Indoor Ribbz on Rotation

Hahaha yeah we don't drink it for taste!! ;)
I find it easiest to drink in a half glass of water on an empty stomach. Also do yourself a favor and follow up with a whole glass of water, as tincture dries me out in a major way(any variety)
2ml is a pretty strong dose for your first!! Pay attention to effects, especially if you are planning to high dose at 3ml(i dont personally suggest 4ml, but its up to you!! Certainly not if your heart is not in great condition)...I find much variance in effects. everything from knock out must sleep, to strong waves of euphoria, to "oh shit i took too much" feeling with 100 mile an hour heartbeats.
The morning after the night before....
I see what you mean about the dry mouth. I had a mouth like the Gobi Desert. I woke up this morning with my tongue stuck to my teeth :rofl:
Perphaps 2ml was a big dose to start with, I've never done a tincture before.
It was STRONG. I haven't been that stoned for a long time. It's not like smoking either, much clearer.
The effects started around half an hour after taking it. I'd had a couple of beers and a couple of joints by this point too. Fuzzy head, really heavy eyelids. After an hour I was finding it hard to focus on anything for too long. Losing my train of thought. I was having a conversation with my Mrs, and I just stopped half way through, I didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I gave up doing anything functional at that point. :dizzy:
Walking the dog was fun. I just preyed that I didn't meet another dog walker who wanted a conversation, 'cos I was in NO state to be speaking a second language, I was struggling with English at this point.
I slept like a dead body, woke up with a really thick head, and as I type this, at work, I swear I'm still high. I keep forgetting how to spell really simple words :face:
It's gonna be a long day :backside:
Hahaha yeah we don't drink it for taste!! ;)
I find it easiest to drink in a half glass of water on an empty stomach. Also do yourself a favor and follow up with a whole glass of water, as tincture dries me out in a major way(any variety)
2ml is a pretty strong dose for your first!! Pay attention to effects, especially if you are planning to high dose at 3ml(i dont personally suggest 4ml, but its up to you!! Certainly not if your heart is not in great condition)...I find much variance in effects. everything from knock out must sleep, to strong waves of euphoria, to "oh shit i took too much" feeling with 100 mile an hour heartbeats.
I didn't get any mad heartbeats. I moments of clarity, then waves of stone, increasing with intensity. My body felt heavy, moving my limbs was like moving them through treacle. My speech became slow and laboured. I was quite comfortable the whole time, I enjoyed the ride.
I made the tincture using Fugue State buds, I might make a batch with some Mephisto Cookies, and see what the differences are
Hey @Ribbzzy or @912GreenSkell could you post a link to that tincture recipe, or was it back in this thread a few pages? Always like to make a copy of them for future use, and since there are several victims (users) who can attest to it's ability to properly medicate, this one needs to be documented. Thanks!
Hey @Ribbzzy or @912GreenSkell could you post a link to that tincture recipe, or was it back in this thread a few pages? Always like to make a copy of them for future use, and since there are several victims (users) who can attest to it's ability to properly medicate, this one needs to be documented. Thanks!
The Definitive Green Dragon (Revised)

Here is the very successful result of a considerable amount of research into the elusive and magical Green Dragon.

This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.

1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum – 151 proof, or 195 everclear

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (a sheet of aluminum foil works great) and bake at 250F for 25 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis in 2 oz of 151 proof rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 168 - 170°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One milliliiter (one full eyedropper) is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you must self-titrate (test it on yourself) as each batch will be slightly different. Effects take up to 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).

I place one eyedropper (1ml) of Green Dragon in a small glass. I then add a small amount of water (1-2 ml) and drink. Do this on an empty stomach for best results (about 20-30 minutes before eating a main meal is good).

Process details—references and rationalizations:
1. Chop the cannabis
More surface area gives means a faster and more efficient extraction.

2. Bake the cannabis.
This converts THCA to THC via a decarboxylation reaction.

In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated in the oven, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Society

THC vaporizes at about 380°F. We want to heat the cannabis to convert THCA to THC, but keep the temperature under 380°F. That is why 325°F is used. Between four and five minutes your oven (and house) will start to smell very strong. This is the time to remove the cannabis from the oven.

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction.

3. Use the highest proof alcohol available.
Where I live this is Bacardi 151. The more alcohol the more efficient the extraction will be.

4. Simmer the mixture.
This is one of the areas that seems to be most debated. Many guides call for placing the normal cannabis into the alcohol and waiting 2 – 6 weeks. The main concern with heating the alcohol is that it is “explosive” (not exactly is however flammable).

The purpose of the simmering is to heat the alcohol mixture to improve extraction rates and efficiencies. Heating during extraction increases the motion of the molecules (basic physics/chemistry) and drastically decreases extraction times. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 173°F (78°C). We will use the water bath to heat the rum/cannabis mixture to just below the boiling point of ethanol.

Heating the alcohol mixture can be done very safely using a hot water bath. You will need an accurate candy or quick read thermometer. Place about 1 inch of water in a wide, vertical-edged pan (9” diameter x 3” high). Bring the water to a low simmer. The rum/cannabis mixture should be in a small (1 pint) mason jar. Do NOT cover the jar.

Put the thermometer into the mason jar and place into the simmering water bath. Bring the temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture to about 170°F. The alcohol should be just barely boiling.

You should have the oven fan on high. You will notice that any alcohol fumes are mixed with water vapor from the water bath and vented out the fan. This combined with the fact that you are trying not to boil the ethanol makes the process quite safe.

5. Strain and store.
When you are finished with the extraction you will be left with about 1oz of green dragon tincture after you have strained the extract. Notice that one ounce of the alcohol has evaporated. See the tips below for a good way to strain the tincture.

A standard eyedropper will transfer about 1ml (or 1 gram) of liquid. There are 29 milliliters in one ounce. So you should end up with about 30 or so full eyedroppers (30 milliliters) of Green Dragon.

The liquid should be dark brownish-green and smell like cannabis.

6. Dosage. Titration.
Everybody is different. It takes me between 30-90 minutes to feel the effects of Green Dragon (depending on how much food is in my stomach).

I had tried a tincture someone had made using the cold extraction method with the same amount of cannabis and found that 5 ml (5 full eyedroppers) did pretty much nothing.

Using my Green Dragon technique I find that one dropper will bring effects on in 30-90 minutes and last 5 hours with 1.5 hours of lingering aftereffects.

Two droppers gave me a "spiritual dose" (as strong as any brownie I ever had). Effects lasted 7-8 hours with lingering effects for 2 more hours.

This means that 1/8oz of good cannabis yields about 30-34 doses of tincture (1 dropperful is really all I need)
The morning after the night before....
I see what you mean about the dry mouth. I had a mouth like the Gobi Desert. I woke up this morning with my tongue stuck to my teeth :rofl:
Perphaps 2ml was a big dose to start with, I've never done a tincture before.
It was STRONG. I haven't been that stoned for a long time. It's not like smoking either, much clearer.
The effects started around half an hour after taking it. I'd had a couple of beers and a couple of joints by this point too. Fuzzy head, really heavy eyelids. After an hour I was finding it hard to focus on anything for too long. Losing my train of thought. I was having a conversation with my Mrs, and I just stopped half way through, I didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I gave up doing anything functional at that point. :dizzy:
Walking the dog was fun. I just preyed that I didn't meet another dog walker who wanted a conversation, 'cos I was in NO state to be speaking a second language, I was struggling with English at this point.
I slept like a dead body, woke up with a really thick head, and as I type this, at work, I swear I'm still high. I keep forgetting how to spell really simple words :face:
It's gonna be a long day :backside:
Now that sounds like my kinda night must see if I can get some of that alcohol but being from a country with a serio drinking problem I dont know if it will be sold
The Definitive Green Dragon (Revised)

Here is the very successful result of a considerable amount of research into the elusive and magical Green Dragon.

This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.

1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum – 151 proof, or 195 everclear

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (a sheet of aluminum foil works great) and bake at 250F for 25 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis in 2 oz of 151 proof rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 168 - 170°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One milliliiter (one full eyedropper) is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you must self-titrate (test it on yourself) as each batch will be slightly different. Effects take up to 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).

I place one eyedropper (1ml) of Green Dragon in a small glass. I then add a small amount of water (1-2 ml) and drink. Do this on an empty stomach for best results (about 20-30 minutes before eating a main meal is good).

Process details—references and rationalizations:
1. Chop the cannabis
More surface area gives means a faster and more efficient extraction.

2. Bake the cannabis.
This converts THCA to THC via a decarboxylation reaction.

In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated in the oven, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Society

THC vaporizes at about 380°F. We want to heat the cannabis to convert THCA to THC, but keep the temperature under 380°F. That is why 325°F is used. Between four and five minutes your oven (and house) will start to smell very strong. This is the time to remove the cannabis from the oven.

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction.

3. Use the highest proof alcohol available.
Where I live this is Bacardi 151. The more alcohol the more efficient the extraction will be.

4. Simmer the mixture.
This is one of the areas that seems to be most debated. Many guides call for placing the normal cannabis into the alcohol and waiting 2 – 6 weeks. The main concern with heating the alcohol is that it is “explosive” (not exactly is however flammable).

The purpose of the simmering is to heat the alcohol mixture to improve extraction rates and efficiencies. Heating during extraction increases the motion of the molecules (basic physics/chemistry) and drastically decreases extraction times. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 173°F (78°C). We will use the water bath to heat the rum/cannabis mixture to just below the boiling point of ethanol.

Heating the alcohol mixture can be done very safely using a hot water bath. You will need an accurate candy or quick read thermometer. Place about 1 inch of water in a wide, vertical-edged pan (9” diameter x 3” high). Bring the water to a low simmer. The rum/cannabis mixture should be in a small (1 pint) mason jar. Do NOT cover the jar.

Put the thermometer into the mason jar and place into the simmering water bath. Bring the temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture to about 170°F. The alcohol should be just barely boiling.

You should have the oven fan on high. You will notice that any alcohol fumes are mixed with water vapor from the water bath and vented out the fan. This combined with the fact that you are trying not to boil the ethanol makes the process quite safe.

5. Strain and store.
When you are finished with the extraction you will be left with about 1oz of green dragon tincture after you have strained the extract. Notice that one ounce of the alcohol has evaporated. See the tips below for a good way to strain the tincture.

A standard eyedropper will transfer about 1ml (or 1 gram) of liquid. There are 29 milliliters in one ounce. So you should end up with about 30 or so full eyedroppers (30 milliliters) of Green Dragon.

The liquid should be dark brownish-green and smell like cannabis.

6. Dosage. Titration.
Everybody is different. It takes me between 30-90 minutes to feel the effects of Green Dragon (depending on how much food is in my stomach).

I had tried a tincture someone had made using the cold extraction method with the same amount of cannabis and found that 5 ml (5 full eyedroppers) did pretty much nothing.

Using my Green Dragon technique I find that one dropper will bring effects on in 30-90 minutes and last 5 hours with 1.5 hours of lingering aftereffects.

Two droppers gave me a "spiritual dose" (as strong as any brownie I ever had). Effects lasted 7-8 hours with lingering effects for 2 more hours.

This means that 1/8oz of good cannabis yields about 30-34 doses of tincture (1 dropperful is really all I need)
Ok but of a noob question how would I save this for later apart from writng it down maybe copy paste and save it in a folder or somthing like that