New Grower Round two. Zkittlez autos

Nice training action, :d5:
Right I started early and have been trying to do a good mix of leaf tucking and training wires and they have grown exactly where I want them to so far. I think I can get them into a nice circle spread here soon so there is no main cola per se
Got some more beast mode autos from megabuds! Thanks for the wedding gift :crying:

Those girls are looking great they are exploding with growth and koodos on the training got em minding ya for now lol I had mine doing great but couple days in the early pre flower stretch I slacked and they went their on way took a lot of messing with but got em back to what I wanted and the way your last ones looked with your training I know you'll have these babies looking superb
Those girls are looking great they are exploding with growth and koodos on the training got em minding ya for now lol I had mine doing great but couple days in the early pre flower stretch I slacked and they went their on way took a lot of messing with but got em back to what I wanted and the way your last ones looked with your training I know you'll have these babies looking superb
That's my hope. This is where my OCD actually benefits me a bit. I'm trying to spend as much time with them as I can because shits about to hit the fan in t minus one and a half weeks with my free time. Ill post my update in a bit :pass:
Daily update..

Day 20 Zkittlez

Temps: 75F lights off, 8ⁿF light on
RH: 50%
Water: No water
Nutes: No nutes
Light distance: 20in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the girls are absolutely beasting out right now. I'm going to keep this update short and let the photos speak for themselves. I did some more training today and I think the girls are going to like it alot. Check the before and after photos. Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] before training

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] after training

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] before training

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] after training

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] before training

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] after training

Group shot before training

Group shot after training
Daily update..

Day 21 Zkittlez

Temps: 75F lights off, 80F light on
RH: 50%
Water: No water
Nutes: No nutes
Light distance: 18in
Light cycle: 18/6

Girls are blowing up. Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] even grew up into the fan today haha. She has some wind burn it looks like, so I moved the fan a bit higher so it's not directly at the girls anymore. Dual benefit because now it's blowing at the light and adding even extra cooling. Not much more to update besides these girls are going into solid flower now and are starting to shoot pistils everywhere. I think I might add like a half dose of bud explosion, pk booster, with the next feed. I was wrestling with holding for longer, but last time I regretted not starting bloom feed sooner as I only got a handful of bloom feeds in before they finished up. I really wasn't expecting the fast finish time, so I'm going to not make that mistake and start the bloom nutes now. It won't hurt... Well check the pics and let me know what you think! Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez group shot

Zkittlez profile shot
Nice even canopies there yo!
Lookin good as always!
Thanks bro! I'm going to invest in a tower fan tomorrow. This one is just too big and the oscillating is starting to scrape away the reflective coating on one of the sides from rubbing. I went cheap and got that $20 one for the first run. Been meaning to upgrade to give the girls more space in the tent as well. That fan takes up a good quarter of the tent!