Outdoor Round 2: Waira's Mixed Bag of Tricks Combo Grow '19


:haha: ...everything stayed shorter than expected this year,...:shrug:... Lilly is a mystery, I'll be wanting to chat with some Sensei types about that!
Huh, I'll go look at Barney's Farm and see,... that odd budding does occur in other strains, SOOTdawg has a Cheese cross (?) in the outdoor thread that's much the same.... seen several intermediate types of bud growth along that line as well,... If you look at true tropical landrace Sativa's, many of them make very sparse airy buds,...

Yes mate ! , must find what up with Lilly, such a nice name. Dr Grinspoon, is simlar to Aussie Bastard Cannabis buds also. Yes Dr Grinspoon isnt a big producer being a Sativa heirloom strain. I think form some reviews, its a really good plant. What are the white things Waira between the branches? Looking good btw :d5:
Yes mate ! , must find what up with Lilly, such a nice name. Dr Grinspoon, is simlar to Aussie Bastard Cannabis buds also. Yes Dr Grinspoon isnt a big producer being a Sativa heirloom strain. I think form some reviews, its a really good plant. What are the white things Waira between the branches? Looking good btw :d5:
I think FullDuplex is growing 'Bastards - :smoking:...trippy plant!
The white things are styrofoam wedges used to force a branch downward some in order to get it to reach and stretch outward more, and not so straight up... it's LST without the T - :rofl:

Man, C99 sure isa skinny. WD and BT looking hurky! Looking forward to your HBSS, see how she do in the fog. Solo.......:d5:
She's about as off-spec' as they come and still be an auto, original breeder Krk has never seen this before... but as long as she fatten up and makes fine-ass C99 bud, I'll let it slide! :pimp: :rofl:
Witch Doctor is blowing the hell up! :eek1: I'm trying to remember how much she stretches from first sign of bloom,... Oh, the other one is Strawberry Nuggets,... seems I'll have a glut of night-med's this year! :snooze:
Don't be so mean , she is lovely . :bighug: :dancer:
===[[[ Update Week 13+ ]]]===

:jointman: Chop-Eyes the Harvest Man is rollin' through the 'hood now! :woohoo1:.... Problematic GorillaBreath is down, and in the bloody nick of time too... We had some unexpected drizzle/showers fire off late Sun/early Mon. :doh:... I did tuck GB and Lilly into the garage earlier that night after seeing the weather report! :nono: I shudder to think what would happen to GB if she got actual rain on her - :poof:
But the vigilance, gangrene protocol, and the ATAK/Transport did their good works, and losses are pretty minimal. The bud was a bitch to process- :rofl: resins are copious, and as sticky-gummy as it gets! Even as fresh trim, using 91% alcohol to wipe, it was like caramelized sugar stuck on the blades... Lived up to her parents name there! Enough early save bud has dried to give her a good prelim' smoke test = :dizzy: very very potent as is, so I can't wait to see what cure brings... She has an earthy, citrus/lime/light fuel, spicy aroma at harvest.... Total bloom time was only 5 weeks! :hothot:
F'ing-A, only Green Poison F1FV has been this fast and she's half auto!

Next to come down will be CrackLOG, thinking Weds.,... she knotted up some nice chunky, super frosty stuff! @Magic @Ronin ... I'll get more data that matta' for you guys in a couple days- :thumbsup:
After her, Skunk Special looks to be ready later this week! Another very speedy strain :coffee:....

>> Gorilla Breath

>>> CrackLOG

>>> Lilly


>>> Skunk Special ... got the fasciation bud in this time..


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I think FullDuplex is growing 'Bastards - :smoking:...trippy plant!
The white things are styrofoam wedges used to force a branch downward some in order to get it to reach and stretch outward more, and not so straight up... it's LST without the T - :rofl:

She's about as off-spec' as they come and still be an auto, original breeder Krk has never seen this before... but as long as she fatten up and makes fine-ass C99 bud, I'll let it slide! :pimp: :rofl:
Witch Doctor is blowing the hell up! :eek1: I'm trying to remember how much she stretches from first sign of bloom,... Oh, the other one is Strawberry Nuggets,... seems I'll have a glut of night-med's this year! :snooze:
I find vaping night meds has less sedative effect than smoking. My WD got a little over 5', definitely topping next go round.