Indoor RocBudInc genetics Perpetual SIP earthbox grow

Any chance you've used something in your water that doesn't agree with something else or it went bad? My first bottle of EM1 had gone bad. I was lucky in that there didn't seem to have any ill effects. I think it was the grokashi guy that recommends counting to 10 after water starts coming out the hole when your watering so you flush some of the old water out. After these grows are done I'm going to move the fill tube to the opposite end of the drain tube to get a better flush. I'm also gonna try to add an airstone or even just a tube to aerate the water a bit.
Personally I'm not a fan of taping everything so close that the box is air tight. Quickest way to get wood to rot is stagnant air, water and darkness. In the future, when starting a grow in warm weather, I'll be adding nematodes right at the start. I had taped my boxes tight cause I had an issue with gnats. I thought all was good until I pulled back the cover and a squadron of gnats came flying out.
I don't use the "real" earthbox but is there a possibility something slipped or broke so that your soil is in the water
If you have a piece of 3/8" tubing you could siphon off the water.
Good luck Brah. I feel your pain
Just saw this AM and at first reminded me of a young plant “damping off” but then this Gal is much older and older plants have a protective barrier on their stem that limits fungal penetration BUT the barrier on the stem might have gotten damaged .....

What was done to or with the plant in the previous 96 hours before you noted?

This certainly is a bummer and I feel your pain bro, I almost cried when I saw, but keep your head up high - growing is one big experiment - better days are ahead!
Just saw this AM and at first reminded me of a young plant “damping off” but then this Gal is much older and older plants have a protective barrier on their stem that limits fungal penetration BUT the barrier on the stem might have gotten damaged .....

What was done to or with the plant in the previous 96 hours before you noted?

This certainly is a bummer and I feel your pain bro, I almost cried when I saw, but keep your head up high - growing is one big experiment - better days are ahead!
Man only thing I did was topped off reservoir on Friday, Saturday didn’t mess with it cuz wasn’t anything to do and then yesterday it just went downhill! Do you think it could be nasty inside reservoir with as long as it takes to get wicked up cuz I did use the last of the water off my dinafem girls filling big earthbox and it had some of that Fish Shit brand microbes in it?? When I went to dump the leftover that didn’t fit I waited til next day to dump the jug down the drain and the walls on the milk jug were exploded out like what was inside spoiled or something! Was really weird! :shrug:
If it does die which have a feeling no saving it now then I’m gonna humic acid soak the seed and then direct plant it! That way will only be small opening in cover!
Any chance you've used something in your water that doesn't agree with something else or it went bad? My first bottle of EM1 had gone bad. I was lucky in that there didn't seem to have any ill effects. I think it was the grokashi guy that recommends counting to 10 after water starts coming out the hole when your watering so you flush some of the old water out. After these grows are done I'm going to move the fill tube to the opposite end of the drain tube to get a better flush. I'm also gonna try to add an airstone or even just a tube to aerate the water a bit.
Personally I'm not a fan of taping everything so close that the box is air tight. Quickest way to get wood to rot is stagnant air, water and darkness. In the future, when starting a grow in warm weather, I'll be adding nematodes right at the start. I had taped my boxes tight cause I had an issue with gnats. I thought all was good until I pulled back the cover and a squadron of gnats came flying out.
I don't use the "real" earthbox but is there a possibility something slipped or broke so that your soil is in the water
If you have a piece of 3/8" tubing you could siphon off the water.
Good luck Brah. I feel your pain
And I saw few gnats in big tent that I killed off using diatomaceous earth and sticky cards but never saw single 1 in boxes when I pulled the covers off and think it may be cuz I did water the 3 boxes with nematodes before I planted in them!
Hoping it didn’t but have a feeling this could be from root rot from that reservoir going anaerobic from using that fish shit in the big box! Noticed when I filled it with water it had some nasty brown water that came out overflow hole! Bout to tip sideways to drain some more and see what it’s looking like! Will post pics of water! Not sure if I can tilt it and use bunch of clean water to flush out res and potentially save it! She looks sad and dead like her life support is failing! Think she may code anytime now! :(
Remember Less is More ..... Avoid dirt / top dressings and mulch in direct contact with the stem ..... From the looks seems something went drastically wrong very quickly and I don’t suspect bugs - could of been something in the water or the stem was damaged ......

Shut down or dim lights and let sit a day or so and see if it recovers is about the only thing I can think of - maybe empty tank and refill with fresh water or just empty and let sit - as you know you can tip box to get water out.
Oh and in the juniors using the fish shit stuff hasn’t been an issue but they suck up almost entire reservoir in 24hrs!

When all systems are running I was giving my monster Sam up to 2 1/2 gallons a day, it was unreal the amount of water she went thru.
When all systems are running I was giving my monster Sam up to 2 1/2 gallons a day, it was unreal the amount of water she went thru.
Hey bro do springtails affect cannabis? I realized when I went to top off the oly compost yesterday it had a shit load in the bag! When I just tilted box to dump some water out to see if it smelled funny (which it had 0 smell) but I saw prob 20 springtails floating in the water AND TRYI G TO JUMP OUT THE DISH! Stuff I read thought it said they were annoying but didn’t bother the plants so not sure if u have better insight then random dummies off other forums were sharing??
Thinking totally toast and need to restart but wanna know what to do bout the springtails 1st?!? Not sure if a way to kill them before reusing earthbox cuz don’t wanna chunk that soil with all those worms but I sure will if I need to! Don’t wanna keep an infestation over $20 in worms! Pointers would be appreciated cuz I called already and I’m about to go swap this infested bag out for a fresh 1! Not sure if I need to let box totally dry and cover in DE plus potentially some predator insects?? I’m just confused and in a killing mood so I can restart ASAP! Gotta send 4x4 (even tho bought used ;) ) but they are using the warranty to fix or replace couple spots where saw light leaks! Just super small around a sock vent at bottom and where tool pouch is sewed on! Gonna fix or replace and already talked to guy in charge of warranty dept so good news there at least! :pass::bighug:
Think I need a blunt and a hug!:rofl:
If it’s a root issue that can be washed and saved I do have a quart of that slf100 enzyme stuff? Not sure if it’s too late now but def a learning curve in the big boxes it seems! Juniors were easy peasy but guess I need to watch adding fancy microbes in big box rez and prob keep 1/2 full til I can noticeably see it’s taking up more water each feed where gotta keep increasing it! In another note SORRY LOL BUT KINDA IGNORED YOUR NO VELCRO and added some strips to outside of gold glues jr and bought a $4 roll of 50’ Velcro plant tie and was able to wrap each lower that was stacked and not letting light thru but wrapped em and pulled down and stuck velcro plant tie to strip on box and seems to be working! She’s getting little taller but damn she’s getting wide now! Will do a full update there later but here’s sneak peak!
Trying to keep good light to all the sites since not sandwiched into tent wall like would get in 2x4! Need to do a defol for what won’t tuck and trim some of the larf looking areas from inside on lower satellites! Both in preflower and needing haircut so will do lil choppy chop later to remove the stuff wasting energy from the prime bud sites! Think if in shade or below 18” under top of tallest cola (pretty damn even on like 10 or so tops but if it’s too low don’t want it to steal from top buds! Any pointers on goldy or toofless from those who have grown it I’d appreciate it!