RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

PRV2.1 Day 39


Bonus more GDBSL

When you purchase seeds from RocBudInc do they sometimes include freebies with your order? And if they do would they send auto seeds if you purchase auto seeds? I have to say it was a little nerve racking going through the buying process. But unlike trying to buy Mephisto seeds where I struck out multiple times and came away empty handed last night I managed to buy two packs. Paying today was very easy too.
That is an absolutely gorgeous plant @Mizzo81 Times like this it would be nice to have taken a couple cuttings off of her before she started flowering. One downside to growing autos.
Tissue culture can regrow an entire plant even after it has been cut down and harvested. You just need a knuckle of the plant. Not too sure the specifics but it is essentially suspended animation in a carefully controlled environment that will last years and can be regrown into a whole new plant. Starts the genetic clock over too. Unlike cloning where you can clone a plant 5 times and you will get an exact copy. After that you will start to see more genetic mutations and instabilities. You can tissue culture a plant over and over and over again as much as you want and it will be an exact copy each time. Cool stuff. I want to study it thoroughly.
When you purchase seeds from RocBudInc do they sometimes include freebies with your order? And if they do would they send auto seeds if you purchase auto seeds? I have to say it was a little nerve racking going through the buying process. But unlike trying to buy Mephisto seeds where I struck out multiple times and came away empty handed last night I managed to buy two packs. Paying today was very easy too.
They always include freebies. Not always autos if you ordered autos, but MOST of the time they have been for me. I know someone else had an issue where they got photo freebies with their auto order. I need one more tent for photos but have absolutely zero room....on that breaker. I already took it from a 15 to a 20 AMP. If I add another tent with light that would trip the breaker. Lol. I'd have to sacrifice one of my two 2x4's for photos. Got too many autos compared to photos to run though. Also if you wanted to get some Mephisto seeds, Neptune currently has 7 auto strains in stock currently. Just FYI @LoveDaAutos
That is an absolutely gorgeous plant @Mizzo81 Times like this it would be nice to have taken a couple cuttings off of her before she started flowering. One downside to growing autos.
I have cuttings from everything in my tent all Rocbud photos and razzle pie turbo. I’ve taken a break from the demand of autos and relied on being able to be a little lazy with photos. If I don’t time something right or whatever I can take an extra couple days to make up for it. Although I’m thinking of running some autos next or getting cuttings from my boy with the cuttings from my tent lol. I need a slightly faster turnaround next run timing for vaca.
Platinum Gucci she’s way ahead of the rest of the tent including the two other platinum Gucci. View attachment 1328989
What mine coulda looked like had I not let ph drift and tried experimenting with new nutrient stuff! Glad I got couple beans left! :yay:

P.S. It’s some fire ass smoke that’s mad tasty!:d5: