:smoking: You know me, I'm a variety slut! ...AoF's are reg's, 3 started, a big male is gone to a new home already, the other two are fucking with me, still no isgn of sex!... I'm wondering if AoF is super bitchy about light pollution? The others are fine, but there is ( and always has been where I grow) some low level light from the house, distant yards, etc.,.. never phased the other plants, but perhaps this landrace is not so flexible about it? It's ridiculous now, so I'll see if I can get the client to work a 12/12 on them,... This is why reg's don't suite my situation; time, space, resources all poured into plants that may not be females!
Cherry bomb was thought to be auto, but either a mix-up happened in packaging (came as loose testers to another grower), or she's a misfire... started out in the tent, built up like an auto, but didn't sex until about 6 weeks, which at that point, had her outside full time regardless...
Those are stryofoam wedges I cut to force upper branches down and out, without using all ties... that makes the whole pot a pain to deal with, strung out like a damn puppet!
... I looked at SugarBreath, but Mark waved me off her for my OD conditions, suggesting G'Breath instead.... Did you post porn on SB yet?

.... thanks for the kind words mate,... I may have to hand them back though, shit is going a bit sideways here the last couple weeks-

... I'll explain shortly,...

good! Make sure you get humic-fulvic and Si, very helpful and powerful supplements...

... hopefully you won't need the MnSO4, but it's good to know you have a resource to it,...

funny you bring that up,... coz shit is not doing well ATM!

... underfeeding has happened, not sure but I think the TDS meter is fooked, and they've been getting shorted, which is catching up now... the whole lot is paled-out some, fans getting snacked, N and P defc. glaring... what fucks my bunny is I've seemingly been feeding pretty aggressively, but it's not helping,... pH has been OK, but is sliding around on some now, Skunk is plain off range today... I wondered, since all are doing this shit, has the in-pot ppm load become too rich? So I got pissed and flushed the Skunk some, taking ppm and pH samples as I did,... started out high 5's, but ppm's were not bad at under 1100 on the first test, after a half gal was put through,... hosed her until ppm went down to high 6's, and this is with very hard water (300+ppm, by the iffy meter), which should also offer serious pH buffering =

... got the pH just over 6 temporarily,.... tomorrow more serious dealings will occur... She looks a bit manky IMO now... I've also been hammering some foliars using Transport on all of them, which is helping a bit... .... Anyway, I'm trying to shift into mainly organic bloom, but with the shortage issue, I'm leaning hard on the synthetics for
right-now availability! But for sure they will all be more bare than usual down the road,...

Ahhh, I just popped a WD, along with a Strawberry Nuggets in the tent,... heavy Indi' time, since AoF's may crap out on me,... my hope is that if they were males, they'd have shown it by now like the big boy..?
NQ nearly done finally! .. choppy in a few days I think,....