New Grower Roc Bud emerging issues

I use FFOF. I would have laid off the calmag, topped dressed w/the flower girl around the 4 week mark.
Those plant look fine. Finish the grow & enjoy the smoke!
Just circling back with an update, which will likely be the last one on this topic.

@Mañ'O'Green predicted things would get worse before they got better, and man that was the truth. I was starting to get super worried about the girls. I fed them some Maxibloom at 1/2 the recommended dose, but didn't check the PPM, and realized later it was really low (like double digits with my RO water). I fed them plain water the next round, and then gave them 3X the recommended dose, which came in at 327 PPM. Got a touch of tip burn on them, so I'll dial it back a bit next time.

I also dialed back the light to 80% intensity (which is still 558W). The plants have stabilized, growth has increased, most of the leaf droop is gone, and the plants are starting to smell (not the green, I'm a young plant smell, but a nice fruity smell for lack of a better description).

Here are pics of one of the plants on day 42 since sprout. What do you think, another 30 days or so before harvest?

The yield will unquestionably be lower than its potential, but glad that I was able to turn things around and get it to harvest. Thank you all again for sharing your knowledge with me, probably would have thrown in the towel without it!
Roc Bud (Yellow) Mar 31.jpg

Roc Bud (Yellow) Mar 31-2.jpg
Just circling back with an update, which will likely be the last one on this topic.

@Mañ'O'Green predicted things would get worse before they got better, and man that was the truth. I was starting to get super worried about the girls. I fed them some Maxibloom at 1/2 the recommended dose, but didn't check the PPM, and realized later it was really low (like double digits with my RO water). I fed them plain water the next round, and then gave them 3X the recommended dose, which came in at 327 PPM. Got a touch of tip burn on them, so I'll dial it back a bit next time.

I also dialed back the light to 80% intensity (which is still 558W). The plants have stabilized, growth has increased, most of the leaf droop is gone, and the plants are starting to smell (not the green, I'm a young plant smell, but a nice fruity smell for lack of a better description).

Here are pics of one of the plants on day 42 since sprout. What do you think, another 30 days or so before harvest?

The yield will unquestionably be lower than its potential, but glad that I was able to turn things around and get it to harvest. Thank you all again for sharing your knowledge with me, probably would have thrown in the towel without it!
View attachment 1302837
View attachment 1302838
Coming along nicely!
Way to hang in there Boco. Lots of cloudy looking trichs I see so you're getting close, right ? Enjoy, bro ! I made it over here thanks for the tip it's an outstanding board.
Way to hang in there Boco. Lots of cloudy looking trichs I see so you're getting close, right ? Enjoy, bro ! I made it over here thanks for the tip it's an outstanding board.
To be honest, I haven't checked the trichs yet. I can't imagine they are getting close though, it has only been 43 days now, and most of the pistils are still white. That said, I'll pull out the jeweler's loupe and take a look when the lights come back on in a couple hours.
Way to hang in there Boco. Lots of cloudy looking trichs I see so you're getting close, right ? Enjoy, bro ! I made it over here thanks for the tip it's an outstanding board.

Haha, I just reread your post and realized who you are. Glad you came over to check out AFN, and agreed, it really is a great forum. Good luck on your auto grow!
@Cannagus I took out the jewelers loupe and almost 100% of the trichs are clear. I'm not sure where I got this data point from (and folks, correct me if I'm wrong), but I have listed in my spreadsheet that Roc Bud autos tend to take 8-10 weeks on average. I'm just starting week 6 so my hunch is that they will need another 3-4 weeks, maybe longer.

A lot of leaves look worse on both plants, so this is likely going to be a race to the finish line.

One thing I'm thinking about changing is the watering cycle. I've been giving each plant 1/2 gal of water every other day, but they are getting too dry; I start watering and the water just runs out the side of the fabric pots. I think I'm going to move to giving them 1 quart every day. Any thoughts on this approach?

I zoomed in on the top of each main cola for better shots of the trichs, but yeah, a ways to go still:

Man, the plant has been looking so much better, with significant bud swelling over the last 2 days...aaaaaand.....I screwed up again.

I fed them with nutes today, dialed back roughly 10% from last time due to the tip burn, and then realized that for the first time ever, I forgot to PH. Is this an "oh well, PH it next time," or do I need to go in and add some PH'd water? If I remember correctly, last time I fed nutes, the starting PH was around 5.0.

Buds looking nice and frosty though, so hope I can continue down the path to the finish line:

Ph is very important. I had a plant that in 24 hours looked like a torch got to it