Dutch Passion Revenge of the AutoUltimates! Grown using the Gas Lantern Routine & Dutch Pro & New LED Spectrum

Thanks for the comments guys!

Corgy, for a first time grower I would suggest something more "mainstream". The only reason is you'll probably find more consensual info out there, and (knock on wood) if something is going wrong it would be much easier to diagnose the issue.

This is the first GLR & auto grow that I know of. I've germed some ABB (thread soon to come...) and I am tempted to try a 24/0 vs GLR side by side... I would love to be able to do 24/0 vs 20/4 vs GLR. The only problem is I've got 4 plants and I ain't killing one! :shooty:


Thanks for the answer.........and you couldn't have done a better job of clinching it, why be do so boringly "mainstream" and give Mapito a miss, even if it is first time around.........you know, कमजोर दिल सुंदर औरत को कभी नहीं जीतता, damn the torpedo's and all that........there is no better way of getting knowledge and experience rammed into my cupful of prridge, such as it is, than learning from my own mistakes or I somehow did it......hopefully there will be 1 or 2 miraculous come-backs along the way, think a certain Istanbul night.......if not, so be it.............and it might provide some entertaining gnashing of teeth along the way.

Will do 8 plants in a 150 x 300 x 215 tent, DP and Mephisto, and guess what, I'll do a comparison grow with 4 x 22,5 l Airpots with soil and Mapito next to each other for handholding and companionship at one end....4 x DP in 2 x soil and 2 x Mapito to have at least a little pheno leeway.......we'll see!

All will hopefully be basking in the LED glow of GN HS1, we'll see about that too!

Sorry for repeating myself, but do you plan to, or have you already reused the Mapito from the first grow?

Yeah, the comparison grow, go for it.......... leave the 1 plant outside an orphanage and claim it back later.......a 24/0 vs 20/4 vs GLR..........would be cannatastically interesting!......and another first time.........ummm, 3 grow rooms, I wish.....!!!
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Salutations The Groff,

It goes like this

12h hours on
5 1/2 hours off
1 hour on
5 1/2 hours off.

Wish me luck


The GLR is only the veg phase, 12 on / 1 off / 5.5 on / 1 off. Not tried, nor will I try it as in my head it makes no sense for autos.

Sorry to bother over an apparent confusion in the title (« ...Grown using the Gas Lantern Routine... »), in any case i believe 12 + 1 + 5.5 + 1 would result in a 19½ h day... So, what planet is that nicely creative experiment being conducted on exactly!?... :rolleyes2::tongue:

Yet, simply to ensure i didn't miss the important details relative to a true GLR schedule in vegetative phase:


A Garden of Peace (by Daniel Boughen)

This author appears to recommend 16/8 in germination, 12//1/ in vegetation and 10/14 in flowering... So i'd feel safe enough to guess "GLR" would actually correspond to this sequence instead:

Gas Lantern Routine (12-5.5-1-5.5) .JPG

Or did you implement the routine as defined in Boughen's book relatively to the vegetation phase and then switch to an alternate regime during flowering?

The title as formulated didn't prepare me for this, which is why i must raise the matter hoping you won't mind for such curiosity.

Good day, have fun!!

Hi again The Groff,

Good ganja you have...

Nah... Thanks sir for the good vibes but the last batch i got my hands on felt less than properly cured to be honest, so i actually suspect my favourite consumption methods simply happen to make the best of it!



Have you considered vaporism lately? :rolleyes2:

I don't see where the issue is. It's been well explained...

There's no such thing as an issue The Groff, sorry i just need to re-read the thread and pay less attention to illustrations - which is too much asking of me at the moment. But i'll revisit, most certainly!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
great work, and they look like they would still be going for it if they had another week. Really nice looking blooms and pics :)

Right you were Tony! But I don't regret it. I much prefer an early cut than a late one.

But being my first time doing the Gas Lantern Routine and AU and Dutch Pro and Mapito, and losing my loupe to check triches, and anxious to try it (oh the smell!!! )... I couldn't wait any longer. They could have gone for more time, for sure. The buds were just so damn big and dense! Some foxtailing going on, then all of a sudden, WHAM, started spitting out more pistils. Crazy!

At the end of the timelapse video I did a quick math, I'll expand my reasoning here.
The Gas Lantern Routine potential - worth it or not?

start to end 100 days, or (x13 hours/day on total) = 1300 hours of electricity seed to weed.
Assuming equal yields;
On the 20/4 light schedule, this would correspond to (1300/20) = 65 days.
100-65 = 35 days difference.

The only real advantage I see here is price of electricity. 13h/day on the GLR may well fit extreme budget growers very well, especially if they're using HID's, or cheap-night tariffs. For us LED boys/gals not so much. Then there is heating cost involved, that I didn't feel so much because this room is very well insulated.

For me, it wasn't worth it. But I will try it again. This certainly does have potential for exploration!
I certainly have more ideas! If I ever do a grow diary that isn't apparently insane, please shoot me! :crying:
I've popped 4 auto-blackberries and ready to cause some trouble :smoking:
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Wow, really interesting grow Groff man.... last time I saw you , you were on 420 doing Alien...
You got skills Bro, looking around for your next grow.... send me a link

Thanks mate, I'm sure to update my sig when I kick it off. Keep a look out, they are Auto Blackberries.
Right you were Tony! But I don't regret it. I much prefer an early cut than a late one.

But being my first time doing the Gas Lantern Routine and AU and Dutch Pro and Mapito, and losing my loupe to check triches, and anxious to try it (oh the smell!!! )... I couldn't wait any longer. They could have gone for more time, for sure. The buds were just so damn big and dense! Some foxtailing going on, then all of a sudden, WHAM, started spitting out more pistils. Crazy!

At the end of the timelapse video I did a quick math, I'll expand my reasoning here.
The Gas Lantern Routine potential - worth it or not?

start to end 100 days, or (x13 hours/day on total) = 1300 hours of electricity seed to weed.
Assuming equal yields;
On the 20/4 light schedule, this would correspond to (1300/20) = 65 days.
100-65 = 35 days difference.

The only real advantage I see here is price of electricity. 13h/day on the GLR may well fit extreme budget growers very well, especially if they're using HID's, or cheap-night tariffs. For us LED boys/gals not so much. Then there is heating cost involved, that I didn't feel so much because this room is very well insulated.

For me, it wasn't worth it. But I will try it again. This certainly does have potential for exploration!
I certainly have more ideas! If I ever do a grow diary that isn't apparently insane, please shoot me! :crying:
I've popped 4 auto-blackberries and ready to cause some trouble :smoking:

Those Blackberries.....will they be subjected to the Gasman's administrations too?


Regarding the calculations, do you have the gut feeling that 65 days at 20/4 would equal the yield of 100 days GLR?

Anyways, can't wait to see what "insanity" you will come up with next!
Those Blackberries.....will they be subjected to the Gasman's administrations too?


Regarding the calculations, do you have the gut feeling that 65 days at 20/4 would equal the yield of 100 days GLR?

Anyways, can't wait to see what "insanity" you will come up with next!

Yes, that's the idea. Maintaining yield as a constant, 100 days of the Gas Lantern Routine equals 65 days on 20/4. Not worth the trouble unless you really do have a super great electrical night savings plan.

I've made up my mind on the ABB's! Going to be fun. Not doing the Gas Lantern Routing. I'm doing

"Groff's Super Special Turbo Powered Autoflower Light-Speed Schedule" - I should probably trademark that :smoking:

Spent the day, again, retrofitting my room for the next round of tests. Stay tuned!