New Grower Roc Bud emerging issues

So I chopped them on 5/2. Hung them in darkness with temp of 68F and 50RH. Checked them after 6 days, and daily afterward, branches bent but didn't snap. Today (12 days since chop) I finally decided to trim them and get them in jars for curing. After 5 hours, the hygrometers are all showing ~40RH. I've read posts in which people recommend letting the buds cure for a week or so before adding Bovida bags, but should I just go ahead and add them now? I have a couple boxes of 62RH bags.
So I chopped them on 5/2. Hung them in darkness with temp of 68F and 50RH. Checked them after 6 days, and daily afterward, branches bent but didn't snap. Today (12 days since chop) I finally decided to trim them and get them in jars for curing. After 5 hours, the hygrometers are all showing ~40RH. I've read posts in which people recommend letting the buds cure for a week or so before adding Bovida bags, but should I just go ahead and add them now? I have a couple boxes of 62RH bags.
you dont want the branches to snap before jarring necessarily..
At 50% humidity, they should have been dry enough in 4-5 days.. in the jar for 5 hrs should jump the humidity up to near 70%.. and thats where burping your jars starts. I would put double the needed bovedas in immediately and keep an eye on humidity to see if you can get the humidity back up ..hopefully you didnt dry them too long! next time try drying in paper bags maybe.. pretty easy
