Yes sir i have run the bald one genetics before.I really like AOF they will get more veg time this go round.The lemon thai is interesting for sure ,i have not run that one before.Its still a little hot here to fire up the room.I think prolly oct 1st or shortly after. I got a lot of sticks stuff i,m looking at and have some LSD x Critical. i got a few years back.I hope those will pop for me they are kind of old seeds. I also have some THH crosses i,m looking at also.So many strains so little room,you know the deal.LOL Every time i start looking at my seed stash i want to grow them all.Oh i am going to run some of Js stuff as well.I will have a full room .Peace please

I sail the same sea brother! I have tried to keep the seed hoarding at a minimum, freshness counts and my turn-over is sadly slow,...and yet still more come-- a contest won, vendor offers made, some share-sies

- and to refuse would be rude-

Especially if it's something juicy! I'm going to mooch a couple-few Lava Freeze (SSSC first and only fem to date) beans from a good mate, and with Friesland as one parent, she should be a stellar choice for my climes. And Stick still has a lil' sumn for me on top of all this,... haven't begun to sniff out stuff at GMC, but Baldy is holding some epic goods! That LT, it's used so much in other crosses, I'd love to learn more about her history, sourcing, etc.,... she make beautiful gooey children that's for sure! The main thing helping me not go nuts is lack of fem's, which for me is an issue giver my constraints.... Damn, I want to sow another round already, and I'm not even done this year yet-, I have to say, this season was something of a sideways gig,...a lot of snafu's, and I feel a "redo" kinda urge in me... Thank gawds the weather was decent, or Gorilla Breath would have never made it despite her crazy speed, due to weak mold resistance,... something I asked about beforehand but IMO bad info was passed down (no fault to the messenger)... That said,
shit-howdy is this stuff potent!

I'm no heavyweight, but I know what 3 modest hits does to me vs. other strains of note, and this is easily one of the top 3 most potent strains I have grown and that's with no cure, early saver cut bud only! With some cure of prime bud =

I know I'll have to restrict who smokes this, lightweight will white-the-fuck-out on this, it's that kinda high...
I'm overdue to update, so I'll ramble more then....

.... plenty to say yet!
Town was a success, got some antibiotics! and she had her first solid food in 11 days yesterday. Definitely on the right trail now!

Hiya Waira mate ! They are looking great, i love trippy plants and fungi

So just low stress without the training. I had a go at LST a bit deformed at first the poor laides

but starting to look good, only one not happy with purple punch, she needs to grow grow

good idea with the styrofoam, i got a bit of that around, i collect stereos, Technics from the 80s

me too mate,... I want a pet slime mold!

.... mind the junction at the main stem base when you use the wedgies Smokey, too much stress there can cause it to semi-break and leave an opening for mold to get in later,.. I'll take pics of the stress response the plants hows when it's forced a bit to much. It's wads/knuckles up like supercropping does to the stem....
< Skunk Special harvest pics >>>
Took her down today ahead of a heat spell,... she was nicely ripe!

No last photo's live, but no real changes to be seen anyway,.... She was the star at this grow site this year, best performing strain hands down! Next to no mold, just a couple shallow hits, leaf mainly actually... very fast at 5+ weeks I think...mid-Aug. bloom start,... bugs didn't seem to favor her; aside form my feed hiccup and P defc., she was trouble free -

And the aroma, holy crap, an olfactory overload!... chopping/pre-trimming her gave me a mild headache when done (in a garage marinating in the aroma)... She smells like heady complex floral, light citrus, PEZ candy and something sweet spicy that tingles the nose... fair yield for her size, pending weigh-in...(This rack is 2' diameter) ... there's 1 bud with fasciation, and one that almost did it, but ended up a Siamese twin... I'll get better pics of those later!
top middle bud is the fused twin...