The morning after the night before....
I see what you mean about the dry mouth. I had a mouth like the Gobi Desert. I woke up this morning with my tongue stuck to my teeth

Perphaps 2ml was a big dose to start with, I've never done a tincture before.
It was STRONG. I haven't been that stoned for a long time. It's not like smoking either, much clearer.
The effects started around half an hour after taking it. I'd had a couple of beers and a couple of joints by this point too. Fuzzy head, really heavy eyelids. After an hour I was finding it hard to focus on anything for too long. Losing my train of thought. I was having a conversation with my Mrs, and I just stopped half way through, I didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I gave up doing anything functional at that point.

Walking the dog was fun. I just preyed that I didn't meet another dog walker who wanted a conversation, 'cos I was in NO state to be speaking a second language, I was struggling with English at this point.
I slept like a dead body, woke up with a really thick head, and as I type this, at work, I swear I'm still high. I keep forgetting how to spell really simple words

It's gonna be a long day