Indoor Ribbz on Rotation

96% vodka? [emoji15]
Fucking strong eh? Not the type of thing you'd drink down the park....or would I?


I can't get everclear. this is the best I could find.
:spels: :dancer: :spels:----- :drool: :hump: .... pass the drool cup mate, I'm messing your floor,... :rofl: :nono: ... you have these beauties dancing to your tune Ribz', I love how you've trained them so well! Damn nice work there mate, you should do a little tutorial... I'd go to school there all day! They way they shaped up, you're making the most of such compact growing :d5:.....Shapely indeed! Fugue is a lovely, and those buds are catalog material,....but my eye is drawn to the Nuggets,.. she looks like an Ikebana piece- :zen:
..... I'm enjoying the aromatics reports too- :d5: :thanks:... so few get to it, and it's why behind the nature of the high after all,...:biggrin: ... I get the acrid tang Ribz, I think that'll mellow out a lot after some cure,.... that's one of my favorite things to make notes of, how the aromatic hold or change from live to dry to well cured! Oh- (sees next page)-- is it mellowing out after all?

oooOooohhh,.. Auto CBG!! I have been lusting after Destroyer/Desfran for 3 years now, but wasn't sure she'd finish outside in my climate so I hesitated trying her,... to see it in auto form, from one of the best breeders out there makes my pickle crisp baby!! :woody: ..... CannaBiogen just kills me every time I go window shopping,... I need more seeds like I need a 3rd chin- :crying:.. but there's a solid 7 strains I have to try! Do you do photo's Ribz'? ....Peyote Purple, Lilly, Edy, HashFruit, Caribe, Panama DC (Deep Chunk),...*slobber*...

:clapper: :bow: :slap: -- superb stuff my friend! Be sure to dry-porn us soon, don't be stingy with the love! :rofl:
:spels: :dancer: :spels:----- :drool: :hump: .... pass the drool cup mate, I'm messing your floor,... :rofl: :nono: ... you have these beauties dancing to your tune Ribz', I love how you've trained them so well! Damn nice work there mate, you should do a little tutorial... I'd go to school there all day! They way they shaped up, you're making the most of such compact growing :d5:.....Shapely indeed! Fugue is a lovely, and those buds are catalog material,....but my eye is drawn to the Nuggets,.. she looks like an Ikebana piece- :zen:
..... I'm enjoying the aromatics reports too- :d5: :thanks:... so few get to it, and it's why behind the nature of the high after all,...:biggrin: ... I get the acrid tang Ribz, I think that'll mellow out a lot after some cure,.... that's one of my favorite things to make notes of, how the aromatic hold or change from live to dry to well cured! Oh- (sees next page)-- is it mellowing out after all?

oooOooohhh,.. Auto CBG!! I have been lusting after Destroyer/Desfran for 3 years now, but wasn't sure she'd finish outside in my climate so I hesitated trying her,... to see it in auto form, from one of the best breeders out there makes my pickle crisp baby!! :woody: ..... CannaBiogen just kills me every time I go window shopping,... I need more seeds like I need a 3rd chin- :crying:.. but there's a solid 7 strains I have to try! Do you do photo's Ribz'? ....Peyote Purple, Lilly, Edy, HashFruit, Caribe, Panama DC (Deep Chunk),...*slobber*...

:clapper: :bow: :slap: -- superb stuff my friend! Be sure to dry-porn us soon, don't be stingy with the love! :rofl:
Cheers @Waira high praise indeed :worship:
The Nuggets was short, stocky, sticky, smelly. Quite pleasing.
One of my favourite things is the smells, like you, I love to see how smells can mutate after a cure. Some stay, some go, some change, the Cookies I have, is retaining the acrid smell so far, but the initial sweetness, is breaking down to quite a distinct yeasty/fresh baked bread smell, quite stunning. I just wanna :pie:
Cannabiogen have some stunning stuff, I saw the Auto CBG, I couldn't get my credit card out quick enough.
I don't do photos....yet, my little grow room has light leaks galore, as soon a we upgrade houses, I have designs on running a photo room :d5:
need more seeds like I need a 3rd chin- :crying:.. but there's a solid 7 strains I have to try! Do you do photo's Ribz'? ....Peyote Purple, Lilly, Edy, HashFruit, Caribe, Panama DC (Deep Chunk),...*slobber*...
I think it's only the Peyote Purple and Hash fruit thats cannabiogen? The rest, Lilly, Edy, ect are all Delicatessen Seeds?
The website is not the easiest to navigate :rolleyes1:
Fucking strong eh? Not the type of thing you'd drink down the park....or would I?
View attachment 900269

I can't get everclear. this is the best I could find.

Jesus, man! That shit’s highly flammable. I had something similar from Italy, years ago. Ya couldn’t drink it so I decided to put it in a frying pan and light it, ended up setting fire to Mrs V’s new hand bag! [emoji23]
That new Mephisto gear looks great gonna have to run it myself. Great work !
Cheers fella. :cheers:
You wont be disappointed. :headbang:
The Fugue State is a grown up Amnesia. unless you've smoked a lot of Amnesia, she is hard to nail down, cos the smelll is fairly muted during the grow. I love it. It's growing with stature in the jar, the smell mutates a lot. Delicate citrus tea it was today. Not a hint of skunk
The Nuggets is heavy heavy berry. There was a time when I woud have hurt someone had they disagreed with the Strawberry smell that I coud sense. But now it is just deep earthy berry, slighty jam smell. Reminds me of my Nan making jams during the summer
Cheers fella. :cheers:
You wont be disappointed. :headbang:
The Fugue State is a grown up Amnesia. unless you've smoked a lot of Amnesia, she is hard to nail down, cos the smelll is fairly muted during the grow. I love it. It's growing with stature in the jar, the smell mutates a lot. Delicate citrus tea it was today. Not a hint of skunk
The Nuggets is heavy heavy berry. There was a time when I woud have hurt someone had they disagreed with the Strawberry smell that I coud sense. But now it is just deep earthy berry, slighty jam smell. Reminds me of my Nan making jams during the summer

Sounds amazing. Enjoy buddy
