They were free seeds i won anyways so wasn't too worried,Ones that died off had nice stems but tiny tiny heads on them and more or less choked themselves to death lol
They were free seeds i won anyways so wasn't too worried,Ones that died off had nice stems but tiny tiny heads on them and more or less choked themselves to death lol
I bet they will do just fine just document all your grows with them here and talk to Sweet Seeds Jay the rep if you run into that again.They also pop in and watch your grows. Let me know or tag me when you start.
Today is day 26 and they are both in pre flower and still getting grow nutes and cal mag and 3m/l per gal of silica all others are at 5-6 m/l per gal. There are 2 different pheno's one stretched out and not due to to high or weak lighting. each plant has it's own Marsh 300 so she had the light so it will be interesting. The other is short squat and bushy all the Indica traits. I may be wrong but at any rate they are 2 totally different plants structure wise.
They are both in flower and it's go time. The more stretched out plant took a shot as I was moving the light cord and it fell clean cutting the end of the branch along with a top. I tied the wounded branch up at the half cracked node and she will be fine. It will open up light to the lower part of the plant in that little section so all is good. It is the first time I have snapped a branch so it was like fuck that sucked but it could have been much worse.
Temps are 80-81 41-45H
Here is where the damage was nothing big but always something you hate to do is put undo stress on them but not the end of the world. It was a clean cut which surprised me it looks like someone cut a clone off her.It pulled the branch down right at the knuckle then after the pics I tied her up. Both are doing well really looking forward to the second half of the grow.
Thanks,they are pretty healthy! I like somewhere in between the 2. It's good to know I have a show coming up soon! Sorry it took me this long to answer back I miss some alerts ..
I forgot did I ever ask you how the smoke was?
High and taste are pretty decent but i screwed the flush some what when i had to rip her down early so still a bunch of junk in there and burns like crap,Did a water cure on 1/2 of it to leech everything out but when you do that you loose all the smells and flavors
High and taste are pretty decent but i screwed the flush some what when i had to rip her down early so still a bunch of junk in there and burns like crap,Did a water cure on 1/2 of it to leech everything out but when you do that you loose all the smells and flavors
I see so doing the second one will tell you what what smoke should be. Is a water cure when you dunk it in water or something? I guess it is better than losing the whole plant. I have had to pull plants early for different reasons,mainly I grow for 3 people and everyone was out. It had some of the weirdest tastes nothing as it should be. You will get this one down and nailed.
Its just soaking your bud in either RO or distilled water for 5 or 6 days (change water daily) It will pull all the nasties out but like i said before it also strips you of color - taste and smell too which can actually become a bonus for you lol
It makes for great butter as you don't get that greeny grassy hay taste and can also be a great smoke when out in public as it don't stink
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