so ive got about roughly 36 quarts of medium that is comprised of 70% ocean forest and 30% perlite, amended with 1 1/2 tbs of lime per gallon. Ive done a run of plants through it already and would like to be able to reuse my soil for later runs.
I'm looking for recommendations on amendments and quantities as well as a recommended sit / recuperation time frame. I was thinking blood / bone meal. Epsom salt, and maybe worm casings.? I am just unsure as to the ratio i should be adding these if anything.I added about two dozen earthworms into the bin today for while its sitting there to help keep it oxygenated and keep adding fresh casings into the soil.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Anything else you would add other than what i listed? Maybe take something out? Really any insight would be wonderful. I just hate to keep buying soil every time. Especially if I can just amend the medium I already have to keep it healthy. Thanks ahead of time guys stylez rasta smoke
I'm looking for recommendations on amendments and quantities as well as a recommended sit / recuperation time frame. I was thinking blood / bone meal. Epsom salt, and maybe worm casings.? I am just unsure as to the ratio i should be adding these if anything.I added about two dozen earthworms into the bin today for while its sitting there to help keep it oxygenated and keep adding fresh casings into the soil.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Anything else you would add other than what i listed? Maybe take something out? Really any insight would be wonderful. I just hate to keep buying soil every time. Especially if I can just amend the medium I already have to keep it healthy. Thanks ahead of time guys stylez rasta smoke