smell. So upon crazy inspection like I do most days I found a bugger! Look at the photos and let me know what and if I should be concerned about this guy. I didn't see any more literally anywhere so I'm hoping he just snuck in when I was watering at some point. Either way I am watching them like a hawk right now. Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]


Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Group shot


Dam buggar trying to get my goodies. Killed his ass though so I know my stuff is potent... Looks like a flesh fly but I'm not so sure
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Day 45 why cut back the BE? how many days til finish?

I think either I am having some nute lockout issues or some serious cal-mag deficiencies right now. So for the next few feeds I'm cutting out the megacrop and lowering the pk booster while I ramp up cal-mag. I'll get back into it after a few feeds like this. I have been feeding every water since about day 15 ish. They can use a break! Also leaves are super dark green and they are loaded with nutes. I could probably benefit from having the plant eat itself a bit
I think either I am having some nute lockout issues or some serious cal-mag deficiencies right now. So for the next few feeds I'm cutting out the megacrop and lowering the pk booster while I ramp up cal-mag. I'll get back into it after a few feeds like this. I have been feeding every water since about day 15 ish. They can use a break!
I keep at them from day 10 to day 70 ish. 24 hrs of light too, push them to their limits. no rest for the wicked.
I keep at them from day 10 to day 70 ish. 24 hrs of light too, push them to their limits. no rest for the wicked.
I will start the 24 hour light cycle on my next run as it's starting to get colder out and they will definitely benefit from the added heat. Right now I started these girls at 18/6 and I'm not going to mess their whole world up to try and get a few extra grams. They are locked in this round and I'm cool with that. I am growing in my garage so it's only semi controlled climate, I had to put a rest time in because they would get way too hot in the heat of the afternoon sun beating down on the side of my garage.
I've use sweet candy start to finish .:thumbsup:
As for the sweet candy.... What differences, if you have done comparisons, have you noticed. I was going to try molasses next round, as it's essentially the same thing as sweet candy, but if you can convince me I might invest in some. It's pretty dam cheap anyways
As for the sweet candy.... What differences, if you have done comparisons, have you noticed. I was going to try molasses next round, as it's essentially the same thing as sweet candy, but if you can convince me I might invest in some. It's pretty dam cheap anyways
more stability with plants I'm finding.