Dutch Passion Revenge of the AutoUltimates! Grown using the Gas Lantern Routine & Dutch Pro & New LED Spectrum

Damn I was hoping to be the first. All the same I didn't even know anyone had tried this yet. Awesome Groff! I am in the early stages 20 so days from seed. I would be honored to have you pop by. The top 2 in my sig. Going to go watch video now.

The experiment continues.
Hope mine look like that someday..............lol!


Day 90 / 12 days of flush

I think this is it folk! Waterred them last night, fan leaves are a bit too slow to yellow out. Think I'm going to call in game-time and switch off the lights tonight. 2 days darkness, and then the chop! New pistils shooting out, but the show can't go on...








the Circadian clock of a photo-period Cannabis is not exactly 12 hours it can range from 11 hours to 14 hours. Seems to me it would be easier to find your strain's trigger point and use that rather than all this monkeying around. If you have a strain that will flower at say 13 hours use that and gain an hour's growth per day. 'Ive yet to see any proof that this method is more effective than a 12/12 or 13/11 schedule. Yes you can grow this way and have good plants but I do not believe you are getting the most from your plants this way, and the disruptive schedule may actually be detrimental to the plants health.
And without line conditioning and proper filtering, your not going to spoof the electric company for long either.....

On the other hand, you can just grow autos and leave the light on............lol!

the Circadian clock of a photo-period Cannabis is not exactly 12 hours it can range from 11 hours to 14 hours. Seems to me it would be easier to find your strain's trigger point and use that rather than all this monkeying around. If you have a strain that will flower at say 13 hours use that and gain an hour's growth per day. 'Ive yet to see any proof that this method is more effective than a 12/12 or 13/11 schedule. Yes you can grow this way and have good plants but I do not believe you are getting the most from your plants this way, and the disruptive schedule may actually be detrimental to the plants health.
And without line conditioning and proper filtering, your not going to spoof the electric company for long either.....

On the other hand, you can just grow autos and leave the light on............lol!


Yes, and yes, and I don't know.....
I was sure that @Corgy was wasting his time growing weed with milk powder.
Seemed like a silly game, even wasteful.

I was wrong, again. He got 2 ounces of dry buds from milk powder.
Some things that I am sure about.... are just wrong.

I grow with 24 hour lights for simplicity.
But we need growers like @Groff, trying and documenting crazy, wrong ideas.
Actually, I think Groff said he got the idea from a well respected breeder.
Just to clarify, @Broadsword was the first to my knowledge, that tried the milk powder feed and I merely duplicated it. And just like me he grew in medium pre-loaded with some notes, his maybe a little more than the lightmix I used, which may explain why I found the milk dosis/amount he used too weak, and even when increasing it 10 times to 10 g /L, it never really looked liked a happy plant. Sure, it scraped through and gave 63 g of very potent buds IMHO, but until I try growing in a completely neutral medium, Mapito or RFX would be my choice, my conclusion is that it really is just an indication.
How much, or little, did the known unknown amount of notes contribute, and would to milk lady have made it to the finishing line if they hadn't been there?

I just love exploring all the little nooks and crannies of this hobby.......

Regarding the GLR, sure I'll try it, but only when I have some more grows and experience under my belt, with the same strain, say Think Different or Ultimate, so I have a reasonable track record to compare against. The power savings is right up my alley, and needs to be evaluated and stacked up against yield/quality.
Perhaps an opportunity to do 2 rooms with everything the same except the light schedule will present itself in 5-6 months, we'll see.
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I respect his testing of the theory. I discount anecdotal "evidence" that has no fact based side by side comparison. Don't tell me you can tell just by looking, "this crop is better than the last one". SHOW ME it works as claimed, don't just tell me it does. What I see here is, yes, you can grow using this technique. It does not provide evidence that it works well enough to replace more standard methods. I also did not say it wouldn't work. My post was to point out potential problems with growing with this method.
and my opinion for what it may be worth... lol... is that auto Ultimates are not the best choice for this test. Hell from what I've seen, you could put one in a dark corner and piss on it a couple time a week and still grow 1/2 a pound!!


Yes, and yes, and I don't know.....
I was sure that @Corgy was wasting his time growing weed with milk powder.
Seemed like a silly game, even wasteful.

I was wrong, again. He got 2 ounces of dry buds from milk powder.
Some things that I am sure about.... are just wrong.

I grow with 24 hour lights for simplicity.
But we need growers like @Groff, trying and documenting crazy, wrong ideas.
Actually, I think Groff said he got the idea from a well respected breeder.