Reusing Ocean Forest.?

Jan 13, 2013
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so ive got about roughly 36 quarts of medium that is comprised of 70% ocean forest and 30% perlite, amended with 1 1/2 tbs of lime per gallon. Ive done a run of plants through it already and would like to be able to reuse my soil for later runs.

I'm looking for recommendations on amendments and quantities as well as a recommended sit / recuperation time frame. I was thinking blood / bone meal. Epsom salt, and maybe worm casings.? I am just unsure as to the ratio i should be adding these if anything.I added about two dozen earthworms into the bin today for while its sitting there to help keep it oxygenated and keep adding fresh casings into the soil.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Anything else you would add other than what i listed? Maybe take something out? Really any insight would be wonderful. I just hate to keep buying soil every time. Especially if I can just amend the medium I already have to keep it healthy. Thanks ahead of time guys stylez rasta smoke
I love this idea, hopefuly some of the farmers on here will know! Sub'ed :pop:
Yup-I'm watching this one too. I'm going to be re-using my soil after the first of the year. If its fairly well amended the first time around how do you know how to amend it the second time with out turning it too hot? I'm thinking it has to be somewhat of a judgement call. I think I'll re-amend my stuff lightly and watch for any deficiencies. That's kinda my plan anyhow
Yup-I'm watching this one too. I'm going to be re-using my soil after the first of the year. If its fairly well amended the first time around how do you know how to amend it the second time with out turning it too hot? I'm thinking it has to be somewhat of a judgement call. I think I'll re-amend my stuff lightly and watch for any deficiencies. That's kinda my plan anyhow

This was exactly my concern since ocean forest can tend to run a tad hot for seedlings, i could always start them out in tier cups with light warrior first then transplant them. I do worry about being to hot even after that though since i've never self amended anything but lime before. Im just hoping for rough general amendment quantity guidelines from anyone with experience using these products.

I was just thinking of using the amendments found here

and just replacing the compo and perlite with the medium i already have. But id like to have a pros yay or nay in regards to opinions first before i go throwing money at it.
You can not swap spent soil for Compost in that recipe. The compost adds it's own Micros/Humics and a lot of stuff your soil just doesn't have any more. If you're going for a TLO mix I don't know much about that. I use fertilizers (chem/organic) and I mix my spent soil with fresh bagged soil or compost 50/50. Depending on the amount of perlite I might add more of that.
so then would reusing soil just be a waste of time? Seems to me that there is alot of potential nutritional value left in the medium regardless of the plants that went through it. I would think it just needs to be revitalized since its all organic compounds continuously breaking down.
I reuse soil all the time I don't think it's a waste at all, saves me a lot of money really. You just can't swap spent soil for compost as they are different. You may be able to mix compost and spent soil to get a similar effect. Unfortunately I don't know what you would need to add to freshen up your soil, hopefully some one with a little more info will step in here. :D
Some worm poo would liven it up, but if you're going to be mixing soil I suggest you read the TLO thread, pick a recipe and DO NOT DEVIATE OR SUBSTITUTE ANY INGREDIENT!

I'm still getting a hang on good tlo soil, but it's worth it. best pot ever.
I made my initial batch of TLO with used FFOF. I flushed and flushed and flushed and substituted it for the compost in L's recipe. The EWC and the guano's will provide a micro-herd and the other amendments will feed it, let it cook for 30-45 days, and you're "live". It has been healthy and reused/re-amended for almost 2 years. :peace: