Outdoor Round 2: Waira's Mixed Bag of Tricks Combo Grow '19

:dizzy: put them glasses on Smokey, my plants are shorties this year! :rofl:

...yeah, Lilly,....:shrug: gotta say she threw me a curve with her responses; didn't bush up at all really after topping,... And you know, I think the whole line is discontinued now!
..... No more sniffing fast dry suspect weed mate! :crying:

Waira mate they looked big to me, maybe the glasses were dirty :rofl:, they have a mark on them
which is like resin. That's a shame about Lily not bushing up. I think i read that Dr Grinspoon could be discontinued, i so want to grow Grinspoon. :dizzy:True the supsect weed could make me like the smilie
How could I miss all of that.
You've got some growing magic waira buddy
:pass: Cheers Shrederr, best parts are happening now!

Waira mate they looked big to me, maybe the glasses were dirty :rofl:, they have a mark on themView attachment 1101217 which is like resin. That's a shame about Lily not bushing up. I think i read that Dr Grinspoon could be discontinued, i so want to grow Grinspoon. :dizzy:True the supsect weed could make me like the smilie
:haha: ...everything stayed shorter than expected this year,...:shrug:... Lilly is a mystery, I'll be wanting to chat with some Sensei types about that!
Huh, I'll go look at Barney's Farm and see,... that odd budding does occur in other strains, SOOTdawg has a Cheese cross (?) in the outdoor thread that's much the same.... seen several intermediate types of bud growth along that line as well,... If you look at true tropical landrace Sativa's, many of them make very sparse airy buds,...
===[[[ Update Week 11 ]]]===

:gary:Bloom is coming along nicely so far! This is a fun time to see how fast the strains are for this stage; who set first, ripening speed, finish time guessing,... the whole other half of a strain's performance! Right now hands down GB will be the first in, not even a contest there- :coffee:... estimating 2 weeks on her, which will be the earliest I've taken an OD photo here! Skunk Special is showing the usual Female speed, as she should since she's back crossed with some sort of auto/rudi',... Lilly is building faster now, likely be 3rd in, then OJ and PAK are neck and neck, with Cherry Bomb dragging her ass is last... That one is showing lousy speed, and very "Sativa" bud construction for an Indica dom. cross... Makes me wonder about the not-auto'ing issue all the more, which unfortunately I can't trace her handling well enough to call as a misfire or mislabel... My hope for her is the cherry aromatics, but if that flops too, I'm totally done with Bomb... I ran Atomic a few years ago and she was a shit-show for mold resistance, me and another OD grower were bullshitted about this by a rep'- :nono:... very nice bud, but the worst I've had to date for OD growing in my conditions.
Some good news/bad news on Lilly: her aroma is shaping up to be as advertised, Pina Colada- :drool:.... but after a recent foliar application of Armory, that antifungal inoculant, I found a couple moldy bits- :doh: WTF right?! Could be partly my fault, the application was later in the day, cool and overcast/foggy but I thought plenty of time to dry... guess not! Armory is no panacea, so there's that, but it doesn't exactly instill confidence about her purported mold resistance.... We'll bloody see, best bet is for her to finish fast before any possible crap weather visits which is always a dice roll at this time of year here,...

CrackLOG is loading up like a champ! It's hard to see it, too many leaves blocking the view which reminds me to do a little nip-and-tuck on her to open things up now- :thumbsup: ... tons of trich's, aroma is very nice, so far it's along the OG/Kush line with some floral and sweet in there, and something else hard to describe... probably some funky from the White Crack side- :eyebrows: ... overall, the best performing plant this season hands down! I figure a couple weeks on her for finish....

C99a is a silly thing, she looks like an Italian Cypress! Definitely a throw-back pheno, behaving more photo than auto for this stage.... budding is really slow, but the aroma is coming on now and it's delish'.. sweet fruity candy, but it's very early still...

>>> CrackLOG... top 9+" will be solid bud...
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>>> Gorilla Breath
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>>> Lilly
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>>> Cherry Bomb
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looking good! everyone filling out. Cherry Bomb malingering her way toward the finish, yawn.
Skunk terminal looks yummy
:jointman: BC wo-mon! ... naaahh, I made my own work with the photo's! :face:... as for the auto's I've been pretty lucky so far, dodging wacky pheno's... my number was up it would seem! :doh:
...yeah the C99 is a head scratcher, but I'm with you hoping she makes it worth the wait! Her sister I got a sample of, and the aroma is amazing.. exotic fruit punch, melon notes:drool:... but a surprise in effect: it's narco-sleepy! Like heavy Indica sleepy,... I think there's a fat hit of linalool in her, coz within a 1/2hour my eyes are lidding no matter what- :snooze::rofl:...
Speaking of youngsters changing, did you see the C99 at about 6 weeks? A squat-bush totally, I have never had an plant go verti'-nuts quite like this! She's near 4' now, barely clear the tent ceiling, little light hits her on top...:doh: bloody good thing I can have her outside!
.... Magic classic WD is way overdue so I'm stoked she's running so well after the funky start... I may have an "early work version" of BLKMrrr (Bum Wine x WD, right?)...:eyebrows:... also inherited some first gen stuff like Street Sweeper, Zephyr, LSD and Voodoo.... I want to give BT a serious run, but the size will be a problem in this tent unless I do serious training, which will hog space big time... An OD run is a better call maybe!

:crying: just what I need, more nite-nite weed! :dragon8:... well hopefully my C99 will be the more zippy trippy buzz as it should be,... and in truth I chose SN and WD deliberately because the AoF's manned-up on me :rofl:...
... Skelly had decent results from Widow Bomb, but the rest were never-again strains for outside! .... you SO made the right call on GP mate, which version?

:toke: thanks Hec'! Skunk did shape up pretty well, considering,...I really want good pics of her sister! ..in fact I'ma pester him now,...:biggrin:
Oh, we so wanna see BT outdoor. I'd already be doing this but she takes too long for outdoor here. She's a permanent fixture in the green house though. The last 3 I've grown the smallest gave 7.5 oz. Totally vig, minimal issues for here. Wonderful smoke.
looking good! everyone filling out. Cherry Bomb malingering her way toward the finish, yawn.
Skunk terminal looks yummy
She's looking better Trail, bud forming-wise,... very slow, reminds me of the NQ in this way...flower looks immature still, but I saw a few twinkles in there today, so we'll see.....
:greenthumb: Outdoor run on BT, HBSS too....next year it's a done deal!
===[[[ Week 12+ update ]]]===

:jointman: just cruising along now,.... Overall, some assessments can be made already...
-- GorillaBreath is NOT very mold resistant- :cuss:.... despite the speed, and good weather at the site, there's trouble with mold spotting picking up now... just a couple last week, now there's more. I'm catching it literally daily, so minimal damage done, but it's there acting up! :doh: This is a disappointment in performance considering the good conditions right now.... So, next week she'll come down earlier than I want to, sooner if it keeps this up... Density is good, but not tight at all, resins are very abundant- :shrug:... it's like half dried epoxy too, super sticky stuff!
-- Lilly is a little better, and bares close watching, but she was a known risk,.... same with Purple Afghani Kush...
-- Skunk Special will be second in for sure, holding up perfectly so far- :greenthumb:.... sweet fruity-floral, can't say anything skunky about it just yet,....

-- OJ filling in better now, but aroma isn't orange so far, PAK isn't pineapple either but it's still early to call yet.... :goodluck:
-- Cherry Bomb filling in better as well, bud is still pretty immature, way behind the pack now,.... jury still out on her as well!
--- CrackLOG will be done soon, about a week! The surprise Champ of the season, her buds are fat, solid and sugar-dipped,... no troubles at all with her, even the bugs left her largely alone...color is finally fading some just now.... Of course, here at home the weather is nicer vs the grow site, so not fully apples-to-apples on this, but still,....:hump:... did some needed trimming up on her...
--- C99a freak pheno' got a major haircut, opening things up to the buds much better now... taking her sweet bloody time, but improving buds and wonderful aroma is making me happier! Smell is shifting about some: sweet exotic fruit blend, some spicy,... last night she had a little hippie-chick sweat funk going on- :rofl:

--- all the photo's got a foliar with ATAK (Optic Foliar antifungal), no Transport in it... note the pistil tips are browned out, Transport makes this worse with ATAK (Cu based)

>>> CrackLOG

>>> GorillaBreath

>>> Lilly -- resin production is stellar, aroma makes me want to take a bite!
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