New Grower Roc Bud emerging issues

Oh thank god...while I'm not out of the woods yet, I just went into the tent to check on them after lights on, and they are no longer drooping. Everything is nice and perky again. The pots still have some water in them so I'll feed them some nutes tomorrow.

Bonus: the buds on one have turned purple, and the sugar leaves are starting to turn purple where they meet the bud. Lots of trichomes going on.

Side question: from a VPD standpoint, is 32 days considered to be early flower or do I need to adjust the RH for the mid-to-late flower stage?
Oh thank god...while I'm not out of the woods yet, I just went into the tent to check on them after lights on, and they are no longer drooping. Everything is nice and perky again. The pots still have some water in them so I'll feed them some nutes tomorrow.

Bonus: the buds on one have turned purple, and the sugar leaves are starting to turn purple where they meet the bud. Lots of trichomes going on.

Side question: from a VPD standpoint, is 32 days considered to be early flower or do I need to adjust the RH for the mid-to-late flower stage?

Ide say early flower but that's just my opinion lol
I appreciate it, thank you!
OK, yesterday at lights on I fed each plant using 1 gal of RO water with 1/2 t. Maxigro and 1/2t. Maxibloom. I was wanting to grow organic but felt the plants needed some help urgently thus the decision to go with synthetics.

The leaves from middle on down that were already very light green or turning yellow look worse this morning, all of the leaves that were previously green still look to be in good shape.

Question: at what point do people decide to throw in the towel? Part of me wants to pull them and start over. The other part of me says they still have 4-5 weeks to go, and things like the purple coloration on the sugar leaves continues to expand. I realize that if I wait it out, the harvest isn't going to be ideal, but I would still come out with something and it would be a great learning experience to see it through. But I don't want to waste another month if it is going to end up being crap. I'm torn obviously. What would you do if you were a newer grower?
@Mañ'O'Green Yesterday morning, I decided to pull the plug on my two Roc Bud girls, so I turned off the lights, fan, humidifier, etc. But I just went into the tent (haven't had time to chop and bag them yet) and I can see that both plants are continuing bud development. Two questions:

* Today is day 36 since sprout. If you were in my situation, would you keep them going or pull them?
* IF you would stick with them, GH's Maxi line says to fertilize every other watering, but given a lot of the leaves (which you can't see in the following pic) are light green or yellow, should I just feed them every time for the next 2-3+ watering cycles? I would love to grow them to harvest, and get some good bud, but if that isn't in the cards, I don't want to waste time and would prefer to plant some new seeds.

Any feedback from other forum members is welcome, too!

Roc Bud Mar 25.jpg
Here is a pic of the larger plant. The leaf coloring is a lot worse in person.

OK, yesterday at lights on I fed each plant using 1 gal of RO water with 1/2 t. Maxigro and 1/2t. Maxibloom. I was wanting to grow organic but felt the plants needed some help urgently thus the decision to go with synthetics.

The leaves from middle on down that were already very light green or turning yellow look worse this morning, all of the leaves that were previously green still look to be in good shape.

Question: at what point do people decide to throw in the towel? Part of me wants to pull them and start over. The other part of me says they still have 4-5 weeks to go, and things like the purple coloration on the sugar leaves continues to expand. I realize that if I wait it out, the harvest isn't going to be ideal, but I would still come out with something and it would be a great learning experience to see it through. But I don't want to waste another month if it is going to end up being crap. I'm torn obviously. What would you do if you were a newer grower?
I am only giving my personal opinion here... As a new grower, let it go. Still recoverable. Even if she craps out, if you can figure out the cause, the experience you gain will be priceless!!! Try not to see it as a waste of time...unproductive/disappointing sure...but every grow is a learning experience!!!
Here is a pic of the larger plant. The leaf coloring is a lot worse in person.

View attachment 1300591
That plant looks fine to me, No way I would kill it!

You cannot believe how bad plants can get and still produce a worthwhile crop. Don't feed more often just up the PPM of balanced nutrients when you do feed.

Hang in there growbro!
it will finish with more than there is on there now for sure..even if it ends up eating all the fan leaves in the process. No reason to cheat yourself out of additional buds!
Looks like whatever you get will be pretty good.
Sticking with the girls. Watered each today with 8 cups of RO water PH'd in the 6.3-6.5 range. No Cal Mag! (Dammit!). I'll feed them nutes again on Sunday.

The buds are small, but looking healthy. Here is a pic each of the two plants. I'm hoping they start stacking them on (fingers crossed). Thanks again, everyone, for the feedback and suggestions.

Roc Bud Mar 26 (Red tab).jpg

Roc Bud Mar 26 (Yellow tab).jpg
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