Indoor RocBudInc genetics Perpetual SIP earthbox grow

Obviously not underwatered. Right? Underwatered flagging typically involves loss of turgidity of the petiole as well as the leaves (leaf stems droop)
Overwatering is possible.
Anytime I see this the 1st question I ask is; at what point of the light cycle is the photo taken. Some plants have a lower DLI than others. They get their fill of light and take a nap. I had 5 plants in a tent and every day a couple hours b4 lights out she would flag like she was overwatered. Took me forever to figure out. I was watering once every 48 hours in Coco. She still drooped b4 lights out. Did not make sense.
Until it did. Only other thing I see is perhaps some clawing that may or not be typical of hitting DLI or overwatering. Hope this gives you something.
Obviously not underwatered. Right? Underwatered flagging typically involves loss of turgidity of the petiole as well as the leaves (leaf stems droop)
Overwatering is possible.
Anytime I see this the 1st question I ask is; at what point of the light cycle is the photo taken. Some plants have a lower DLI than others. They get their fill of light and take a nap. I had 5 plants in a tent and every day a couple hours b4 lights out she would flag like she was overwatered. Took me forever to figure out. I was watering once every 48 hours in Coco. She still drooped b4 lights out. Did not make sense.
Until it did. Only other thing I see is perhaps some clawing that may or not be typical of hitting DLI or overwatering. Hope this gives you something.
Earthboxes the water is under the soil and is wicked up so don’t think can be over/under watered but not positive! Need to add a cover over the opening by stem in case it is under cuz of not catching the evaporating water but reservoir is ful! It’s weird but hasn’t been taking water up near the rate I expected! I’m mad confused so guess gotta do lil more investigating once I get home! :shrug:
Do you know if flower pens need to make smoke to get you high?
The plant i referenced took a nap every day b4 lihhts out until I removed enough leaves (solar panels)
It could be several different things.. Or it could be nothing at all. I would just give it a day or two and see if it recovers. I've had plants "rest" like that for a day or so then perk back up.
Oh it’s something I’m thinking it’s the damn springtails I just noticed my bag of oly mountain fish compost was infested with! Do they attack plant roots cuz I put my moisture meter in earthbox and pegged off scale and plant hasn’t seemed to be drinking near what I’d expect for 36 days! That’s only thing I can come up with cuz it went downhill super fast!
2 days ago
Any recommendations on beneficial insect to get or how else to kill the damn things?? Seems like in an earthbox WITH A FULL RESERVOIR that it’ll take forever to let it dry out! And that soil has 1/2 my worms in it so can’t just chunk it!
Spring tails.. If that's what you are seeing, are basically harmless. You usually see spring tails in a reservoir or in water.. If they are that apparent in your soil then it's to moist. Just let it dry out as much as possible. Not sure if that's an option in an earth box.
I pulled the cover and gonna aim the fans down onto soil to dry it some and I’ll dump the reservoir somehow! Maybe tilt at an angle til enough comes out it’ll dry sooner than later! Any advice on this issue @slowandeasy ??